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Mike "Boogie" (Coach), Week 3


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This jerk seems to think he is at a low budget resort on vacation. He goes to bed early, gets up early and works out and then lounges around all day. I don't watch the feeds too much but I don't think he cleans or anything. His only concern is Frank. He totally ignores Jenn as a player. Don't think he ever talks to her about HER game. Doesn't talk much with Ian, either, as far as I can tell. The only reason he gave them the money was because Frank told him to. Wonder who would have gotten the grand if Frank hadn't said anything, Ian or Jenn? He is going to come into the game well rested and ready to backstab his way to the end.

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STOP picking on poor Mike Boogie--he is a real person too--just like you or I...!!!!

HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHH just joking of course--bash away--the rich creep should have given 6000 to Ian--what a JERK!!!


GMTA--I did not even see Stray's JERK while I was writing mine!

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It will be classic if Shane does go thru with backdooring Frank. Boog will be livid, realizing that others do have intelligent opinions and he's not actually running the entire show.

Could you imagine how horrible it would be if Boog won this season too? Uuuugh.

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I think that if Shane backdoors Frank - which would be really stupid in my opinion; Janelle will seize the opportunity to openly join Boogie and get Shane gone. It is to Boogie and Frank's benefit, at this point in time, to ally with Shane until Janelle and her minions are gone to jury. It's a chance they take to evict him later but Shane can help with the driving down that long road. It is true that I kinda like Frank but that has little to do with this current opinion.

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Who is giving him this advise? Did Janie and her people just get to him? I just want to smack him upside the head. :lol:

This all started last night after Janelle spent about 45 minutes alone with Britney convincing her that the coaches are coming in the game next week. Brit seems to be the only coach doubting it, imo. Janelle was trying to make Brit realize, since they know the coaches will play, that they have to plan accordingly and ban together NOW. Which is true, if they want to stay in the game awhile. Janelle always makes it a point that no woman has won BB if sitting by a man at the end.

The newbs are going to be MAD when the coaches come in. The coaches need to have a plan. Boog's plan is totally based around Frank. Janelle knows that and that's why she wants Frank out so badly. Janelle's goal is ultimately getting Boog out before she goes.

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Well, this is a perfect example of why Boogie isn't a great player and that Dr. Will is considered the best.

During BB7 All-Stars... Janelle was HoH and wanted Boogie or Dr. Will out! Dr. Will stayed up ALL night with her, flirting with her, telling her everything she wanted hear, cajoling her to keep Boogie and him off the block that week. All the while Boogie was downstairs sleeping the night away, preferring sleep than saving his own ass. (Luck for Boogie he had Dr. Will to do it for him.) It was the turning point in the season and in the end... Boogie stayed that week and ended up winning.

Janelle did exactly what she needed to do and exactly what Boogie is too lazy to do... work for the win. Although I like Frank and Ian better than anyone on Janelle's team and I wish it was Joe going home. Boogie failed as a coach and deserves to lose someone from his team this week.

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Well, this is a perfect example of why Boogie isn't a great player and that Dr. Will is considered the best.

During BB7 All-Stars... Janelle was HoH and wanted Boogie or Dr. Will out! Dr. Will stayed up ALL night with her, flirting with her, telling her everything she wanted hear, cajoling her to keep Boogie and him off the block that week. All the while Boogie was downstairs sleeping the night away, preferring sleep than saving his own ass. (Luck for Boogie he had Dr. Will to do it for him.) It was the turning point in the season and in the end... Boogie stayed that week and ended up winning.

Janelle did exactly what she needed to do and exactly what Boogie is too lazy to do... work for the win. Although I like Frank and Ian better than anyone on Janelle's team and I wish it was Joe going home. Boogie failed as a coach and deserves to lose someone from his team this week.

If I were Frank I would not believe that being on the block was to secure the votes. And you are correct about Janelle but when Boog wakes up, he must let Frank know that this story is a lie. Boog is too wily not to see it. Now that Shane has told this to Frank, he must do it because now Frank will no longer think there is any possibility of loyalty there.

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I would prefer that Shane and Frank stay and go after each other as the game progresses. I hope Grodner feels that way, too. Surely she isn't planning on Frank going so soon. Surely not. It'll be Joe. When Grodner and the production wizards are in there explaining it to Shane and telling him how to proceed with the veto, I hope they take their time to be really clear to him exactly what they want him to do.

Britney: Oh, I don't know who he is going to put up..

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I think it would be hilarious too! (Of course we know he couldn't resist exulting his powers as HoH and eventually he would summon the peasants to his feet.) But it would be fun for a while. :lol:

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I think it would be hilarious too! (Of course we know he couldn't resist exulting his powers as HoH and eventually he would summon the peasants to his feet.) But it would be fun for a while. :lol:

You are right, he would have to cave at some point for his own benefit, but it definitely would be a fun ride for a while.

He is the reason Frank is in danger. Frank would help himself if he could get the HGs to dissociate him from Booger. ie. if he could pick his nose and get that irritant out.

To some degree yes, but they all think Frank is a threat regardless of Boogie I believe. I still think they probably would have put him up anyways even if he wasn't on team Boogie, just because they are so afraid of him for reasons beyond me.

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I still have trouble believing that I am sitting here talking about Mike Boogie in the Big Brother house. Twice was more than enough for me. Pure punishment. The upside to Frank being on the block is that posts raving about Boogie's coaching ability seem to have lessened.

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I'm tired of Boogie, also. At this point, he isn't even worth hating. He's like the ugly slug you find in the garden. Yucky but not worth hating. Just want him to go away.

I am tired of Boogie and Janelle. Britney and Dan not so much but that doesn't mean I want them on Big Brother again.

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I'm tired of Boogie, also. At this point, he isn't even worth hating. He's like the ugly slug you find in the garden. Yucky but not worth hating. Just want him to go away.

just pour some salt on him. and saltpeter on his warts.

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