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Janelle (Coach), Week 3


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See this is what happens when you burn bridges Jani! That why u dont play with emotions! Now gets going to bite u in the butt! Cant believe she is trying to kiss up to brit! The way she is playing, both sides would have bound to catch up to her! Dr.Will might be right! If she doesnt win, she will be a 3goner time loser! She has to stop playing with emotions! Who turns on their alliance on the first week! As soon as the two sides stop going after each other, they will both come after you and that is what is happening!

This is because Janelle has no social game really. If she did, all of the houseguests in BB6/7 wouldn't have loathed her. Her only saving grace was that she was good at competitions; that's how she stayed so long in both seasons. Now that she currently can't use them to advance her in the game her flaws are highlighted. Everything might change next week, but still. Even if she does win, who is really going to give her any credit? Sure she will have won, but she needed THREE tries in the house to do it, plus countless production manipulation I am sure.

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How is she so certain that the coaches will enter next week??? Did DR leaked it to her? Lol

yes! The DR or allison doesnt play fair! U know that they read the feeds and let Jani know what about public opinion! It use to be subtle but this year it is blatantly obvious!

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This is because Janelle has no social game really. If she did, all of the houseguests in BB6/7 wouldn't have loathed her. Her only saving grace was that she was good at competitions; that's how she stayed so long in both seasons. Now that she currently can't use them to advance her in the game her flaws are highlighted. Everything might change next week, but still. Even if she does win, who is really going to give her any credit? Sure she will have won, but she needed THREE tries in the house to do it, plus countless production manipulation I am sure.

exactly! Im real disappointed in her game play! She shouldnt went crawling back to brit like they are really going to listen to her now? Really smh! Her ego must be huge!

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I love Janelle's game and she's the ONLY one worth watching.

:hurray: I agree also.

Brit and Shane's constant whining about Janelle jumping ship the first week is tiring. Uh, Janelle found out about Willie's side alliances all over the house so who jumped ship first? Jani's team couldn't stay on board after psycho Willie came out of the closet. Now Jani/team are having to bite their tongues and say "we're so sorry" just to keep a semblance of peace and hope while Shane still has power. Shane and Brit are morons, being played by Frank/Boog bigtime so Shane will save Frank this week. Shane's delusional to think Frank will be loyal to him. Janelle's the only one intelligent enough to see that Shane's being played. It would be funny to see Frank/Boog put the screws to Shane/Brit but once the coaches become players, it's a whole new ballgame. Shane will come to the realization then that no one will be loyal to him and his continually stupid ideas of telling deliberate lies on people and starting fake fights (he's such an amateur). If they get Janelle out quickly when she comes in the game, Boog's got it in the bag again, imo, unless Dan steps it up. Everyone, except Janelle, seems to have forgotten how cutthroat Boog is.

Ashley is so wishy/washy and two-faced, I can't stand to listen to her. She's trying to play all sides. Either it's going to blow up in her face or she's way smarter than I can see. She's going to have to change her strategy after this week or she'll be gone fast. I fear Ian will protect her to the end and she'll just use him to get there. Poor little guy. I hope he gets his head in the game and out of her butt. :P

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:hurray: I agree also.

Brit and Shane's constant whining about Janelle jumping ship the first week is tiring. Uh, Janelle found out about Willie's side alliances all over the house so who jumped ship first? Jani's team couldn't stay on board after psycho Willie came out of the closet. Now Jani/team are having to bite their tongues and say "we're so sorry" just to keep a semblance of peace and hope while Shane still has power. Shane and Brit are morons, being played by Frank/Boog bigtime so Shane will save Frank this week. Shane's delusional to think Frank will be loyal to him. Janelle's the only one intelligent enough to see that Shane's being played. It would be funny to see Frank/Boog put the screws to Shane/Brit but once the coaches become players, it's a whole new ballgame. Shane will come to the realization then that no one will be loyal to him and his continually stupid ideas of telling deliberate lies on people and starting fake fights (he's such an amateur). If they get Janelle out quickly when she comes in the game, Boog's got it in the bag again, imo, unless Dan steps it up. Everyone, except Janelle, seems to have forgotten how cutthroat Boog is.

Ashley is so wishy/washy and two-faced, I can't stand to listen to her. She's trying to play all sides. Either it's going to blow up in her face or she's way smarter than I can see. She's going to have to change her strategy after this week or she'll be gone fast. I fear Ian will protect her to the end and she'll just use him to get there. Poor little guy. I hope he gets his head in the game and out of her butt. :P

Most of what you say is right on,but Jnl is not intelligent nor playing a good game, Of course she thinks Frank is playing Shane. CAn Shane trust her team? NO they proved that with the JOJO vote. That even went against their best interest of getting out Dan and they did it.

Frank is Shane's hope and he knows says it over and over that it may be false hope. He is hoping that if he honors Frank, that he will hold to the promised alliance between them.

True Booger is cutthroat and we know that he is supporting Frank in how he plays the game. And Ashley is using Ian and he had better use that good little noggin he has and leave his knob brain to its lonely self.

If the coaches come in, frank will learn the real force of Booger's treachery.Booger knows he would not win in a final two against Frank.And that is when frank and shane will have to cement their alliance, but Booger will try to keep that from happening.

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:hurray: I agree also.

