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Ian, Week 11 (HoH - Part 2 & 3) WINNER OF BB14, $500,000


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I want Ian to win it and wish he got a secret power from Pandora's box where if he wins the final comp he can then choose to replace both Dan and Dani with a jury member for the F2. What a twist that would be and such a shocker. I don't think Dani deserves it and the coaches had free game play and then got to play against some who imo had no clue of how to play BB and were recruited and did not apply and then play against Janelle, Boogie and Dan totally unfair.

They all need to appreciate being in there and be respectful of the house and take care of their mess while they are in there. Can't they each pick a area to clean and switch it up every day. I'm sure some one is adult enough to come up with something besides being a bunch of slobs.

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I want Ian to win it and wish he got a secret power from Pandora's box where if he wins the final comp he can then choose to replace both Dan and Dani with a jury member for the F2. What a twist that would be and such a shocker. I don't think Dani deserves it and the coaches had free game play and then got to play against some who imo had no clue of how to play BB and were recruited and did not apply and then play against Janelle, Boogie and Dan totally unfair.

They all need to appreciate being in there and be respectful of the house and take care of their mess while they are in there. Can't they each pick a area to clean and switch it up every day. I'm sure some one is adult enough to come up with something besides being a bunch of slobs.

That would be a great twist indeed Jerseygirl letting the winner have a pov to choose someone from the jury. I love it, and looking at how they live in the house reminds me of me from nine to when I was thirteen. What kind of people are these? Stuff is strewn all over. Then they wonder about ants in the ice cubes? Ants love places that have places to hide. The HGs have nothing to do all day. It is like the people I know who are on welfare who stay home all day and are slobs. (Not all are like this) but the ones who are like this boggle my mind because if you have the luxury of staying home to take care of your kids, part of your job is to teach them to be clean. These people have nothing to do and even if they are talking game, what is to keep them from picking stuff up folding and putting away?

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OK, now Ian is just CREEPY! The way he swings on that hammock talking to himself, or the voices in his head, just creeps me out! I don't care what anyone says I think he is going to do something really bad in his lifetime. He is not practicing his speech for the jury. Listen to some of the things he repeats over and over. He needs a shrink.

Why is he going to do something bad in his lifetime? Because he is different, he is quirky? Most likely he has Asperbergers. There are a lot of people who are on the autism spectrum who are intelligent but socially awkward. People who think anyone who is different is going to harm others is just uncalled for. Hoping Ian wins or gets second place.

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OK, now Ian is just CREEPY! The way he swings on that hammock talking to himself, or the voices in his head, just creeps me out! I don't care what anyone says I think he is going to do something really bad in his lifetime. He is not practicing his speech for the jury. Listen to some of the things he repeats over and over. He needs a shrink.

Ian probably has one :D

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Go Ian!!! Dani is nothing but a crazy & bulling b#tch. Do not let her get to you. Like threatening you w/Shane's vote if you do not take her---well, Crazy Girl, Shane would vote for you and NOT Ian so why would her take you to F2. Go ahead and get her out of the house as Dan & Ian both say she is ruining their last days in the house. Come on AG---get rid of Dani!!!!

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What Danielle was doing to Ian yesterday was disgusting and so is Dan. He has made it to the final 2 so he should shut up and not cause anymore drama. I do not know why he feels he has to make a big production out of everything he does but I am sick of him and Danielle both. Ian while he may be different he is the one I am rooting for. I wish he would have stood up yesterday and told her 1. If you were not so stupid as to use the veto on Dan your boyfriend would still be here and I would be gone and you would be having this conversation with someone else. 2. If you wanted to win so bad you shouldn't have dropped in the first HOH. I don't know if he knows she threw it to Dan but I would say it anyway.3. I am not taking you so shut up. This has been an interesting year of big brother for me. I hope never to have to see either Dan or Danielle ever again on this show. I know everyone thinks Dan is this wonderful person and player I think he is disgusting. I think he has gone way overboard especially now when he knows he is in the finale and keeps on pushing the dramatics which at this point just makes me sick. Oh well I am done venting. Go Ian!!!!!!!!!!

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What Danielle was doing to Ian yesterday was disgusting and so is Dan. He has made it to the final 2 so he should shut up and not cause anymore drama. I do not know why he feels he has to make a big production out of everything he does but I am sick of him and Danielle both. Ian while he may be different he is the one I am rooting for. I wish he would have stood up yesterday and told her 1. If you were not so stupid as to use the veto on Dan your boyfriend would still be here and I would be gone and you would be having this conversation with someone else. 2. If you wanted to win so bad you shouldn't have dropped in the first HOH. I don't know if he knows she threw it to Dan but I would say it anyway.3. I am not taking you so shut up. This has been an interesting year of big brother for me. I hope never to have to see either Dan or Danielle ever again on this show. I know everyone thinks Dan is this wonderful person and player I think he is disgusting. I think he has gone way overboard especially now when he knows he is in the finale and keeps on pushing the dramatics which at this point just makes me sick. Oh well I am done venting. Go Ian!!!!!!!!!!

