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Mike "Boogie" (Coach), Week 3


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Boogie keeps proving over and over he's useless without Dr. Will. If he does get to come into the game I can see just about every person in that house wanting to target him for eviction ASAP including his three players. I would hope the newbies would join together and get the coaches out of the house quickly so at least some of them could play their own game. I have a feeling the newbies will be so ticked off because the coaches were handed three free weeks, they'll get a clue and get them out of the house first!

And just for the record I HATE that BB brings in previous winners of this game. You've already won a half million dollars, go away!! :angry:

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Well, this is a perfect example of why Boogie isn't a great player and that Dr. Will is considered the best.

During BB7 All-Stars... Janelle was HoH and wanted Boogie or Dr. Will out! Dr. Will stayed up ALL night with her, flirting with her, telling her everything she wanted hear, cajoling her to keep Boogie and him off the block that week. All the while Boogie was downstairs sleeping the night away, preferring sleep than saving his own ass. (Luck for Boogie he had Dr. Will to do it for him.) It was the turning point in the season and in the end... Boogie stayed that week and ended up winning.

Janelle did exactly what she needed to do and exactly what Boogie is too lazy to do... work for the win. Although I like Frank and Ian better than anyone on Janelle's team and I wish it was Joe going home. Boogie failed as a coach and deserves to lose someone from his team this week.

i agree! Boogie should hhave been up that night fighting to keep Frank off block! And Frank should have stuck with shane! This is BB! Nobody sticks to their word!

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While generally speaking i have enjoyed the comedic effect which is boogie (his own ego getting in his way, the way he pisses Janelle off so much, and the fact that despite all of that he usually makes good game moves, even if he's annoyingly smug about it .. )... I am pretty angry with him this week. Didn't work to secure the win for Ian, or Frank .. blamed Ian for Frank being on the block, and is probably the reason that Frank will go home, even those Joe deserves to.

So I am officially off the Boogie train. :angry2::boxing:

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Tune in folks........MB just declared he's going to "DEMAND" an answer from Dan about Danielle's vote @ 3........he's p****** that Dan is being so wishy washy.........really? like he ever gave anyone the "head's up" he now thinks he deserves :animated_rotfl:

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Tune in folks........MB just declared he's going to "DEMAND" an answer from Dan about Danielle's vote @ 3........he's p****** that Dan is being so wishy washy.........really? like he ever gave anyone the "head's up" he now thinks he deserves :animated_rotfl:


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