Brit and Shane's constant whining about Janelle jumping ship the first week is tiring. Uh, Janelle found out about Willie's side alliances all over the house so who jumped ship first? Jani's team couldn't stay on board after psycho Willie came out of the closet. Now Jani/team are having to bite their tongues and say "we're so sorry" just to keep a semblance of peace and hope while Shane still has power. Shane and Brit are morons, being played by Frank/Boog bigtime so Shane will save Frank this week. Shane's delusional to think Frank will be loyal to him. Janelle's the only one intelligent enough to see that Shane's being played. It would be funny to see Frank/Boog put the screws to Shane/Brit but once the coaches become players, it's a whole new ballgame. Shane will come to the realization then that no one will be loyal to him and his continually stupid ideas of telling deliberate lies on people and starting fake fights (he's such an amateur). If they get Janelle out quickly when she comes in the game, Boog's got it in the bag again, imo, unless Dan steps it up. Everyone, except Janelle, seems to have forgotten how cutthroat Boog is.

Ashley is so wishy/washy and two-faced, I can't stand to listen to her. She's trying to play all sides. Either it's going to blow up in her face or she's way smarter than I can see. She's going to have to change her strategy after this week or she'll be gone fast. I fear Ian will protect her to the end and she'll just use him to get there. Poor little guy. I hope he gets his head in the game and out of her butt. :P

Great post. Hell....Willie's own team jumped ship (including Britney) when he went psycho...and now Janelle's team is getting called out for it? I hope Ashley goes home, I can't stand to hear her voice. It gives me the creeps!

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If the coaches come in, frank will learn the real force of Booger's treachery.Booger knows he would not win in a final two against Frank.And that is when frank and shane will have to cement their alliance, but Booger will try to keep that from happening.

And this is what has me excited! They are so close now but just wait until Boogie is playing against Frank for half a million instead of using him to get a hundred grand (if that's the way it plays out). Gonna be entertaining.

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I don't pay much attention to the nuts and bolts of who said what to whom and/or who did what to whom. I either like the houseguest or I don't and if I like them, then I forgive them multitudes of sins. If I don't like them; like I don't like Janelle, then it rarely goes further than that. I sometimes change my mind. That ain't going to be happening with Janelle. Twice was enough for me.

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Great post. Hell....Willie's own team jumped ship (including Britney) when he went psycho...and now Janelle's team is getting called out for it? I hope Ashley goes home, I can't stand to hear her voice. It gives me the creeps!

Agreed. I'd like to hear Janelle, Joe or Wil throw it back at Britney and Shane that they turned on Willie as well. No one wanted to ride with him, so why blame Janelle and her team? Britney wouldn't even let JoJo speak to Willie at the end, and pulled her away from him. How many times did I hear Shane say that he had to seperate himself from Willie? Plenty, so they need to shut their faces.

Ashley is so sickening to me I can't stand it. She's a number for the team, but I swear I'd rather see her leave next week over Frank. Hopefully Frank will get backdoored, but a girl can daydream.

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Willie is gone. They need to move on and worry about today and tomorrow. No doubt we will see Willie again after he has re-worked himself and morphed into something more agreeable. Good luck with that, Willie. You got a raw deal, kiddo, but you were partly to blame yourself. We've all been there and looks to me like you are the only person who seems able to MOVE ON from the ridiculous saga.

Right, Marty? :D

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Willie is gone. They need to move on and worry about today and tomorrow. No doubt we will see Willie again after he has re-worked himself and morphed into something more agreeable. Good luck with that, Willie. You got a raw deal, kiddo, but you were partly to blame yourself. We've all been there and looks to me like you are the only person who seems able to MOVE ON from the ridiculous saga.

Right, Marty? :D

huh? wha? oh ya right.... ok .... ummm well.... oh ya move on. giggle (with a look of confusion) <----------- my Ashley impression :wacko:

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See this is what happens when you burn bridges Jani! That why u dont play with emotions! Now gets going to bite u in the butt! Cant believe she is trying to kiss up to brit! The way she is playing, both sides would have bound to catch up to her! Dr.Will might be right! If she doesnt win, she will be a 3goner time loser! She has to stop playing with emotions! Who turns on their alliance on the first week! As soon as the two sides stop going after each other, they will both come after you and that is what is happening!

Yep. Let's see if Brit is smart enough to be passive-aggressive with her when the coaches enter the game.

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Yep - willlie is gone and getting arrested for drunk driving out in the real world. I think we were all safer when he was in the house.

Didn't someone show Janelle's mug shot for allegedly being arrested for a DWI? I also read somewhere that she had allegedly been arrested for petty larceny. And here she is again. ROFL. Willie will be fine.

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Didn't someone show Janelle's mug shot for allegedly being arrested for a DWI? I also read somewhere that she had allegedly been arrested for petty larceny. And here she is again. ROFL. Willie will be fine.

You are correct, Slimcruz. And IMO Willie looked better than Janelle did in their arrest photos...lol

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What an oxymoron! "a fucking lady"

That's why the lady is a tramp... :lousings::band::dance2:

....Goes on Big Brother when she needs a buck...

There is no rich man this lady won't f@ck

She never bothers, BB's fixing her luck

That's this tramp is no lady.....lolololol

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But, you see when the coaches go back in the game (if they go back) it will change the whole thing and we will see that the first 3 wks are forgotten. I just want to see brit out of the house her voice and attitude is very grading./

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