Hey I like the little Nerd Muffin most of the time but if you are in the Big Brother house you are most likely going to get yelled at or treated wrong in some way.

Ian is doing just fine in the game and he doesn't need any special treatment. He doesn't need protection. He is not handicapped and he doesn't need all these mommies sticking up for him. He can hold his own. geeeeeeeeeeeez.

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Yes Janis, Go Ian, as for Dan, I thought the funeral was genius, but his turning on Danl was overdone. I objected to the swear on the Bible thing because if one is a believer, that belief transcends the game. Any person ought to be able to know that another person has a line they will not pass. In this game one should not put that reality aside. I can not believe Dan has gone through all the money he won before. That seems to me to indicate a person out of control in the real world and it is reflected in his desperation to win and to do anything at all to win. That is where your disgust is warranted. I do not object to him using Danl to try to influence Ian to either throw the comp or by virtue of her awfulness to confirm him in taking Dan to the end, that is good manipulation and game play. I like what you propose for him to say to Danl. But I think he should take her to the f2 and let everyone know he is capable of seeing through the mist.

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Hey I like the little Nerd Muffin most of the time but if you are in the Big Brother house you are most likely going to get yelled at or treated wrong in some way.

Ian is doing just fine in the game and he doesn't need any special treatment. He doesn't need protection. He is not handicapped and he doesn't need all these mommies sticking up for him. He can hold his own. geeeeeeeeeeeez.

Exactly if anything he has had a advantage with his knowledge of BB and a photographic memory. He did get MB out by lying and scheming, he has been as devious as anyone in the house, and I don't say this in a bad way.

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I never said I was protecting him I am disgusted with the behavior of Dan and Danielle. Everything doesn't have to be a big production. Ian has already said he wasn't throwing the HOH to Dan. So I really don't think any theatrics he can come up with is going to change the kids mind. What she was saying made absolutely no sense, If you kick me out I will make sure that Shane doesn't vote for you. Shane won't vote for him anyway if Danielle is sitting next to him.... She must think the kid is absolutly stupid. I do not like Dan or Danielle never have been a fan of Dan's. So in my opinion he is disgusting. So GO IAN!!!!

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Hey I like the little Nerd Muffin most of the time but if you are in the Big Brother house you are most likely going to get yelled at or treated wrong in some way.

Ian is doing just fine in the game and he doesn't need any special treatment. He doesn't need protection. He is not handicapped and he doesn't need all these mommies sticking up for him. He can hold his own. geeeeeeeeeeeez.

Exactly if anything he has had a advantage with his knowledge of BB and a photographic memory. He did get MB out by lying and scheming, he has been as devious as anyone in the house, and I don't say this in a bad way.

Exactly! And he never washes his dishes and I'm sick of seeing him walking around in his underwear, and I DO say this in a bad way! LOL

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I can not believe Dan has gone through all the money he won before. That seems to me to indicate a person out of control in the real world and it is reflected in his desperation to win and to do anything at all to win.

Dan has always said that he made a few small purchases and the rest of his winnings he invested. He went back to work, wrote some books and said he has not really touched the money he won. :lol:

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Dan has always said that he made a few small purchases and the rest of his winnings he invested. He went back to work, wrote some books and said he has not really touched the money he won. :lol:

Hey Marty, I wonder how much the she-bitch of last season has left??

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If Ian wins HOH, he is going to win regardless of who he takes with him. If it's Dan vs Dani, Dan will say that he influenced Dani's decisions and any moves she made were really his own. But he can't say that about Ian. Ian played a great all around game. He did everything the jury looks for in a winner - he won a lot of comps, he was good socially (except with Frank) and he made big moves.

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I think they they really want to keep the feeders and any speculation up in the air. Dan has also said many conflicting things about who he is going to take or if he is playing part 3 to win or throwing it.

It will make Wednesday even more exciting because we have no idea who is going to be F2 and we have really no idea about the jury votes.

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I can not believe Dan has gone through all the money he won before. That seems to me to indicate a person out of control in the real world and it is reflected in his desperation to win and to do anything at all to win. That is where your disgust is warranted.

Where did you read or hear that he went through all his money? He has said that he invested most of his winnings and that they are doing alright. Even if he did spend it on hookers or drugs, who cares? What someone decides to do with the money is irrelevant.

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Seriously?? PPl are faulting Dan for "perhaps" blowing " through his money?? How much does one get after taxes for winning $500k? I live in MA and $500k after taxes would not get me very far in life ;;;Geez...AR has raised their prize to $2 mil.. Survivor is $1 mil.. come on prods...AG!!...BB has consistently been Top10-20 all summer...making you great cake!!....can't you up the prize??

But this is the Ian thread...if he honors his F2 with Dan think Ian will take it!! Will be so happy for him! But would love Dan to win again as well...

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