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Britney, Week 7 (Replacement Nominee) Evicted 8/30


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Don't Shane and Joe have to keep Britney?

If Dani stays and Dan or Jen wins POV next week who would Dan or Jen put up?

Let's consider their options.

First, they would not likely put Frank up as they just formed the new alliance with them. They would likely give it at least a week.

They could put up each other, but also not likely for the same reason they would not likely put up Frank, new alliance.

They would likely put Ian up, but he could win POV and they would still need to put up two other people.

So who is left?

That leaves Dani. So unlikely that Jen would put up the only girl remaining as she is so into girl power. And, Dan is not going to put Dani up when he knows she'll vote for him if he is ever up. And, he can be sure of that as she keeps announcing to everyone that she could still "never go against Dan!"

That leaves Shane and Joe to either both be nominated or one be nominated with Ian and the other Possibly nominated as a replacement nominee if Ian wins the POV.

If they keep Dani and form an alliance with Frank and Ian wins HOH, they would be in a bad position as well.

But, if they keep Britney and form an alliance with her and Ian they would likely be safe if Ian wins HOH. Also, they would likely be safe if Britney wins HOH.

If they keep Britney and Dan or Jen wins HOH, they would also likely be safe as Britney is likely to go up with one of them as a replacement nominee for Ian if Ian wins the POV, and they will just be a pawn against Britney.

So, they have to keep Britney, right?

What am I missing? The game is about positioning yourself to be safe for the next week no matter who wins HOH, right? You cannot plan several weeks in advance without being able to predict the future, but you can position yourself for all contingencies for the upcoming week? Right? I just started watching this show and that is how it seems to me, am I missing something? Thoughts?

You are not missing anything what is missing is dumb and dumber have no idea how to play big brother. They actually believe they have an alliance with frank. Yes its true. They actually believe that Danielle is no longer with Dan yes that is true so if we add up the brain power of joe and shane we get a negative I had high hopes at this point in the game they might between the 2 of them actually grow a brain but its a good thing I did not bet the house on that one. Oh well they will be joining britany sooner than later!
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You are not missing anything what is missing is dumb and dumber have no idea how to play big brother. They actually believe they have an alliance with frank. Yes its true. They actually believe that Danielle is no longer with Dan yes that is true so if we add up the brain power of joe and shane we get a negative I had high hopes at this point in the game they might between the 2 of them actually grow a brain but its a good thing I did not bet the house on that one. Oh well they will be joining britany sooner than later!

Good point!
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No, Brit said that her or shane had to win in order to save the QP......and that if they didnt win it then they would have to let Dan go.....her intentions were good......Shane didn't do crap during the veto, at least Britt tried!!!!! Her plans were for them to win it then her or shane could pull Dani off the block and Ian would pull Dan off......She said that if they could NOT pull it off then they would have to let Dan go.......BUT her intentions were good!!!!! She wanted to save their alliance!!

No Snuggs - Brit's intentions were not good. Those of us that have the feeds saw how she turned on Dan the minute that Frank became HOH. Sadly, she broke up the Quack Pack because she was so worried about being put up on the block. She threw Dan under the bus long before they played for veto. Dan knew exactly what was going on and he shifted his play into high gear. Unfortunately, CBS did not choose to show what really happened. Boo CBS!

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No Snuggs - Brit's intentions were not good. Those of us that have the feeds saw how she turned on Dan the minute that Frank became HOH. Sadly, she broke up the Quack Pack because she was so worried about being put up on the block. She threw Dan under the bus long before they played for veto. Dan knew exactly what was going on and he shifted his play into high gear. Unfortunately, CBS did not choose to show what really happened. Boo CBS!

I have the feeds and she made a fake deal as well as Shane with frank. She did not throw Dan under the bus. Sorry it is all not britanys fault. Dan being typical Dan has now decided he needs to win to stay. Britany was true to her alliance. I like britay you all like Dan but that is the truth. The reason they wanted Dan to throw it to them is because if they won their alliance would be safe because both nominees would be off and even if one of the alliance went up they had the votes to save them. She is not the evil scheming witch how could she be with her stabbing people in the back all the time after all there are only 24 hours in a day!
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And that thought would have never crossed Dans mind! Omg how dare britany sell out her alliance before the great Dan has a chance to do it!!!! For the record Danielle didn't need sympathy votes! Nice story though it makes Dan look so good! She worked harder at saving Dan then he would have ever worked to save her, now if she had been his Memphis and willing to give him the win and the money she would have been golden.

