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Jenn Arroyo, Week 9 (Nominee) Evicted 9/11


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I am proclaiming that Jenn "City" is officially the worst campaigner of all time. Her campaigning pretty much goes like this: "Hey I just wanted to pull you aside and say what's up ya know? You have a difficult decision with the vote this week but I want you to know that I'm right here and I want to play this game. I can't make you any deals and I can't make any promises about nominations but I just want to let you know that you should think about what's best for your game and I'm here and I wanna play so just think about that and I'll be around if you ever want to talk to me, I'm here and I'm for real yo and you can bounce ideas off me or whatever. Anyways good talk and I just wanted to let you know that I'm here and I wanna play the game and you can come talk to me whenever."

exactly! Yo

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Ok she gets pissed that dan is not on the block because she believes he would go home over her! Ian had to break it down to her that he was splitting up the couples! Jen city is please with this and i hope it is true! SO DANIELLE CAN FINALLY BE EVICTED! Please say its so!!! PLEASE!!! I will be a good girl and eat all my vegetables!

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Jenn has been promising Danielle that she will go to Chic-fil-a (or whatever the hell it is called) after she goes out of the house... I think that is doubtful especially with all of the controversy in the news lately....

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Jenn has been promising Danielle that she will go to Chic-fil-a (or whatever the hell it is called) after she goes out of the house... I think that is doubtful especially with all of the controversy in the news lately....

I go there ;)

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I don't eat meat. Really I went once with my boyfriend and just got a drink. They don't have one in my town.

Oh ok.... we are alike on that! I am not a meat eater either (maybe once or twice a year)..... The way she is carrying on about the biscuits though, she does have me tempted for a biscuit!!!!!

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I am proclaiming that Jenn "City" is officially the worst campaigner of all time. Her campaigning pretty much goes like this: "Hey I just wanted to pull you aside and say what's up ya know? You have a difficult decision with the vote this week but I want you to know that I'm right here and I want to play this game. I can't make you any deals and I can't make any promises about nominations but I just want to let you know that you should think about what's best for your game and I'm here and I wanna play so just think about that and I'll be around if you ever want to talk to me, I'm here and I'm for real yo and you can bounce ideas off me or whatever. Anyways good talk and I just wanted to let you know that I'm here and I wanna play the game and you can come talk to me whenever."

I like Jenn, but this is way funny and spot on! I wish she would campaign harder, but I think she is too influenced by the negative campaigning Frank did. I can't believe she would mention cfa with their political leaning..... the weight loss looks amazing. So funny, when Danielle recommended liposuction, Jenn was spot on, enjoy your curves girl!!!

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I like Jenn, but this is way funny and spot on! I wish she would campaign harder, but I think she is too influenced by the negative campaigning Frank did. I can't believe she would mention cfa with their political leaning..... the weight loss looks amazing. So funny, when Danielle recommended liposuction, Jenn was spot on, enjoy your curves girl!!!

Ye I think Jenn is a pretty nice person as well. It's just BB might not be for her. Anyways, it seems like she's a goner :/... Do y'all think she'll vote in favor of Dan if she gets to F2?

From how I see it, I think she like Shane & Dani. She always talks with Shane, so I assume it might be Shane, Dani, Ian, Dan (preference for jury vote).

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sucks the fat lady will be here a day late :animated_bouncy:

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She could have totally saved herself. All she had to do is get Shane and Ian in the HOH room and tell them about D & D and their plans. If Ian had not won that POV he was gone, she knew the plan. Same with Shane, if he had not won POV he was a goner. All she had to do was ask them who they trust now! ! ! If I am not mistaking, Ian knew about Shane and Shane knew about

Ian. Would have been awesome to out them. Oh well, bye bye Jenn.

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I don't agree, she was dealt a bad hand in the coach twist, her team forced her back row, for a woman who lives on stage, I believe it was very hard for her to tone it down. When toned down in studs, tattoos and stage make-up....

Also...left with children too young for adult conversation. ...Dan's work revolves interacting with children. Sorry Jenn :/

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I think the hardest thing for Jenn city to deal with after this is over will be to realize she was the most respectful person in the house. I also think that she will be amazed at the real Danielle, not the soap opera actress she has been conversing with all summer. Just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Right, Mike Boogie!

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I think the coaches did her in. She had no chance. Boogie basically did not talk that much with her and definately was only Frank's coach. It did help her stay in the game longer though. But I think at this point she hadn't really bonded with anyone so she was on her own. I think she wanted to play but couldn't after Frank left and then really didn't try in my opinion.

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