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Danielle Murphree, Week 9 (Replacement Nominee)


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Dan won't vote her out unless he knows with 100% certainty that Ian will send her home b/c it will expose him to her. And sending her home makes him look even worse to a jury that already has a negative opinion about his backstabbing ways. Yes, Jenn is the easiest to beat in the final 2 but getting her there with him is a lot harder than getting Dani there.

I believe the jury would respect Dan's game move sending Dani out this week. Jury usually goes on who plays the smartest game.

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I believe the jury would respect Dan's game move sending Dani out this week. Jury usually goes on who plays the smartest game.

Agree. Dan knows that his chances are very slim that he would win against anyone but Jenn. He already has laid the ground work with Ian that Dani and Shane are too close. Them going together on the night out reinforced their tight bond. Dan himself has told the members of the jury that he stopped trusting Dani. They wouldn't be surprised to see her walk into the jury house.

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I believe the jury would respect Dan's game move sending Dani out this week. Jury usually goes on who plays the smartest game.

I think this jury will be different because they haven't been out of the house as long as most juries. Sure, Brit and Ash will have had time to settle down by finale night but Frank and Joe will have only been out of the house for 13 days and Dani would be out just over a week. Dan also has the huge disadvantage of having won already and all the newbies in the jury will hold that (and the 3 weeks of immunity) against him for sure.

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Wait now her boobs are fake? After all the times I have heard her tell shane how they are real :rolleyes: When I look at her moedeling pics I don't see beautiful at all. I see the joker face, lie telling narcissist. I couldn't watch the feeds at all last night because of her. I have never disliked a house guest this much, she is just vile.

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you did not say you were repulsed by the way people were treating her you said people want to inflict harm on her, I can't find where anyone said they wanted to inflict harm on her. don't see the need to use her quote for one word (repulsed). however you want to twist it.....where is the quote of the one who said they want to inflict harm on her?

these ladies have a right to feel the way they do...they have lived it, are living it and survived it, and Dani is demeaning it, don't care how good she looks in a photo that was airbrushed and touched up to hide the pimples, she digs into craters. The woman is not beautiful inside.

Thanks Saucy1! Unfortunately people like these..... don't get it and never will. So we ignore them and move on in life. They only understand when they go thru it themselves. Then they would understand why some of us can't stand liars like Danielle. The fact is that telling all these stories - whether they are truth or lies - are causing her to look like a crazy person. I feel sorry for her and hope she gets help for her condition. There is no possible way this girl has all of these problems/things happen to her. At 23, her life has been quite full if she this stuff is true....

PLEASE PLEASE please please....everyone lets hold hands! Please please please pleeease let dani get evicted out the bigbrother house!

<holding hands>

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No way she leaves tomorrow. Dan can't try and get her out without Ian. And, Ian will have none of that.

He can't even try to push that agenda without exposing his willingness to stab one of the QP in the back and that in turn might make Ian think he's not loyal to him. Which could open up a whole other can of worms.

QP to the end is the way it's going to go... imo

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No way she leaves tomorrow. Dan can't try and get her out without Ian. And, Ian will have none of that.

He can't even try to push that agenda without exposing his willingness to stab one of the QP in the back and that in turn might make Ian think he's not loyal to him. Which could open up a whole other can of worms.

QP to the end is the way it's going to go... imo

Raining on my parade (Dan has tonight to "mist" Ian) :lol:

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Raining on my parade (Dan has tonight to "mist" Ian) :lol:

Well, we just wouldn't be "us" if we agreed on everything this season! :lol:

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OK new plan.

Dan wins the next HOH. He puts up Shane and Danielle. Dan wins POV. Shane goes home. They get DanHELL out and Dan and Ian F2

I don't mind if Ian wins and Dan is second. (bitter jury anyway) Dan will still be all time best BB player.

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WAAAHHHH WAAAAHHHHH WAAAHHHHHH what a crybaby Danielle is... I really can not stand her.

So I haven't watched BBAD in about 3-4 days, I decide to check it out tonight and it is worse than ever. With only 5 people left I have to see and hear Danielle more than ever. Poor Danielle is sad. People don't understand what it's like to be on the block so much. Hilarious considering she has never serioulsy been at risk of going home. Boo Hoo she makes me sick. Her and Shane were talking about beating Dan in the final 3, she said I can beat him in endurance and you (Shane) can beat him in physical. I'm so tired of her talking about endurance comps... like it would be an automatic win for her. What happened last endurance comp, oh yeah she got sick and lost. She has won ONE FREAKING COMP, out of how many? Like 18? And she acts like she is a tough competitor. Hopefully if she does make it to the final 2 it is with Dan, and Dan can explain to the jury how he carried who through this game.

