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Frank, Week 8 (Nominee) Evicted 9/6


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FRANK WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! Reveal ur alliance to shane after the veto is used! Shane needs to know where dani loyality really lies! They need to start playing the game! FRANK NEEDS TO LET DAN KNOW THAT IF HE BACK STABS HIM, HE WILL NOT VOTE FOR HIM IN THE END AND THATS 3all votes! Brit wont and frank can convince ashley! Didnt frank learn anything from boogie! Threats and intimdation! Show dan he is ready to play and dirty when it comes to jury votes!

Dan is going to use the veto ? Even so Frank is gone, gone Thursday, the dumb Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan :D

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Dan is going to use the veto ? Even so Frank is gone, gone Thursday, the dumb Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan :D

Yes he is. The plan as of last night is for Dan to use the veto on Jenn and Ian will put up Joe. Even Frank is on board with that happening.

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FRANK WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! Reveal ur alliance to shane after the veto is used! Shane needs to know where dani loyality really lies! They need to start playing the game! FRANK NEEDS TO LET DAN KNOW THAT IF HE BACK STABS HIM, HE WILL NOT VOTE FOR HIM IN THE END AND THATS 3all votes! Brit wont and frank can convince ashley! Didnt frank learn anything from boogie! Threats and intimdation! Show dan he is ready to play and dirty when it comes to jury votes!

Dan would not fall for that. I think he knows that Frank will vote for the player that he believes played the best game and deserves the win. Frank will not vote on a strictly personal basis. His problem is...he's too honest to do it.

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He needs to tell Dan minutes before the ceremony, "if you're really in an alliance with me then prove it by removing me from the block today. Other wise I'll know you were just blowing smoke up my butt, and will act accordingly." If he doesn't take him down then he needs to pull Shane and Danielle aside and tell them Dan's plan to get Ian out and then Danielle...And take him to f2. Tell them everything and ask them to switch their votes and keep him.

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There are a lot of people speculating on what Frank can do to save himself. The truth is that he can't do anything. If he outs Dan then he outs himself. So this would be how it would go:

Frank: I'm in an alliance with Jenn, Danielle, and Dan... Dan is betraying me!!

Shane: Really? So you were lying to me when you said you were going to be in an alliance with me and Joe with Danielle and Jenn as expendable people?

Dan: ~says nothing... as usual but smirks~

Jenn: Oh so Danielle and I are expendable? Well F' you!! Nobody messes with me and mah girl! Boom!!

Shane: Your girl? She's MY girl!! No wait. She's not my girl. ~whimpers~ Please don't nominate Danielle and I together because we are NOT a couple even though I kissed her after the pirate ship competition in front of everybody and I let her tweeze my manly back hair and pop my zits.

Danielle: I'm expendable and I'm not your girl? Why is everyone always attacking me? I'm innocent of all wrongdoing. Pity me for I am yet again a victim. Shane... hold me and comfort me and beg my forgiveness as well as my hand in marriage.

Dan: ~again says nothing but laughs inside as he winks up at the camera~

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Doubtful GLASS HOUSE will be back after its abysmal ratings.

Well i will not be watching BB! My family and friends quit last year! Man alot of people dont watch this show anymore! When i talk to people now they dont know what im talking about! Yall and jokersthe are the only people i can have a conversation about bb! Even on my facebook i/try to bring up the topic and have dialogue about bb but none of my friends what it! We talk about housewives ny and nj, true blood, hip hop atl and dance moms! But no bb! Its getting tiring and im too competitve to watch this! Im from tobacco rd and we dont take sports and competition likely! This year is it for me! Im going to miss yall unless u are on survivior!

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FRANK WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! Reveal ur alliance to shane after the veto is used! Shane needs to know where dani loyality really lies! They need to start playing the game! FRANK NEEDS TO LET DAN KNOW THAT IF HE BACK STABS HIM, HE WILL NOT VOTE FOR HIM IN THE END AND THATS 3all votes! Brit wont and frank can convince ashley! Didnt frank learn anything from boogie! Threats and intimdation! Show dan he is ready to play and dirty when it comes to jury votes!

Hey Sparky! Nice to see you again.

I don't know exactly what will happen but I do anticipate Frank blowing something up this week once he realizes he's leaving on Thursday. Maybe that will just be a last minute blasting of Dan as he walks out the door, who knows. Whatever it is, I believe Dan will be able to work his way around it and recover. Especially if it happens on Frank's way out. If not, I still think Dan will be able to talk his way out of almost anything - especially since Shane has a couple side alliances going on his own so he can't be that mad at Dan for trying to cover himself as well.

Also, while I know jury votes are going to come into consideration, I think Dan realizes that people will know the game he played if he gets to the end. He will have a good speech prepared and he will own everything he did as a game move - which it all was. Beyond that, he knows he can't do anymore and if people vote bitterly, they vote bitterly.

