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Danielle, Week 11 - Evicted 9/19, 3rd Place


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Well, I was way off about Danielle knowing Shane was going. If she was acting like some of you think... BB really did a disservice to Ian and Dan by letting Shane watch so much of that explanation. No way Shane holds it against Danielle now.

I was thinking the same! Did they let Shane see that segment? Or was it just edited that way? I thought they've never shown any live convo segment for evicted hgs...

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Danielle ain't havin' none of Dan's shenanigans/antics on those hooks, is she? :lol2: She be one pissed off nomance momma!

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She sure got smiley after Ian dropped and Dan flashed her his pearly whites! :D

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Look, Dan knows this girl better than she knows herself. She wasn't really that mad during the convo after Shane was evicted. Once Dan explained the vote count, she was just fine.

Dan told her that she had three votes in the JH. Now, it's up to her to figure out that she needs to win the HOH and evict him for the 4th vote. If she cannot figure that out, then the student hasn't learned anything.

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Danielle: I salute you with my new Avatar...Epic moment.

Only to be followed by more stupidy of throwing 1st part of HOH to Dan.

You are truly a phenom of cluelessness.

Yes, you may make F2 but you threw away a pretty sure chance at $50K with both Dan and Shane staying.

And, blew your best (and probably only) chance at $450k but allowing Shane to go.

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Is it me or does she have absolutely no backbone. She has done what ever Dan has told her to do from the beginning and when he broke her trust she still trusted him. The fact that she actually pulled him off the block just shows she will do what he says no matter what. If she is in the Final two I think she will win, but only because I think the majority of the jury will not want to award Dan the money when he won the show once before. Him making it to final two though is pretty much gauranteed because Danielle will take him and so will Ian. I am actually rooting for Ian or Danielle to win the HOH and then take the other to the final two and send Dan packing to the jury. That would be the biggest move of the summer, when he is all smug thinking he will be in the final two no matter what and then have it taken from him would be perfect.

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Is it me or does she have absolutely no backbone. She has done what ever Dan has told her to do from the beginning and when he broke her trust she still trusted him. The fact that she actually pulled him off the block just shows she will do what he says no matter what. If she is in the Final two I think she will win, but only because I think the majority of the jury will not want to award Dan the money when he won the show once before. Him making it to final two though is pretty much gauranteed because Danielle will take him and so will Ian. I am actually rooting for Ian or Danielle to win the HOH and then take the other to the final two and send Dan packing to the jury. That would be the biggest move of the summer, when he is all smug thinking he will be in the final two no matter what and then have it taken from him would be perfect.

Everything Dan has done in this game has helped Dani to get this far and will help her get votes if she is in final 2.

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Is it me or does she have absolutely no backbone. She has done what ever Dan has told her to do from the beginning and when he broke her trust she still trusted him. The fact that she actually pulled him off the block just shows she will do what he says no matter what. If she is in the Final two I think she will win, but only because I think the majority of the jury will not want to award Dan the money when he won the show once before. Him making it to final two though is pretty much gauranteed because Danielle will take him and so will Ian. I am actually rooting for Ian or Danielle to win the HOH and then take the other to the final two and send Dan packing to the jury. That would be the biggest move of the summer, when he is all smug thinking he will be in the final two no matter what and then have it taken from him would be perfect.

That would be a strong finish for this season! I wouldn't mind seeing that :)!

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Is it me or does she have absolutely no backbone. She has done what ever Dan has told her to do from the beginning and when he broke her trust she still trusted him. The fact that she actually pulled him off the block just shows she will do what he says no matter what. If she is in the Final two I think she will win, but only because I think the majority of the jury will not want to award Dan the money when he won the show once before. Him making it to final two though is pretty much gauranteed because Danielle will take him and so will Ian. I am actually rooting for Ian or Danielle to win the HOH and then take the other to the final two and send Dan packing to the jury. That would be the biggest move of the summer, when he is all smug thinking he will be in the final two no matter what and then have it taken from him would be perfect.

When Dan said to her she could make it up to him by taking him off the block, I was like WHAAAAAT???

She had everything she wanted, and let Dan talk her out of it. Great for his game, limited hers.

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Again, looks like bad acting to me. The show felt really scripted tonight.

LOL, hmmmmmmm, every time Dan made a move, he made it a point to look in the camera and then, wow! Dan in the DR, how convenient....and, then, Dan once again, explaing in full detail to Danielle, how he "had to do THIS PLAy BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT COACHES DO..... :animated_rotfl: ..........SCRIPTED????'

No! All of it was just off the top of Dan's head, like all the rest of his big moves.........you must have not been "misted" enough to see through it.

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I can't believe how easily manipulated Danielle is by Dan. Seriously??? I hope Ian wins this game since my fave player Shane was just sent home by his so called girlfriend in the house...Dan already won this once before, Danielle doesn't seem to have a mind of her own- she might give her winning to dan since she feels like she owes him so much...(shes so dumb) id be surprise if she wins- I hope she doesn't and I hope Shane doesn't date her off the show... I am voting for Ian to win. At least Ian has brains... Really unhappy with Danielle. I'm surprise she even came to the show at her own will...

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I can't believe how easily manipulated Danielle is by Dan. Seriously??? I hope Ian wins this game since my fave player Shane was just sent home by his so called girlfriend in the house...Dan already won this once before, Danielle doesn't seem to have a mind of her own- she might give her winning to dan since she feels like she owes him so much...(shes so dumb) id be surprise if she wins- I hope she doesn't and I hope Shane doesn't date her off the show... I am voting for Ian to win. At least Ian has brains... Really unhappy with Danielle. I'm surprise she even came to the show at her own will...

Ian can't be to smart because he admitted to Dan that he threw this HOH comp.

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I give Dani more credit than most of you here. She's not as innocent or dumb as she would like everyone to believe. Her style of play may just get her $500,000. After all.....isn't that the name of the game?

Agreed, she is very good at playing dumb, but some of her conversations with Jenn and others shows she is not as clueless as she appears. I think she knew that she likely could not win against Shane, and that she could not win against Ian, but she has a solid chance against Dan, and Dan has protected her the whole game even when she did not understand how he did it. Also I am not so sure Ian will not take Danielle to the final 2, much easier to convince the jury he is the better pick then Dan when Dan has so much blood on his hands.

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I give Dani more credit than most of you here. She's not as innocent or dumb as she would like everyone to believe. Her style of play may just get her $500,000. After all.....isn't that the name of the game?

Yep I've been a fan of hers from the beginning, and yes I have voted for her to win.

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