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Dan, Week 8 (PoV)


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I said from day one last year and this year I am not one of those people that minds veterans coming back in the game. I just don't mind. This season they brought in Ian an "expert" on every move of the game. Frank tried out for years to get on the show and got in physical shape and read up on books on how to manipulate people. Shane is a beast at comps. There is a lot of competition.

Dan was in the worst shape of all the coaches. He lost 2 of his 3 players week one. He could have been gone week 2. Being a coach he was more of a target then the others. I would say there was no free pass in this game.

Since they started bringing in the veterans the ratings have been up. I have a feeling like they do now in Survivor they will each year somehow use them in the game.

Swearing on the Bible, your children's lives, your wedding band and your own life has been going on for years. Anybody that knows the game should know that it means nothing. Frank knows that. I remember Boogie laughing at Dan for doing that when Frank was in the room. Frank is just so desperate to have someone on his side. In Frank's case for some reason his ego makes him think that he has people that are on his side. He is not a very good judge of people in this game. That and his hardcore brutishness in the game when he was playing with Mike. They just were nice to people when they wanted their votes. Mike wanted to bully his way through the game. Frank is a casualty. They are all casualties then there is just the last person standing that wins.

That is the game of Big Brother.

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I had to laugh at what I thought was one of Dan's best lines this season. He was talking to Frank I think in the DR on Sunday's show and he said something along the lines of "The Quak Pack is reuniting and I am going with them...because I like them better"

Too funny..

Then Dan should have no problem crowning one of them the winner of Big Brother. :P

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It is blasphemey to swear on bible for game purpose! It's like using the lords name in vein! He shouldnt went to that level! The bible is holy and sacred! And shouldnt be used as a pawn to make deals! I dont think that the lord created the bible for that purpose! It shouldnt been used like this, swear on wife, dog, ring, house etc...BUT DO NOT SWEAR ON GOD! That is all im saying! Whether its dan or other people in the house!

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I think it would really suck if Joe went to jury because of that. He shouldn't even be going on the block, because Jenn isn't the target. Dan should be explaining that to her, because it's just not necessary to use the veto since Frank is their target. If I were Joe I would be majorly pissed at Dan and Ian for this.

LOL are you serious? When Joe goes to the jury I'm sure a lot of live feeders will be singing with joy that he isn't in the house interrupting the "real alliance" conversations every 5 minutes and running up to the HOH room to kiss ass of whoever's up there. He hasn't done anything to deserve staying in that house one minute longer than any of the other six people who are still there and imo he's already overstayed his welcome. I'll be thrilled when his worthless ass walks out the door.

That being said, I think it's better strategy to evict Frank and Joe is much easier to beat. I just can't understand the thought that Joe has any right to be pissed about anything in this game right now.

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Watch again maybe some people are taking it out of context ... He swore he was telling the truth about the things he was saying because Frank said that Dan better not be BS'n him ... Dan wasn't BS'n and everything he said was the truth. Let's be clear he said he WOULD swear on it but he never actually put his hand on the Bible and said "I will work and protect you Frank for the rest of this game" ... Haters please try again later!

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Well, I'm a self-admitted Dan hater but it has nothing to do with his supposed swearing on a bible. I just don't like his arrogance and his smug attitude.

I've never liked Dan and think he has always been highly over-rated. His death of Dan funeral was pure ego (I think even he'll look back with regret on

that one).

Outing quack pack and Ian? Dan was lucky he had the dirt. And of course Frank was in desperate need of a partner. Luck more than anything is what

propels Dan. I don't see him getting to the end this season, however. Luck is gonna run out. The Shane-Danielle-Ian block is too strong. Danielle's in

the best position.

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I think it would really suck if Joe went to jury because of that. He shouldn't even be going on the block, because Jenn isn't the target. Dan should be explaining that to her, because it's just not necessary to use the veto since Frank is their target. If I were Joe I would be majorly pissed at Dan and Ian for this.