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I have no problem with Brit throwing Dan under the bus to save herself, but I'm not going to cry for her that he survived and the bus got her instead, that just how the game goes sometimes

I initially thought that Britt would stay and Danielle would go, but Shane and Joe are super stupid, I honestly am more disappointed in them, keeping Britt and getting rid of Danielle would be a huge turn around, and would make for some interesting times, but they just don't have a freaking clue

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I don't like Dan or Brit. Dan had no choice but to try for that veto if he wanted to stay and of course he did. Brit could have thrown the veto so she wouldn't have to go against Frank, which she most likely would have done, since she had made a final 2 deal with him. She whines and cries all the time about Dan ( or anyone else) just being all for themselves. That is all she has been all season, she floats from side to side faster than anyone else. In BB they are ALL there for themselves, they would be idiots to think someone wasn't. They have all floated to the power this year more than ever, but complain constantly about Joe for doing it. Her great strategy this year was to kiss up to everyone and be everyone's best friend and champion. She would go to someone and pretend to care about them and be on their side, and then start talking about what had to happen if they wanted to stay safe. All along she was telling them what had to happen to keep her safe. If she heard someone was down or having a problem, she would get a look on her face that said it all.She would run to them and start manipulating them. I thought it was going to work at first, she was very good at it, but I'm so glad it didn't. Years ago I read a book about how to be a great salesman and a lot of this was in it. She must have read it, or someone told her about it.

Ian was her downfall, he actually thought she cared about him. It was obvious she didn't by the things she said about him behind his back. She just couldn't keep all of her nastiness inside and Dan saw that. I hope Ian and Dan are right behind her. She is still trying to use Dani and Ian, to get revenge for her. She told them basically the same thing last night.

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I think Britany is going to stay and they will send home Danielle. When Dan's move first went down, she was really angry. But now that more time has passed I think she has slowed down and thought it out. She already knows Frank, Dan and Jenn made a deal and are working together. I think she is on the brink of figuring out Danielle is in on it too. Once that happens she will have no problem campagining against Danielle. It makes no sense, why would Dan make this big ordeal that Danielle is dead to him and then vote to keep her. Britany only needs to get Shane's vote, and they have been tight all year. Plus judging by their conversation in the Kitchen last night, Shane is waying his options and leaning towards Brotany staying.

------ You hit it right on the head with your post except I don't think they are going to figure it out. The rest I was going to write pretty much word for word. Why would Dan cry, praise, and forgive everyone but he is going to berate his best friend and over a nonsense reason. Like you said, why would Dan keep her? So obvious it's a sham and Danielle is alligned with Dan, Frank, and Jenn. Think people, geez! I would have seen pass that fake outburst. Then afterwards he talks to Danielle for what an hour? I really wish Shane or Joe could figure it out or at least Brittney so she could bring it to them and get in their ears. Don't just give up Britt!
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Britney was angry with Dan during the veto comp for not throwing it to her or Shane. Shane had zero points and she barely had what, like 4 maybe. You can't throw someone the ball if they can't catch it. Neither her or Shane had a prayer of beating Frank as they couldn't answer any questions/name the pictures in the veto. Dan had to take matters into his own hands and try for the veto!

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I think they sign a contract with CBS which requires them to go to jury if they want to be paid for their time in the house. Most people if they think that they are going would rather go home than to jury. Especially if you are voted out and are the first jury member. But that is what they sign up for I guess.

That makes sense, I guess. I'm not sure it would be enforceable in court to deny a player all pay if they refuse to go to the jury, but CBS has bigger pockets to fight it that any player, so the threat is likely enough. But yeah, I'd certainly want to go home before reaching the jury, if I had little chance to win the game. Maybe that's why some players self-destruct and get themselves either voted out or thrown out.

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That makes sense, I guess. I'm not sure it would be enforceable in court to deny a player all pay if they refuse to go to the jury, but CBS has bigger pockets to fight it that any player, so the threat is likely enough. But yeah, I'd certainly want to go home before reaching the jury, if I had little chance to win the game. Maybe that's why some players self-destruct and get themselves either voted out or thrown out.

if no jury how would you like the winner to be picked....america votes?.....if no jury it would change the game imo because the jury doesn't know what is going on in the house....jsut wondering how you think it should be done? :0

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if no jury how would you like the winner to be picked....america votes?.....if no jury it would change the game imo because the jury doesn't know what is going on in the house....jsut wondering how you think it should be done? :0

I'm not suggesting I don't want a jury. I do want a jury to vote on the winner.

What I don't understand is why all players volunteer to sit on the jury. But as Janis pointed out, CBS threatens them with taking away all the money they've earned up to that point if they don't go to the jury.

Personally, I'd like a jury consisting of mostly players, plus 1 or 2 "America votes" ballets. But perhaps that would just give the producers more ways to abuse and fake the results, so maybe it's not a good thing to go with "America votes" results (too easily faked). If voting was done by an independent firm, that might work, but CBS would never give up control of that.

