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America Votes - Coaches enter the game?


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I feel like it'll be a yes. Personally, I'm leaning toward "Yes" given that the game would be a bit more intense. I'd love to see the mentees backstabbing their coaches (doubt it'll happen, but if you think about it, there might be a big mutiny)...

"No" would mainly be that 2 coaches are already winners & it just ruins whole season up... Also, I have a feeling it might be rigged since the game needs more players, so a "No" would either end the game earlier than scheduled or something else must happen...

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the biggest non surprise twist ever

everyone and their mother and father knew this was coming


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I say YES let them all play. You know how Brit will drive us nuts this week with "her" Shane and her stupid coaching. I say let the coaching stop and let the game begin!

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I say NO! Only because why give us the vote when that is what was going to happen anyway...

How do we even know the real outcome of the vote??? We don't! So to me its just a slap in the face cause America's vote doesn't even matter.

And what if the vote turns out to be NO then what will they do???

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Grrr, I hate this idea. They all had their chance & either won or lost. It is not fair to put them into a game that has been going for 3 weeks (by the time that they would enter).

BTW the link doesn't even work on CBS.com


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Personally, im going to vote no! 1 becuz this was not a twist and they should have done this in the beginning! Like yeah they were really going to play as coaches! 2 these players are not playing their own game! Like last year! 3 becuz well still mad about Willie! He told these dummies that the coaches were coming back into the game and they didnt believe him! Serves these dummies right! I change my vote to yes and hope they wipe the floor with these newbies for being so dumb and not listening! So my vote is YES! :lol:

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I don't know why they are calling it America's Vote...just call it what it is...Grodner's Decision, which she has already made. Now she's trying to find some kind of way to give the decision some legitimacy. The non-coaching idiots will be wondering why they didn't listen to Willie.

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Guest Corky812

I cant believe they are leaving it up to America...

I mean, i cant believe they are pretending its up to america :D

I hope they do enter, make them fight to be there and watch them have to compete.

Oh please!! Alison Grodner is NOT leaving it up to America, she just wants to tell America that's what they voted for.

This so reminds me of a video I saw of a 3rd world country election. The ballet box was in the open, there was only one candidate, and you put you ballet in the box. Thank you Alison Grodner, we have come so far!

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I have a lot of questions about this twist. What if some coaches want to go into the game but others don't? Can only some come in? Then do they play without coaches? Doesn't that make coaches comps an unfair advantage for the coached players? If they all have to come into the game then isn't it completely unfair that all the coaches are back to square one when Boogie and Janelle had earned such a huge advantage? Isn't this really unfair to the current HGs who have divulged all their secrets to the coaches already?

There are so many hairy details to work out with this twist...

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Guest Corky812

Willie was right.

Totally! If I had know it was this easy I would have become a nutcase for a month or two, associated myself with a nutcase for a month or two (relative or not and the time BB & the courts figured it out because they were too busy recruiting past players I would have gotten a stipend), had myself arrested a few times (bench warrant a def plus) gone on BB, made not-nice and got myself 10K to go home and shut up within 3 weeks...nice work if you can get it.

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Willie was right.

He was. I vote no. Why bring them into the house and let them affect the game initially and then allow them to compete. Totally unfair to us and to the HG's. Craziest bullshi$ she has come-up with yet. How come there wasn't a third vote......send them home? There wasn't a third vote because she knew we would.....send them home.

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i would say no. if they let them back in, the whole "coach" twist was completely pointless. i thought this coach twist was pretty good, to let these veterans try and coach/help a player win. letting them back in now just seems unfair to the new players. it gave the veterans weeks to form relationship with the newbies so that will help them out. and on previous season, we've already seen that veterans don't need any help in winning the game.

imagine if dan got his player to win this season, he would probably go down as the best big brother player ever, since he not only won it as a player, but he also won it as a coach. so i hope they don't go back in, but i think they already made the decision and that the coaches do come back into the game. and when the vote come back as a yes, i hope they do give the coaches the option to come back or not, and hopefully they'll decline, but i don't think they will

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Guest Corky812

What would happen if by some miracle the vote ended up as a no. I highly doubt they have any backup plan and the game would be over much earlier than usual unless they started bringing people back.

Ye of still faith in the Big Brother show being anywhere near fair, and I thank you for it, but a "NO" vote will only end up in Alison Grodner's shredder file of "whoops"

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He was. I vote no. Why bring them into the house and let them affect the game initially and then allow them to compete. Totally unfair to us and to the HG's. Craziest bullshi$ she has come-up with yet. How come there wasn't a third vote......send them home? There wasn't a third vote because she knew we would.....send them home.

We were thinking the same thing at the same time Slim...lol

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What would happen if by some miracle the vote ended up as a no. I highly doubt they have any backup plan and the game would be over much earlier than usual unless they started bringing people back.

Actually no matter how the vote turns out all the votes will count as YES ... LOL its just a set up to look like America is voting but we're really not... There are 8 players in the game what else are they going to do if the vote turns out to be NO ... hmmm CHANGE IT TO YESSSS!!!

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