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Nice to see u to spikie! Hey im watching some of the buffy and angel reruns! I know dan is playing a good game however i just cant root for anyone else! I mean i didnt like frank becuz of the willie situation! But then when the others backstab jani, i couldnt root for them! I dont have dog in this fight anymore! I tried to pull/for shane, but he is a tool! Ian dont get me started he creeps me out! Definately cant pull for dani! Joe and jenn useless! I may have to pull for dan! He is playing the game and its not his fault franks been too honest in this game! Frank is too trusting! I feel for him! No i cant pull for dan either!

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Frank talking to Jenn about what idiots Shane and Ian are for thinking Dan is working with them... LOL. He thinks it's going to be a 4-0 vote to keep him in.

he's studying the memory wall tonight...... how delusional can this guy be........ he's one of the fiercest competitors the game has ever known and he thinks there is any chance they would keep him???

they've been trying for the past countless number of weeks and somehow they would just pass this up???

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He still has all day today and tomorrow. Dan keeps telling him he is good... but I think he kind of has that feeling. That deju vu feeling. Kind of like reset week when Dan and Danielle said he was good all week and he wasn't. Frank still has a lot of angles to work... still feel like it might be pointless though.

He should go talk to Ian in case there is a tie. I feel Ian can be persuaded if you tell him the right thing. Ian has always hated Joe, he at least likes Frank just sees him as a huge target. He needs to explain to Ian that neither of them can play in the next HOH so there is no threat of Frank putting him up. And he needs to make it very clear to Ian that if Joe wins he is putting Ian on the block (which is very true).

He also needs to talk to Shane and make it known that if he goes Shane is the next big physical threat. Frank is a "meat shield" (Ian's term) and that highly benefits Shane especially. Make the point to Shane that even at 6 players, if people see him as the biggest physical threat, Shane could possibly have to run off 3 straight hoh/vetos. And as Frank can attest to, that can be very difficult. And once again... reiterate the point that he can 't play in the next HOH so he is not an immediate threat.

I think he has Jenn's vote.

He had a good talk with Dan yesterday and I think Dan would benefit more from Frank staying. Dan would be guaranteed safety for another week and he would be covered from every angle. He is literally in an alliance with everyone but Joe.

Danielle is the only person I don't see Frank convincing at all. Frank's only chance to get Danielle's vote is to convince Dan and Shane 100%.

Regardless he needs to push hard on Shane and Ian... both of them can be influenced/persuaded. And all these arguments are true. Come on Frank pull out a Dan. They would be great if 2 weeks in a row, the dead man walking got out of it.

he's going 100% guaranteed

Dan was going 100% guaranteed last week. Never say never.

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He still has all day today and tomorrow. Dan keeps telling him he is good... but I think he kind of has that feeling. That deju vu feeling. Kind of like reset week when Dan and Danielle said he was good all week and he wasn't. Frank still has a lot of angles to work... still feel like it might be pointless though.

He should go talk to Ian in case there is a tie. I feel Ian can be persuaded if you tell him the right thing. Ian has always hated Joe, he at least likes Frank just sees him as a huge target. He needs to explain to Ian that neither of them can play in the next HOH so there is no threat of Frank putting him up. And he needs to make it very clear to Ian that if Joe wins he is putting Ian on the block (which is very true).

He also needs to talk to Shane and make it known that if he goes Shane is the next big physical threat. Frank is a "meat shield" (Ian's term) and that highly benefits Shane especially. Make the point to Shane that even at 6 players, if people see him as the biggest physical threat, Shane could possibly have to run off 3 straight hoh/vetos. And as Frank can attest to, that can be very difficult. And once again... reiterate the point that he can 't play in the next HOH so he is not an immediate threat.

I think he has Jenn's vote.

He had a good talk with Dan yesterday and I think Dan would benefit more from Frank staying. Dan would be guaranteed safety for another week and he would be covered from every angle. He is literally in an alliance with everyone but Joe.

Danielle is the only person I don't see Frank convincing at all. Frank's only chance to get Danielle's vote is to convince Dan and Shane 100%.

Regardless he needs to push hard on Shane and Ian... both of them can be influenced/persuaded. And all these arguments are true. Come on Frank pull out a Dan. They would be great if 2 weeks in a row, the dead man walking got out of it.

Dan was going 100% guaranteed last week. Never say never.

No one has told Frank he doesn't have the votes to stay. He is under the assumption that he is staying and if you don't feel threatened, why campaign?

True, Ian does hate Joe but he loves his creation "The Quack Pack" more and Frank would be another notch in his belt. I don't think he would go against the Quack Pack by evicting Joe instead of Frank.

