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8/24 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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11:54 am BBT Before the Lockdown Brit was changing into her Bathing Suit and I had my first glance of Dan this Morning , as He headed to the WC ... Also Frank was just sitting down at the KT to eat his Meal, so some scrambling amongst the HG's is going on at the moment

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12:15 PM BBT

Brit and Dan talking in sneaker room about how they can't really trust Ian. They think he didn't really try in the veto. "Why, it makes no sense." says Dan. "Do you think I should tell Frank that Ian created the Quack Pack? I should say that it was all his idea, that he wanted to mess up the Silent Six. Should I say we made it before or after the silent six?"

Britney says it was after.

In the KT at the small table Frank and Joe are chatting.

12:19 PM BBT

"Why would they lock us inside?" asks Dan "It's either something good or something bad." says Britney

"I think he's getting sh&t on upstairs." Dan says (unclear who he is talking about)

Joe telling Frank about soup broths in the KT.

WBRB again.

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12:26 PM BBT

"What's that Bozo laughing about upstairs?" Dan asks

"How he's not going to open Pandora's Box." replies Brit.


12:29 PM BBT

"I'm trying to keep it together this week but I know one of us is going home this week, it' s you or me." Brit says to Dan. Danielle is with them.

Joe, Shane and Frank staring at the photo wall.

No sign of Ian or Jenn.


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12:36 PM BBT

Frank talking to Shane in the Lounge. He is saying that even if Dan comes down, he still wants Danielle down. He still wants Shane's vote for that. He wants someone so close to Dan to go.

Joe comes into Sneaker Room with Dan/Danielle and tries to talk. They both roll over and go to sleep.

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12:42 AM BBT

Frank is still nervous that Shane will turn on him. Shane understands. Frank does not want to put up anyone that he is trying to work with. Shane tells Frank that Joe is thinking he might leave. Shane says you know that he will fight and hard. He's not going to go around asking Joe, what he says. Frank reminds him that they are big targets and that with Dan out they will have less moves to make.

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12:46 AM BBT

"For what I've done to you, for you to show me this kind of respect, means a lot." Shane says.

Frank said yesterday, when Frank was going off on everyone, when he went to focus on Dan, Britney took the heat. Everyone took the heat but Dan just sat and read his bible.

"It'll be interesting this week, maybe you'll get the power of the Coup d'Etat or something good. Judging by how the crowd was cheering you on, it'll be a good."

They agree to an uneasy alliance. Maybe keeping it a bit on the down low.

12:53 PM BBT

Ian talking at the KT with Dan about "Chivalry is dead." Frank and Shane come into the KT. Dan trying to get some Mahtza but the SR is closed for restocking. All is very casual looking and sounding.

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1:00PM BBT- 2:00PMBBT

  • 1:06 - Its Nomination Day!! No noms yet & Frank has been locked out of his HOH room for a while now. Frank, Ian, & Shane are sitting @ the KT table chatting. Dani is @ the KT counter eating.
  • 1:07 - Dan comes out of the SR & says that BB has restocked all the food. Britany & Jenn are sleeping.
  • 1:13 - The feeds have gone to Trivia.....
  • 1:22- Feeds have been on Trivia for ten minutes. Something , good or bad , could be happening.
  • 1:49 - Feeds still on Trivia...Pandora's Box maybe?
  • 1:57 - The feeds have been out & on Trivia for almost an hour. Sure seems like something is happening ! It's going to be a fun day & they still have nominations to do!

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3;50 All HG's seem to be relaxed after Pandora's box ... Dan is sleeping while Frank Ian Brit and jen are doing KT Duties, not cooking just cleaning up... We are still on a Indoor Lockdown

4:03 Brit has repeatedly said that Dan had a Bunch of quarters for the Pandora's Box and that he shoud have given Dani some ,,, also Brit says Dan shoulda let Brit cut in line to Play but He said NO WAY

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2:15pm :it has been over an hour now and we are still on trivia.

2:52pm The feeds are still on trivia.

3:08pm <HTML><META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=utf-8">

Brit says it was a war outside with quarters. She's throwing Dan under bus

again. Frank saying he's glad they are seeing what he's been saying.They have a

hugDan and Dani in AR looking glum

3:10pm frank and ian in sbr. ian says they all think i am lying. i am pissed but i am good , its a game and its every man for himself should i feel bad abut this? frank says no you won this and dan didnt. frank says you cant play in veto tomorrow? ian says no i cant p[lay in veto.

