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Frank Eudy, Week 3 (Replacement Nominee)


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Somehow Shane gave a "heads up" to Frank that he would go on block, so Frank doesn't feel backstabbed like when Willie promised one thing and did another. Also I think it is possible Frank could stay. I hate, loathe, despise and abominate Joe. He should go home.

Also it is possible Wil could flip, I do know he spent two nights in the bed with Frank when Frank was HOH. Whoever leaves won't go to Jury yet. I'd like that to be Joe. Joe would drive me nuts in the Jury!

he would be a trial for the other jurors

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Hi, NYRose! He would be annoying to others in JH....JH is where they go to unwind and just enjoy time off. Their game is over the time for juding comes much later. So enjoy it already.

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I would love to know the story behind Frank, there is more to him then meets the eye....Just my opinion.

Yes he has fought for the last few years to make it on the show, for what reason....I don't take him as a die hard fan....Just wondering what he wants after the show is over.

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I think that Frank is getting the shaft. Shane better keep an eye out for Karma because he could have left things as they were and allied with Frank for a helluva BB14. Instead, we will be getting a pared-down and tired version of All Star BB. Just my opinion but it won't be changing.

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I think it's in Shane's best interest to keep Frank -- and to try to work the house towards that goal. I think Shane feels he can trust Frank more than Joe,

and at this point someone should really talk up the idea of the coaches returning and how Janelle and her team will be difficult to deal with all the way

around. From the Shane perspective, he should want to work with Boogie and his team -- rather than relying on Janelle, etc.

The undoing of Frank will probably be the undoing of Shane.

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So is he going or staying? I am so confused. *sigh* Glad to see the HG keeping us guessing. I get so bored in the early weeks when everyone does what the HOH wants because they don't want to "rock the boat".

Right now, Frank is still the one going home, although there are a lot of fractures in the Britney/Shane/Danielle/Dan/Janelle/Joe/Ashley/Wil alliance so it's definitely possible the vote could be flipped. In particular, both Danielle and Wil's dislike of Janelle is growing steadily and if one of them flipped, Joe would go home. Britney might even be on board the way she has been bashing Janelle lately.

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I think it's in Shane's best interest to keep Frank -- and to try to work the house towards that goal. I think Shane feels he can trust Frank more than Joe,

and at this point someone should really talk up the idea of the coaches returning and how Janelle and her team will be difficult to deal with all the way

around. From the Shane perspective, he should want to work with Boogie and his team -- rather than relying on Janelle, etc.

The undoing of Frank will probably be the undoing of Shane.

Shane already blew that opportunity just by putting Frank up. Because of that Frank no longer trusts Shane and has agreed with Boogie to backdoor him at the first opportunity. Keeping Frank in the house at this point would just make things even more disastrous for Shane.

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Shane already blew that opportunity just by putting Frank up. Because of that Frank no longer trusts Shane and has agreed with Boogie to backdoor him at the first opportunity. Keeping Frank in the house at this point would just make things even more disastrous for Shane.


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But I don't think Shane realizes that. I mean, is Shane even fully aware that Frank is the one leaving? B/c earlier it sure seemed like he thought Frank was safe.

Interesting--if he is surprised at the outcome it would be very funny!

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Interesting--if he is surprised at the outcome it would be very funny!

This morning Frank, Boogie and Wil were on the couches making some eye contact and they all giggled. Boogie looked really happy. It would be such a funny blindside.

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This morning Frank, Boogie and Wil were on the couches making some eye contact and they all giggled. Boogie looked really happy. It would be such a funny blindside.

Wil just whispered to Danielle that he's making Boogie/Frank think he's voting Joe out so that Ian and Jenn will be shocked and less focused for the HOH comp and so that he can blame the vote on one of them and cause chaos in the team. It's definitely looking grim for Frank.

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Will believes his BB claim to fame is going to be getting one over on the "great MB".......he's loving that both Frank & MB are buying his BS and finally believes he matters in this game.

I have to admit that seeing MB's reaction when/if it happens will be priceless.

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Shane will get the shaft from either side IMO. Joe/Wil are hardly honorable gentlemen. And Janelle is obviously not a lady.

In my humble opinion, Joe has the IQ of a lima bean and Wil is just about valueless. Both are total bores.

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Will believes his BB claim to fame is going to be getting one over on the "great MB".......

Too funny. And in the process, doing the dirty work of the "great Janelle." I confess I'm only half paying attention to this season, but I thought Wil

didn't like Janie and wanted to assert himself?

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This morning Frank, Boogie and Wil were on the couches making some eye contact and they all giggled. Boogie looked really happy. It would be such a funny blindside.

YES! This is what I wanted to hear! PLEASE GOD/GROD don't let this change! In fact usually Wed. is not that great of a show because obviously we know the facts about veto--however I really want to see the look on Frank's face at the ceremony!!! woohoooo!

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