But you never know in this game. ;)

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He still has all day today and tomorrow. Dan keeps telling him he is good... but I think he kind of has that feeling. That deju vu feeling. Kind of like reset week when Dan and Danielle said he was good all week and he wasn't. Frank still has a lot of angles to work... still feel like it might be pointless though.

He should go talk to Ian in case there is a tie. I feel Ian can be persuaded if you tell him the right thing. Ian has always hated Joe, he at least likes Frank just sees him as a huge target. He needs to explain to Ian that neither of them can play in the next HOH so there is no threat of Frank putting him up. And he needs to make it very clear to Ian that if Joe wins he is putting Ian on the block (which is very true).

He also needs to talk to Shane and make it known that if he goes Shane is the next big physical threat. Frank is a "meat shield" (Ian's term) and that highly benefits Shane especially. Make the point to Shane that even at 6 players, if people see him as the biggest physical threat, Shane could possibly have to run off 3 straight hoh/vetos. And as Frank can attest to, that can be very difficult. And once again... reiterate the point that he can 't play in the next HOH so he is not an immediate threat.

I think he has Jenn's vote.

He had a good talk with Dan yesterday and I think Dan would benefit more from Frank staying. Dan would be guaranteed safety for another week and he would be covered from every angle. He is literally in an alliance with everyone but Joe.

Danielle is the only person I don't see Frank convincing at all. Frank's only chance to get Danielle's vote is to convince Dan and Shane 100%.

Regardless he needs to push hard on Shane and Ian... both of them can be influenced/persuaded. And all these arguments are true. Come on Frank pull out a Dan. They would be great if 2 weeks in a row, the dead man walking got out of it.

Dan was going 100% guaranteed last week. Never say never.

Yeah, like others have mentioned, Dan knew he was going and Frank seems pretty oblivious so he doesn't realize that he needs a hail mary. I think if he could wake up and realize what is going on there is always that 5% chance you can make something happen if you out your alliance and shuffle the deck like Dan did.

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He still has all day today and tomorrow. Dan keeps telling him he is good... but I think he kind of has that feeling. That deju vu feeling. Kind of like reset week when Dan and Danielle said he was good all week and he wasn't. Frank still has a lot of angles to work... still feel like it might be pointless though.

He should go talk to Ian in case there is a tie. I feel Ian can be persuaded if you tell him the right thing. Ian has always hated Joe, he at least likes Frank just sees him as a huge target. He needs to explain to Ian that neither of them can play in the next HOH so there is no threat of Frank putting him up. And he needs to make it very clear to Ian that if Joe wins he is putting Ian on the block (which is very true).

He also needs to talk to Shane and make it known that if he goes Shane is the next big physical threat. Frank is a "meat shield" (Ian's term) and that highly benefits Shane especially. Make the point to Shane that even at 6 players, if people see him as the biggest physical threat, Shane could possibly have to run off 3 straight hoh/vetos. And as Frank can attest to, that can be very difficult. And once again... reiterate the point that he can 't play in the next HOH so he is not an immediate threat.

I think he has Jenn's vote.

He had a good talk with Dan yesterday and I think Dan would benefit more from Frank staying. Dan would be guaranteed safety for another week and he would be covered from every angle. He is literally in an alliance with everyone but Joe.

Danielle is the only person I don't see Frank convincing at all. Frank's only chance to get Danielle's vote is to convince Dan and Shane 100%.

Regardless he needs to push hard on Shane and Ian... both of them can be influenced/persuaded. And all these arguments are true. Come on Frank pull out a Dan. They would be great if 2 weeks in a row, the dead man walking got out of it.

Dan was going 100% guaranteed last week. Never say never.

The problem for Frank is, he has nothing to offer. He will not play in the HOH, so he can't offer anyone safety. And, he doesn't improve any other players chances of winning by keeping him, other than, maybe Jenn. And, that's only if she is able to get him out later. Until someone's out the door, everyone has a chance. Frank was out the door practically, but they did the reset and save him. However, I would only give him about a 1 in 10,0000 chance of staying this time.

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Frank talking to the feeders now. He is upset that Ian was not loyal and he said he would not want Dan to win the game if he is lying to him. He would not vote for someone that lied his way through the game. huh? What about is buddy Boogie? He said he would never vote for a liar in the final 2.

I know he has had a hard time from day one but I just never could be a Frank fan. I always feel like he is acting. When he talks to the feeders he is giving us a pity party. I have seen him turn on his puppy dog eyes and it just seems too fake to me.

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Frank telling Danielle about Dan was playing her when he had the funeral. He is adding that Dan was really mad at her and that perked Danielle's ears up. She is acting like Dan hurt her. (I think acting) Shane is talking about how they can get Dan out.

Frank said Jenn and I want you in this game and then he says Shane too.

When he finds out about all the alliances and sub alliances.... yikes.

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