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7/25 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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Bo18:00 - 20:00BBT 18:00 All Hgs eating dinner around KT table. 18:15 In front bed room, JoJotells Britany about her talk w Frank in HOH. She says she told Frank she didnt go through his things but someone did. He acted like he had never heard this before & Britany confirms he has known for days . JoJo also told Frank about her cigerette deal w Joe & now believes she has his vote.They both donttrust Janielle or how close she is becoming to Danielle. Britany Promises to get w Boogie Tonight. 18:35 Boogie , Britany ,Dan & Joe talking in LR , Jani & Frank playing chess , most other HGs in KT cleaning up after dinner. 18:40 In HN room, JoJo tells Shane about her talk w Frank. They both think Jani is working w Dan and agree that JoJo needs to talk to Frank agiain tonight ,as well as, Ian & Ashley, who they think might be more loyal to Janelle. Thay agree that talking to Ashley in the morning while Janelle is asleep is the best way to go. 18:53 In Arcade rm , Jenn & Danielle discuse a tragic reality show. In LR , Boogie , Dan , Joe , Britany discuse which former BB players they would want with them in the house . Rachel, Enzo. Evel Dick. & Daniell from season 3 are all brought up. They all agree on Dr.Will needing to be there (hmm) 19:05 In the Arcade Rm , Dani & Jenn are talking about gay adoption. Back in the LR, Boogie sends a shout out to Enzo. Frank & Jani are upstairs playing chess & joining in every now & then with the converstation downstairs in the LR. 19:15 Dani asks Jenn how gay sex works & they have a discussion about it & move back to gay adoption. Jenn says its a subject she knows about because her partner & her would like to have a baby & she would have to adopt to have any rights. 19:23 still in LR w Joe Boogie Brit & now Ian ,Dan says he would take coaching job at St .Marys over any other coaching Job. 1926 In Arcade rm, Jenn & Dani think Jodi would have teamed up w Willie & been a villian had she stayed...then both agree they would have probably gotten into it. 19:30 InHn rm , JoJo try to get Ians vote . They agree that joe cant be trusted & that he & Wil are making deals w everyone & will play dirty to get what they want. 19:35 Ashley confirms to Dani she is safe. In the HOH , Jenn tell Boogie & Frank about her drama with Ashley. Thy agree she will never win anything and confirm JoJo is out tomarrow. 19:45 Boogie thinks Dan is afraid of Janelle's team & they all think there is more to Ian than what he shows. 9:55 Jenn leaves HOH & Ian comes in. they tell him JoJo is leaving tomarrow. Boogie tells Ian that Dan wants to work with them . They all wonder about a possible twist being announced tomarrow during the live show. The rest of the HGs seem to downstairs In the LR talking about ranom topics. Overall, most of the action tonight seems to JoJo trying to save herself & not really getting anywhere.

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8:36 PM BBT Boogie/Frank and Jani/Ashley talking about who went thru Frank's bag. Boogie says he guessed Jojo and now they took it as true. BB won't tell therm.

8:42 PM BBT In the LR there is a discussion about which HG swear. In the HOH Jani tells Frank that the HG feel he is lying about being unemployed. He has smooth hands like a baby bottom. They feel he is rich.

8:45 PM BBT Jani wont tell him who said things about him. Boogie says take out all of the people from NY or Los Angeles. They cont. to try and guess. Jani wont talk.

8:50 PM BBT Jani tells Frank that Willie was the main person who asked all this. Frank calls her a sissy women for saying the person who was gone. Jani says now it was Willie and Shane. Jani blames Dani as well.

8:54 PM BBT In the LR - Dan, Joe, and Ian throw and orange back and forth. In the HOH Frank, Jani and Ashley snuggle down on the HOH bed and discuss the clothes Frank brought in.

8:58 PM BBT Wil arrives at the HOH. They tell him his hair looks good (he washed it today) and they love the ripped t-shirt. Frank asks Wil if he knows who went through his bag. Wil doesn't.

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