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I'll be glad to see her go. She said yesterday that the worst day of her life was the day she left to come back to big brother. If she hates it so much (which she obviously does), why did she bother to come back at all?

She and Ian talk about how much they hate frank's arrogance but they both are extremely arrogant jerks themselves. I listened to them diss everyones intelligence in the house last night, making themselves out to be masters of the universe. Brit said to Ian, "OMG, who are you going to talk to that's even on your level?" Ian was stating that he's played the best game and that Julie surely referenced that when Boog was evicted. :rolleyes:

re the jury, it's in their contract that they must go to the jury house and remain sequestered for the duration of the game in order to not be tainted by outside influence and so they can't see the other hg's DR's. There was such a public outcry when Danielle Reyes (S3) lost due to the jury seeing her DR's, BB started sequestering the jury. Danielle Reyes did deserve to win that season and due to the jury being angry at her because of her DR's, she lost. It was very unfair.

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So glad Britney is over her pity party and being the fun Britney tonight.

ita.......she even gave props to Dan and told Ian Dan is playing the best game, she is giving good advice to Dani and Ian. Called Shane empty....lol....loved her talk with Ian.

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I'll be glad to see her go. She said yesterday that the worst day of her life was the day she left to come back to big brother. If she hates it so much (which she obviously does), why did she bother to come back at all?

She and Ian talk about how much they hate frank's arrogance but they both are extremely arrogant jerks themselves. I listened to them diss everyones intelligence in the house last night, making themselves out to be masters of the universe. Brit said to Ian, "OMG, who are you going to talk to that's even on your level?" Ian was stating that he's played the best game and that Julie surely referenced that when Boog was evicted. :rolleyes:

Both reasons why I do a happy dance everytime I think about her leaving tonight.

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I'm not suggesting I don't want a jury. I do want a jury to vote on the winner.

What I don't understand is why all players volunteer to sit on the jury. But as Janis pointed out, CBS threatens them with taking away all the money they've earned up to that point if they don't go to the jury.

Personally, I'd like a jury consisting of mostly players, plus 1 or 2 "America votes" ballets. But perhaps that would just give the producers more ways to abuse and fake the results, so maybe it's not a good thing to go with "America votes" results (too easily faked). If voting was done by an independent firm, that might work, but CBS would never give up control of that.

i agree, it couldn't work, thanks for answering me

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Brit has said several times, "ten million people watch bb but only 2000 watch us online."

I think she's underestimated the number of online watchers terribly but I wonder what an accurate guess would be, not to mention the ppl who may not buy the feeds but still go to the boards for the truth.

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Brit has said several times, "ten million people watch bb but only 2000 watch us online."

I think she's underestimated terribly but I wonder what an accurate guess of live feeders would be, not to mention the ppl who may not buy the feeds but still go to the boards for the truth.

Of all the people I know that watch BB, at least half are on the boards and/or watching the feeds.

I personally don't have the feeds but am on the boards all the time to stay up-to-date on the house.

BTW, I'm in Southern Ontario, so who knows what it's like for the rest of ya lol

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Of all the people I know that watch BB, at least half are on the boards and/or watching the feeds.

I personally don't have the feeds but am on the boards all the time to stay up-to-date on the house.

BTW, I'm in Southern Ontario, so who knows what it's like for the rest of ya lol

As much as CBS promotes the live feeds, I think the feeders numbers are way over 2000. Brit's dreaming, imo. Before I started getting the feeds (S8) I always read everything I could find at several boards to keep up with what was really going on.
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I'll be glad to see her go. She said yesterday that the worst day of her life was the day she left to come back to big brother. If she hates it so much (which she obviously does), why did she bother to come back at all?

She and Ian talk about how much they hate frank's arrogance but they both are extremely arrogant jerks themselves. I listened to them diss everyones intelligence in the house last night, making themselves out to be masters of the universe. Brit said to Ian, "OMG, who are you going to talk to that's even on your level?" Ian was stating that he's played the best game and that Julie surely referenced that when Boog was evicted. :rolleyes:

re the jury, it's in their contract that they must go to the jury house and remain sequestered for the duration of the game in order to not be tainted by outside influence and so they can't see the other hg's DR's. There was such a public outcry when Danielle Reyes (S3) lost due to the jury seeing her DR's, BB started sequestering the jury. Danielle Reyes did deserve to win that season and due to the jury being angry at her because of her DR's, she lost. It was very unfair.

I've aways wanted them to go back to the pre-jury days, where you got voted out and went home and watched the show, and everyone got a vote, but of course I hated Danielle and am thrilled to this day that she LOST!

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