What's Joe going to do about it, all he does is make up stories, it is easy to combat that. Taking Jenn off the block let's Frank believe that Dan is still being loyal to their alliance, and if somehow things change and Frank ends up staying, Dan is still covered on that end.

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It is blasphemey to swear on bible for game purpose! It's like using the lords name in vein! He shouldnt went to that level! The bible is holy and sacred! And shouldnt be used as a pawn to make deals! I dont think that the lord created the bible for that purpose! It shouldnt been used like this, swear on wife, dog, ring, house etc...BUT DO NOT SWEAR ON GOD! That is all im saying! Whether its dan or other people in the house!

It's just a book......

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It is blasphemey to swear on bible for game purpose! It's like using the lords name in vein! He shouldnt went to that level! The bible is holy and sacred! And shouldnt be used as a pawn to make deals! I dont think that the lord created the bible for that purpose! It shouldnt been used like this, swear on wife, dog, ring, house etc...BUT DO NOT SWEAR ON GOD! That is all im saying! Whether its dan or other people in the house!

I'd play off that I'm religious in the house just to swear on the bible when I know I'm just gonna have to go back on my word. I'll swear on the bible and god all day because it doesn't mean anything lol.

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Will Dan set Ian up to have to break the tie so the blood is on Ian's hands?

Dani and Shane vote Frank out, Dan and Jenn vote Joe out. Ian chooses who leaves.

I think that would be the best way....Ian gets the glory of revenge for Brit by sending Frank to jury and Frank can't say Dan backstabbed him.

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For the longest time I was rooting for Ian to win it. And he's still my second choice, but honestly, my opinion of him has gone down a lot the past week. I've now decided I'm going to root for the one who deserves to win, based on game play.....and that has to be Dan.

Ian said some goofy things today First, he told Joe that Britney gave him specific instructions who he is to align with and who he's to target.....as though Britney is STILL in control of his game! Then he said that the only people standing between him and the money are Jenn, Frank and Dan. No Ian.....everyone in the house, believe it or not, wants the money....so eventually you have to get rid of all of them. They are all standing between you and the money.

Like I said, I'd still be ok with an Ian win....but hey, he's already won $4,000 and stands a good chance at getting America's Choice. My first pick now is Dan.

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For the longest time I was rooting for Ian to win it. And he's still my second choice, but honestly, my opinion of him has gone down a lot the past week. I've now decided I'm going to root for the one who deserves to win, based on game play.....and that has to be Dan.

Ian said some goofy things today First, he told Joe that Britney gave him specific instructions who he is to align with and who he's to target.....as though Britney is STILL in control of his game! Then he said that the only people standing between him and the money are Jenn, Frank and Dan. No Ian.....everyone in the house, believe it or not, wants the money....so eventually you have to get rid of all of them. They are all standing between you and the money.

Like I said, I'd still be ok with an Ian win....but hey, he's already won $4,000 and stands a good chance at getting America's Choice. My first pick now is Dan.

I agree with everything except Ian winning AC, I believe Dan will win AC .....JMO

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It's just a book......

its not just a book! The help is just a book, the raven is just a book...but the bible is sacred! As a christian That is what i believe! But enough about this and lets get back to the game!

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I'd play off that I'm religious in the house just to swear on the bible when I know I'm just gonna have to go back on my word. I'll swear on the bible and god all day because it doesn't mean anything lol.

then dont bring the bible in it because u are playing with God! Use another book! But u know, its ur life live how u want too! I just have to make sure that im straight. If u want to throw ur finger up at God that is on u i have nothing to do with it! Ive said and done enough preaching! Today monday not sunday so lets get back to the game!

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then dont bring the bible in it because u are playing with God! Use another book! But u know, its ur life live how u want too! I just have to make sure that im straight. If u want to throw ur finger up at God that is on u i have nothing to do with it! Ive said and done enough preaching! Today monday not sunday so lets get back to the game!

So Dan decides it is ok to swear on the bible. Personally, I would not. However, technically it is just a book.

If it burns in a fire, my faith is still solid. The spirit is alive whether or not the book survives.

So let's get back to the game.

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