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POLL: Favorites and Least Favorite. (Week 4)


Favorite/Least Favorite  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite After "reset"?

    • Ashley
    • Danielle
    • Frank
    • Ian
    • Jenn
    • Joe
    • Shane
    • Wil
    • Britney
    • Dan
    • Janelle
    • Mike
  2. 2. Who is your least favorite?

    • Ashley
    • Danielle
    • Frank
    • Ian
    • Jenn
    • Joe
    • Shane
    • Wil
    • Britney
    • Dan
    • Janelle
    • Mike

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Janelle is still my fav, and boogie is my least favorite..

however, Ashley is growing on me.. she is just so precious. And she is playing a good social game right now... it's looking somewhat promising for her.

BUT Janni is the one playing the game right now the best.. none of these newbies are playing as hard as she is.

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I voted for Janelle as my favorite. She plays this game with her heart and soul! And I voted Joe as my least favorite cause I can't freakin' stand the way he shrieks into the microphone in the DR or the stupid way he's playing the game.

Boogie's really my least favorite, though. I accidently voted wrong. Joe and Jenn come in as close seconds. Jenn doesn't do... anything! It really frustrates me. How many people were on the waiting list to be on that show who didn't get on in her place?

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Fav = Dan

Least = Wil (Can't listen to his voice or even watch him on screen. All he does is pick at his hair... does he have lice???)

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Fav = Dan

Least = Wil (Can't listen to his voice or even watch him on screen. All he does is pick at his hair... does he have lice???)

It drives me crazy too. It's a weave I think. Probably got it done before he went on the show and it's bother him

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Fav = Janelle, because she plays hard all the time. Keeps her emotions in check.

Least = Boogie, because he has over inflated ego.

Newbie Fav = Shane, he does know a little about playing the game and he's trying to play for what's best for him.

Newbie Least = Frank, Wil, Joe

Is Jenn still in the house? I don't think she been spotted since BB posted the bio's on the web page.

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Fav - Dan (I am on the Dan train)

Least favorite - toss up between Booger and Ashley

I just cringe when Ashley is around. Her wide eyed fake persona and her slurry words just get on my last nerve

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Janelle is my fav as she is really playing the game to win.

Frank is my least fav, but it is a tie w/Boogie. I cannot stand their "you need to come to me to talk and you need to apologize". I want both gone this week w/double eviction.

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Love Janelle - cannot stand Britney! Although Danielle is closing in on Britney's least favorite status.

ditto! Jani is really the only person playing the game! Shr got dan and boogie to turn against each other! And non of her players or her have won hoh, but she got them to put up who she wanted up! Except wil but she got frank up! 3 times! Dang!

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First I must confess that I am TRULY an emotional voter incapable of strategizing my vote......therefore, based simply on my mood at the moment I voted for MB (who I can't stand) as my fav.--since the reset because he showed some real emotion/feelings and it was refreshing.

I voted Dan as my leaast fav because I watched BBAD today and could not get past the grovelling he was doing to get MB to want to "play with him".......for a minute I thought he was going to offer him a BJ to try to get MB to want to be with him more than Frank (UGH!).....what little respect I had left for Dan is gone.

Of course I reserve the right to let my emotions reset all of my opinions at any time.

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I think Dan wants to be at the end with a coach, specifically Boogie, because they're the only two past winners there and Dan wants to win this game and prove he's the best. He's planning something. Maybe getting Boog to get most of the blood on his hands while Dan remains the nice guy.

I admit that I'm feeling compassion for Boog and Frank. :lookaround: I think Frank's doing a pretty good job campaigning too. He's just telling his side of the story, which paints him and Boog in a decent light, as trustworthy and loyal so far. Their biggest downfall is that they appear a little too loyal to each other. The other hg's, like Dan, will realize that Boog and Frank need to be separated.

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I hope it was all right to vote (many forums will not allow you to vote or enter things until you have a specific number of posts. It said my vote was added)

I voted for Ian for my favorite. He will always be my favorite.

It was a toss-up between Janelle and Boggie for least favorite but I voted Janelle because I think Boogie has been a lot more genuine this week.

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It was a toss-up between Janelle and Boggie for least favorite but I voted Janelle because I think Boogie has been a lot more genuine this week.

I was the same way.

Jamelle has been my favorite HG for years in BB and still was at the beginning of this season as well. But as the month went on I found myself not liking her gameplay more and more each week.

I lost some respect for Dan this week also when he became a player and got stupid. Reveals the vote to Boogie and tried his best to keep all 4 coaches in the game. Both dumb-ass moves.

I hated Booger the whole month but suddenly find myself believing his gameplay to be the best so far.

However, I do dread to see him and Frank's next Chilltown-style DR session. Prolly be something like this: <_<

Aww, on the block again?

Yeah... Looks like the entire house really wants me to go home.

Wait. Did we convince Daneille to change her nominations, join us in a super-alliance, and put Janelle up to send her home this week instead?

Yeah we did.

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good gameplay fav ;)

but overall i havent been really vested in this season to care one way or another about the gameplay

guess bb burnout hit me and plus being busy with other things

plus it didnt help that we got returning hg's again :animated_bouncy:

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I was the same way.

Jamelle has been my favorite HG for years in BB and still was at the beginning of this season as well. But as the month went on I found myself not liking her gameplay more and more each week.

I lost some respect for Dan this week also when he became a player and got stupid. Reveals the vote to Boogie and tried his best to keep all 4 coaches in the game. Both dumb-ass moves.

I hated Booger the whole month but suddenly find myself believing his gameplay to be the best so far.


My sentiments exactly!

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Janelle is my favorite all time BB player. I don't want to watch the show if she leaves tomorrow. None of the others have personalities that I want to watch on TV. It's just really sad about the way they are going behind her back. :(

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