3:11pm sounds like Ian got a veto ball and cant play in veto tomorrow but can veto a nomination.

3:16pm Frank won 3k . Shane come in wa with a trash bag and says this is the extent of looking for them quarters he has to clean a mess up in the wc. he made a mess looking for the quarters.

3:18pm jenn , Brit and shane in wa , shane cleaning a mess jenn talking about the game and looking for quartes she was thinking it was taped under something and brit says they probably regret letting us read that card before they talked to us.

3:20pm brit says at one time dan probably skined his knee going for that quarter but the good thing ius that lil box isnbt there anymore to haunt me. Brit says boc 0 britney won i knew it wasnt gonna play out the rest of the week.

3:22pm Brit say ok i thought they was gonna say ok everybody brit won game over but it dropped. Jenn says i was like ok i am gonna find more quarters.

3:24pm Dan in crane rm with shane and dani he says there is no way frank has a new power no way. they talk about ian having the veto ball and how he can not be nominated.

3:25pm :Brit joins the crane rm she says ian thinks he is a scumbag and he feels bad. dan says do you think ian will use the veto ball. brit says i asked him in the wa and he got real nervouse.

3: 28pm Ian and jenn in lr looking for more quarters. Ian said what dod they want us to do sit and say we are taking a nap and not go for it? thats dumb.

3:30pm Ian and brit saying when they started throwing the balls out in the by i started catching them. she says they was like maniacs out there tearing things up. shane says its nap time. jenn said yeah i need a shower and some food first though.

3:37pm Dani says they let us go all around in the house first for them damn quarters. then we went outside. frank says i just sit in the pandoras box it was silver walls and looked all metelish thats all.. he was like there where things stacked like 4,4, 2 on top and 4,4,2 on top and i just picked a few and i saw only 3 were like 3k and a couple were higher and most were like 1k or crap ones . dan says you couldnt see us he says no.

3:40pm Dani says there was a place where joe kicked a ball and it jigles and dan just dove for it. Frank asking if there was just one quarter ? dani says no it was in pairs. dan says it too 50 cents for a game. dan says it was a cool game but i am embaressed. dani says i hated it. dani says to frank at least you won some money he said yeah. frank says i am glad i wasnt watching. dani says oh so you thought we had something bad huh. frank says yeah and i was lucky i picked that first one and got a 1k. dani says you did good you really did.

3:44pm Frank says he walked into his room and there was cards and it said you can leave here richer than you came in so he opened the box . he said he walks in and there was a card that said to pick 3 boxes and the first one was 3,333 dollars and the second one was like $7.11. and there was alot of boxes in there and i got to look at all the other boxes when i was done. ian asked and they made you stay there till we were finished he says yeah. brit says that sucks you just had to sit there.

3:51pm <HTML><META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=utf-8">

Brit says Dan and Jenn were good at finding the balls. Ian said the ones with

the coins were more dull, not prefabricated. Ian says he has to cut the cussing

out. Frank says he kinds of enjoys it, that's how he knows Ian is working. Dani

and Dan are in the Arcade Room with quiet talk. Brit called to DR and she

doesn't want to go, she was just there. Frank says if they give us Lays they

should give them Doritos. Ian is a Nacho Cheese fan but Frank likes Cool Ranch.

3:52pm Ian and frank in kt eating chips and Ian washing dishes. Jenn sitting at counter eating chips. Frank says this freaking counter is jacked up yo. Ian says it is.

3:54pm Dan in crane rm looks to be going to sleep. dani called to dr, brit just came in kt they are talking about songs now.Frank putting dishes away as ian washes them.

3:57pm Ian says sorry it is taking so long to wash these. frank says do it good. ian sais my daddy always says do it right or do it twice . frank says i am gonna go talk to jenn and they head upstairs.

3:59pm jenn says i mjust wanted to check back in with you and show you i want to keep my mind open and to make sure you arent changing your mind or anything. frank says if i dont win this game i want you to win even though i dont trust ian to much i am worried.

