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Dan, Week 8 (PoV)


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I don't like it that he swore on all those things either... whether he swore about everything that he was about to tell Frank or that he was with him til the end... just symantics, imo.

I remind myself that it's a game. And, I know he doesn't do anything maliciously or personal that he does it all for strategic reasons TO WIN THE GAME!

I was a huge fan of Dan's season 10 (thought he was the best to ever play the game... even over Dr. Will) but, this season I keep finding myself asking why does he say the things he does and/or why doesn't he say something he should. Even to the point that I was disappointed earlier in the season. Only to come and find out... that Dan is the Man with Plan! Choo Choo :D

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ITA and Dan's convinvinced me this this season that he is not the nicest or most honest person to ever win BB......he's now in a class with ED & MB as BB scumbags IMO........and Danielle's game or reaction to his game has nothing to do with it.

The object of the game is to lie, cheat, and manipulate your way to the end and that is exactly what Dan is doing which does not make him a scumbag. You put him in the same category as Boogie, ED and Will and frankly to me that would be a compliment.

Will and Boogie manipulated thier way and talked their way to the very end of the game. They both used girls in the game to get far and it worked. While frankly I don't like their methods but you have t admit that they played the game very well.

ED found a way to irritate people and when he found his way on the block, he either won POV or talked his way out of being evicted. ED was obnoxious and that would rub people the wrong way, in fact if I was in the house I would have hated him, but watching it on TV I loved him because he played the game the best,

Dan won a few years ago having someone with him the whole way and was able to play the game without being considered a threat, this year that has all changed. He was on the block and had to find a way to keep himself safe. He not only found a way to keep himself safe but also found a way to keep Danielle safe as well which I think is great. This week he had two alliances, and that is actually smart, he found a way to make sure that no matter what he is safe this week. I bet you if he didn't get back into the quack pack alliance he would have been a target, but instead he is not a target, and has the ability to use the POV and still be considered not a target which is huge.

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ED found a way to irritate people and when he found his way on the block, he either won POV or talked his way out of being evicted. ED was obnoxious and that would rub people the wrong way, in fact if I was in the house I would have hated him, but watching it on TV I loved him because he played the game the best

IMO threatening rape, bodily harm and murder goes well beyond the boundaries of being obnoxious or just rubbing people the wrong way.

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Dan FTW! He really is in a great position. So happy that hes the last coach standing.

ITA......considering the first week I really thought he was a goner having lost two players bang, bang ....I think he hung on very well. I don't think we can really compare bb14 to bb10, different people, different strategy .....imo, strategy trumps winning comps.....don't care he was a coach, don't care he already won out of everybody in that house I want him to win!

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Dan swore on all that to let Frank know everything he said would be the truth, and it was. I believe he meant it at the time but I can't really blame him for wanting to change his plans now and roll with the Quack Pack again...for a little while lol.

Frank certainly is covering his own bases and has made a couple other deals besides the one he made with Dan, as well. He made a F2 with Jenn right after Dan's, he made a F3 with Shane/Joe. He would've made a deal with Ian if he'd been open to it. If Dan was on the block this week and Frank a shot at him against Joe or Jenn, I'm pretty sure he would take it.

Dan can't play the same game he did in Season 10. This season he came in being well known for one of the best players in BB history. No way can he slide UTR at all this time. I guess that means he's going to make more underhanded moves. I'm glad he is and I'm so thrilled he hosted his own funeral last week, told Danielle she was dead to him (in the game) and made a deal with Frank and Jenn. It made for a very exciting week and I would have missed him if he had just laid down like everyone apparently expected him to. Brittany was playing a great game, too, but not nearly as close to the caliber Dan is playing. I want to see the best person get to the end, if possible.

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?????Dan made it that way, spending his time reading the bible, presenting himself as someone who HAS higher standards than the rest of the HGs...........unfortunately even Dan can't have it both ways.

Final Two deal between Frank/Dan:

"We gotta come up with a name," said Dan. "We'll figure one out," said Frank. Just a couple guys with all the time in the world. "Don't bullsh!t me, Dan," said Frank. "I swear on the bible, on my wedding ring, on this chain from my dead grandfather," said Dan.

This is what's made me jump back off the Dan train. Dan is back to being sleazy and scummy to the extreme, imo. The good catholic intentionally swears on the bible AND LIES and then last night asks Jenn to swear on the bible (from what I read)? Other players should be held to a certain standard but any lie Dan tells is should be considered fair gameplay? Nah...he crossed the line with that one.

I haven't turned the feeds on for two days. Dan's disappointed me totally and I don't care who wins now. I especially don't care if Dan wins. I'll never consider him to be "the best" now.

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Final Two deal between Frank/Dan:

"We gotta come up with a name," said Dan. "We'll figure one out," said Frank. Just a couple guys with all the time in the world. "Don't bullsh!t me, Dan," said Frank. "I swear on the bible, on my wedding ring, on this chain from my dead grandfather," said Dan.

This is what's made me jump back off the Dan train. Dan is back to being sleazy and scummy to the extreme, imo. The good catholic intentionally swears on the bible AND LIES and then last night asks Jenn to swear on the bible (from what I read)? Other players should be held to a certain standard but any lie Dan tells is should be considered fair gameplay? Nah...he crossed the line with that one.