I never liked the Quack Pack, mostly because I was for Frank and Boogie, but I wouldn't mind if Dan (he deserves it the most), Ian or Shane won. If Danielle wins... I'm done with BB.

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copied from SS

***Danielles Life Story*** The Story so far...

* She was beaten as a child

* She had an alcoholic father

* She had a preacher for a father

* She had whiskey at the age of 4

* She has a mother who spent 10 years writing a single computer program that only she is capable of writing

* She has parents who are in the Marines

* She has parents and godparents

* She is closer to her godparents

* She learned to swim because her dad would toss her into the pool and tell her to sink or swim

* She had a boyfriend who punched her in the face during High School

* She had a boyfriend kiss her and bite a hole in her lip

* She was whipped AND paddled in school

* She is an LN, RN, and will be a LNP

* She is almost a Doctor, Doctors ask her for advise

* She was almost sold by her parents to Gypsies

* She has friends whos dads all work for NASA

* She Broke her back in a swamp in which her father had to pick her up and carry her out of the swamp, because that's what u do with people who have broken backs

* She may or may not have been in a car accident that had a fatality

* She was in a car accident

* She was in a jetski accident

* She has broken her arms

* She Broke her Cheekbone

* She Broke her Nose... Twice

* She gets Cysts

* She has IBS

* She has Renal Failure

* She has a Spastic Colon

* She has Anemia

* She has Kidney Problems

* She can't Drink dark liquid due to her kidney problems

* She takes 20mg of Adderall XR a day

* She fought and won the battle of anorexia in a couple months

* She does not believe in breast feeding, it ruins ur boobs and makes boy babies touch other women's boobs

* She is a Certified Diamnondologist

* She has invested a lot into stocks

* She does not believe you are born gay

* She was cast for the Bachelor but had to pull out

* She was cast in a country music video but had to pull out because of BB

* She was in Miss USA

* She had a 3 story tall tree house

* She is Friends with Faith Hill & Tim McGraw

* She was the best Cheerleader ever for years (yet has no balance)

* She was a profession Latin dancer

* She was a gymnast

* She played softball and was forced to go to the batting cages every other night

* She has a great grandfather that invented Laundry detergent

* She was Married... And then wasn't

* She was engaged and then wasn't

* She had her credit cards maxed out by her almost husband who spent her money on the women he was cheating on her with

* She has tried every sexual position imaginable

* She loves to Swallow

* She was an Ambassador to China

* She can speak many languages (Spanish and Chinese) yet cant in front of people

* She used to walk a runway yet cant in front of people

* She is Miss September 2012 of the Harley Davidson Calendar

* She was ravaged and brutally attacked by Janelle and lived to tell about it

* She slayed the evil bully Janelle and got her evicted

* She witnessed Joe masturbate, then didn't

* Shane keeps wanting to kiss her but she had to turn him down

* Shane slammed the door in her face twice!

* She beat Dan in the Tea cup HoH even though he filled up the safety jug and caught up to her HoH jug and Dan is pissed

* She was an ambassador for the U.S. in China while in high school

(more to come)

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OK new plan.

Dan wins the next HOH. He puts up Shane and Danielle. Dan wins POV. Shane goes home. They get DanHELL out and Dan and Ian F2

I don't mind if Ian wins and Dan is second. (bitter jury anyway) Dan will still be all time best BB player.

Dan is not going f2 with ian! He is going to take dan! If ian doesnt get dani then he is on his own and will be out thursday!

Ian telling Dani and Shane that she is 1000% safe and there is nooooooooooooooo way she is going home

Oh poo!

that is the stupidest move ian can make! He is a goner after this! All 3 want him out! He has tunnel vision! And that is his downfall!

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If jen goes out, it will be a dan/dani f2 or shane /dani f2 and shane is starting to play now! He said he was going to throw that last hoh because that wasnt the important one! Dan stupid mistake was to not get shane out! Ian stupid mistake was qp to the end! Egos! Dani is in the clear and has a straight pass to F2! No targets on her! So cut ur feeds off! Her voice is going to be ringing! If its shane/dani! That is dan's fault 100% jani for putting his trust in dani!

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