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4:00PM BBT - 5:00PM BBT

  • 4:03 Jenn is in HoH w Frank. Frank feels like the other side is using Ian's youth & insecurities against him & influence him to do things. Jenn agree's & just wants the lines of communication open,
  • 4:09- Dan is now in HOH w Frank. Dan says that about an hour befor the show, Boogie pulled him into the SR and told him that Bpogie said he was a warrior & would work hard for him. Dan says that if he takes a shot @ him & misses, it doesnt mean that he is coming after him next week. Frank has major trust issues. Dan feels like no matter who he goes against , he is going home.
  • 4:15- Frank tells Dan he always wanted to work w him & Boogie & that it hurts that Mike wanting to work w Dan is what got him kicked out. Dan says Boogie played a straight up game this time. They both dont listen to the DR.
  • 4:20- Dan says Ashley never asked for his vote. Frank feels that it was her teamiong up w Boogie & him that got her voted out. Dan says that if he survives this week, that things could get interesting for both of them . He is talking about a Memphis move w Frank.

  • 4:32- Britany is now in the HOH room. She says Dani is acting funny towards her. Frank is giving Britany the gift of talking game w him early in the mornings. He fee;ls alone & has no one to run ideas by & trusts Britany.
  • 440itany & Frank are game talking about who to put up. In the end, its looking like its Dan & Dani. Dan didnt share any of his coins w Dani. Britany thinks that Dan was wrong. They both think Ian tried to throw it & didnt want to win. Dan & Ian got into it over the coins.:
  • 4:45- Britany was the HG to read the card for pandora's Box. The card said that there was a special vet to be won but in order to get it , they would need @ least 2 quarters. When the HGs were let outside, they dstroyed the BY looking for quarters & then destroyed the LR before BB stopped them to read the offical rules of the game.
  • 4:55- Lots of talk about the pandora's box challenge. Frank & Britany dont think that Ian will use it. Frank did not get to see them compete . He just won $3000. Jenn & Joe are in the LR discussing drug laws. Frank & Britany are in the KT. Looks like Nominations are coming soon. Most all the HGs can be seen getting up from naps & eating & doing ADLs.

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6:36 PM BBT

Frank up in HOH eating snacks.

In the KT Dan, Jenn, Shane, Joe, Danielle and Joe can hear Ian in the DR. They keep yelling, "We can hear the DR! We can hear the DR out here!"


6:40 PM BBT

Mad Love Cooking - "Hashtag!" yells out Joe. His cooking show will be called Mad Love Cooking.

Frank talking with them now. He's telling them about Mike and how he said he would say the BB House was like summer camp. Fun to be there but only for so long.

Dan and Dani are NOT wearing keys. Looks like they are up.

Britney says she's never come back to the BB House, this is her last hurrah,

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6:47 PM BBT

Shane and Frank in HOH room. "Thanks Man." says Shane

"Just don't go be working secretly with Dan." replies Frank. They now hypothesize what game the POV will be.

Downstairs Joe making food. Dan goes to see Danielle. He tells her not to cry. She tells him that every time she cries in the house it hasn't been about the game. "You're too nice." Dan tells her "Thanks for being such a good friend to me throughout this."

Upstairs Frank is saying that if Dan wins POV there's no way he'll use it on Danielle.

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6:53 PM BBT

Ian rocking in the KT on a chair. Jenn and he are an almost captive audience for Britney as she reads the recipe for Spinach Riccotta on the package. She dislikes that some products insist you use all of their products.

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7:00 PM BBT

Danielle, Shane and Dan laying in arcade room talking about what fast food places that are in the food court (near her work).

Brit, Jenn and Ian chatting at the KT table. Joe still cooking. The arcade room people are almost ready to join the KT people.

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7:19 PM BBT

There's nothing like a good JoJo bashing to complete a family dinner. JoJo and Jenn never did anything in the house, no matter what the other HGs are trying to insinuate…this according to Jenn who doesn't kiss and tell. Britney going on about how she told JoJo to lay low, next thing she knows Shane is having make up put on him and she's bribing Joe for votes with cigarettes.

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7:33 PM BBT


7:37 PM BBT

Dan and Ian outside talking down the awnings they put up earlier today.

At the KT table Frank tells Britney that he is emotionally exhausted. He took a long time to get ready for the nominations because he was in the DR bawling. They got him going a little bit in the DR, asking if he could trust them. etc.

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