I haven't turned the feeds on for two days. Dan's disappointed me totally and I don't care who wins now. I especially don't care if Dan wins. I'll never consider him to be "the best" now.

Did Dan say what bible ;)

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People need to stop the foolishness this is a game ... None of them are cheating they all lie to each other every single day. Dan isn't working against Frank he's just not helping him get out of a situation that he himself could have avoided with smarter game play. Remember Frank was more than willing to sacrifice Dan before the Nominations happened .... Frank himself created the mess he's in and Dan would be willing to go to the end with Frank if the situation presented itself ... That appears unlikely at this point.

It would actually be better for Dan to have Joe leave before Frank so Frank leaving is NOT in Dan's best interest but in the best interest of the QP.

If ya don't like the Dan train feel free to jump off .... His real fans will be there regardless the out come of this GAME Choo Choo.

The best part is Dan is still the most popular player and will likely win America's Favorite Player ... He is playing the game different this time because he's forced to play a different game and no matter the outcome he'll leave the best player to step foot in the BB house

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did he win yet? :animated_bouncy:

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SWEARING ON THE BIBLE! I didnt know he swore on the bible! Wedding ring i dont care but THE BIBLE! He shouldnt brought God into this! YOU DONT SWEAR ON THE BIBLE ITS BLASPHEMY! He shouldnt have done that! I know its a game but some things u dont do! He made a personal promise to God! I dont know about urr religion but in mind, its frown upon! The bible is sacred and never should have been used as a weapon to manipulate! Alot of preachers do this but if u notice they dont swear on the bible, they just hold it close! U swear on the bible u are given an oath to God! And that is not right! Maybe Dan doesnt know that u dont do that! God will forgive him becuz he forgives his children! But u dont play with him! Im not going to judge him for one religious mistake! That is not up to me but God! But i will judge him on his ethical game play! And with that said,

He is still a douche head!

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Final Two deal between Frank/Dan:

"We gotta come up with a name," said Dan. "We'll figure one out," said Frank. Just a couple guys with all the time in the world. "Don't bullsh!t me, Dan," said Frank. "I swear on the bible, on my wedding ring, on this chain from my dead grandfather," said Dan.

I feel like this...anything said within the context of the game is fair. The number one goal of the players is to make it to the end. I have no problem with a player telling another player what they want to hear. Promising people things that goes beyond the game, to get further in the game is unfair, such as, promising someone a car or job or promising to visit someone after the show. However, lying about your job, your favorite football team, the type of man or woman you like or your religious beliefs is all fair. To me, swearing on your bible or wedding ring or anything else doesn't mean anything more, than just giving your word, that we have a deal. Almost everyone makes multiple final two deals. In my world, saying that we have a deal is the same as swearing on the bible or swearing on your life. Your word is your bond. If two players make a deal and one swears on the bible and one doesn't, is the player that did not swear on the bible, free to leave the deal, while the one that swore is bound to the deal?

I believe people are manufacturing outrage over this because Dan is double crossing Frank. We all know that a deal is only as good as the paper it's written on. And, since there are no paper and pencils in the BB house...a deal is only good for as long as both players need it.

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If Dan uses the veto on Jenn, (which is the plan), even Frank is okay with that because Jenn used it on Dan last week. On Thursday if Dan votes to keep Frank, (which is also the plan), then Dan hasn't broken his promise to him. So all this talk about blasphemy is not true.

Also with all the wars and death that religion has caused in the world, someone going back on the word in a game ranks down at the bottom of list of evil things.

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I think it would really suck if Joe went to jury because of that. He shouldn't even be going on the block, because Jenn isn't the target. Dan should be explaining that to her, because it's just not necessary to use the veto since Frank is their target. If I were Joe I would be majorly pissed at Dan and Ian for this.

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I think it would really suck if Joe went to jury because of that. He shouldn't even be going on the block, because Jenn isn't the target. Dan should be explaining that to her, because it's just not necessary to use the veto since Frank is their target. If I were Joe I would be majorly pissed at Dan and Ian for this.

I believe it would be a tie that Ian would have to break. Jen & Dan for Frank, and Danielle and Shane for Joe.

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What Dan said to Danielle was "you are dead to me in this game".

I don't like what Dan did to Danielle. Yes, he did it knowing it would hurt her. Yes, the "I did it for your own good" thing was condescending. I can understand why it makes him a scumbag in your eyes. But IMO, I think his intentions were to keep himself and Danielle in the game, he thought he was doing the right thing. That doesn't make it right, for me personally it doesn't make him nearly as much of a scumbag as ED and MB, whose words and actions have the potential to hurt their victims long after the game is over.

Exactly. Evel Dick would never have told Jenn in his season, after pouring water on her, "I expect to be friends with you outside the house, but in this house, you're dead to me." Dick would have said "I hate you, you're a b* and I never want to see your face." He played personal. Dan told Dani he expects that he'll be friends with her outside the house.....and an hour or so later he revealed that he really was not mad at her even in the game. Dan's moves are all game, never personal.

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I believe it would be a tie that Ian would have to break. Jen & Dan for Frank, and Danielle and Shane for Joe.

Oh so it's to be a tie now? They were saying the other night Frank would only get one vote. Ian hates Joe, so he could flip at the last minute and vote him out. Joe's not safe by any means as long as he's on the block.

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