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7/25 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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2;55 BBT All Feeds are on HOH ... before that Shane went running inside like something was happening or the Plastic Grass was really Hot and Jo Jo was LHAO, from the hammock

3;00 BBT Shane is sitting in the KT and all 3 Workout ladies are saying it's protien shakes time and we will workout every afternoon

WBRB ........... There back and talking ABS Time and hand weights in the BY Jenn Looking at them like WTF as she has her feet dipped in the Hottub ... Pool is still covered from Glass in there from yesterday

3;06 BBT Ashley, Frank and Dan and Ted on the HOH Bed .. Boogie sleeping on the Couch ... In the BY Dani and Jani doing Hand weights routine .... Ian and Brit watching the Workout girls as they have there toes in the Hot tub ( Brit has had many times to talk to Many Voters today and i haven't heard a Thing yet... for Jo Jo to stay ) Finally Brit ask Ian who is staying and ian says I'll have to ask Frank ? Brit says it's not catastrophic either way ( and then Brit changes subject for a moment .... then She believes "Executive Decisions" where made when Willie left , Whether that means HG's or production ?)

3;17 Jo Jo and Shane in HN Room and Jo Jo says WTF is Dani gonna do for anybody ? ( Jo Jo Making classic mistake of continuing to talk to her Allie instead of talking to different people ? Now Shane offers for Both of them to go talk to people..., another Big Mistake, cause it puts Shane as the BIG Target for next week... Sorry folks I've seen this stuff since Season One and it just repeats itself - LoneTWolf )

3;25 BBT Jani Frank Ashley Jenn and Boogie (Sleeping on couch) all part of the HOH Crew now .... Jenn is telling a story about Willie intimidation and how the rest of the House will come After U Jenn when things break up and Jenn says NO Shit (LOL)

3:30 BBT Sorry can't report on Shane and Jo Jo in HN room cause it's part pity party and what they should do .... without doing anything .... (Basically having Hope without Taking Action-LoneTWolf)

3;41 BBT In the BY Jo Jo comes out to smoke ... Dan and Brit are there

(OK I'm out ... feel free to take over)

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3:56 PM

Frank and Jani discussing who sold what after the show. Enzo tried to sell stuff on Ebay and it wasn't that popular. Jani's eviction dress sold for a lot. Frank jokes he'll sell his designer Samsonite bag.

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3:44BBT Jani and Jenn in HoH talking and Jenn says she does not think JoJo knows how much she is really disliked in the house. Now goes to general chit chat about past games and past players. (keeping personal comments down to a min as insturucted) Jani still asking about old players ie. evil dick and when Jen starts to comment we get FOTH. Jenn says she knows ED lives and eats for this game Jani agrees. Frank in the room now talking about past players seems the 3 of them like Jeff the most.

Switched to BY and its Brit and JoJo talking about jobs...Brit talks and talks and JoJo says yea yea and then strokes Brits ego. (going back to the HoH) Jani says what a Lame day... (agreed) Now they are talking about clothing. Jani says she will be intrested to see...you hear frank say "Im not going to tell you" and FOTH. Jen/frank/janin talk of getting rich selling their BB stuff on ebay (insert sarcasim here) and we get FOTH. B)

3:54BBT still FOTH .....and were back with talk still of selling BB stuff. Jani says her past eviction dress sold for alot of money. (REALLY?) Jani says that Enzo took lots of BB stuff thinking he was more popular than he was put it on ebay and it did not sell. Talk of how stupid it was for the HG to think Frank was rich because he has sampsonite luggage. :lol: Jani says people are just stupid. Name brand talking so we are getting off and on FOTH.

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4:03 PM BBT

Frank is glad that everyone wears their 'regs' everyday so he doesn't feel bad about wearing the same shorts and shirts everyday. Jani wears a green shirt inside out so they can't take it from her. It's got Jimi Hendrix on the inside. They took her AC/DC shirt too. They took shirts from Frank where the colours didn't blend well. A white tank top. A blue tuxedo shirt with blue flecks. He only has 4 button ups now. They let Jani keep a black dress though, they usually take them. We keep getting WBRB because it's production talk.

4:07 PM BBT

Ash and Ian talk on the hammock. She apologizes to him about his final 2 comments. She was just feel emotional. She just feels like she has no one in the house, she feels so alone. "You shouldn't feel like that." Ian says. Ash says they haven't had a pow-wow in a bit and feels left out.

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4:27 PM BBT

JoJo says that people are trying to turn her into a villain and that's not true. She tells Frank she heard that she was trying to sabotage him but that's not how she's in. She's straight up. Frank hasn't heard that rumour. She knows that "you guys" are working together (Frank and Danielle) and she and Shane are working together and while they are playing with their coaches they aren't really playing with their coaches. She's staying with Shane because she feels he's really loyal, he's proven his loyalty. "Absolutely." nods Frank.

[Wondering how long it will take JoJo to realize Frank hasn't said anything but Yeah and Absolutely since she started talking. - ZuZu]

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4:32 PM BBT

JoJo admits she makes a mistake, says she trusted Willie but it was a mistake, it was week one. Everything is in Frank's hands. He points out that all the other players weren't banding together with those players.... and JoJo cuts him off telling him how she likes him and how she likes Ashley and how Ash has a big heart. Asks if he'll consider working with her and Shane.

"I don't, I don't, I don't wanna think about that right now." he gets out.

4:35 PM BBT

Out on the patio Wil starts telling a story about a bitch he moved in with which he knew but he didn't know she was a physical psycho bitch. Which gets us a WBRB while JoJo continues her plea to Frank to keep her and to work with her and Shane.

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4:40 JoJo pitching to Frank, about how loyal she is. Frank explaining he doesn't have a vote and doesn't know how people are voting.

Frank: I'm sure Janelle's group will vote together, but I don't know what way they're voting. I'd assume Jenn and Ian will vote the way Boogie wants them to, but I don't know.

JoJo telling Frank that she gave him 2 packs of cigarettes and why she gave them to him. This will prove how loyal she is because she's coming to Frank with the truth about why Joe has them.

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4:52 PM BBT

Brit and Dani talking about how their families don't really drink so there was no alcohol at their wedding. Dan had Johnny Walker at his wedding. Brit asks if he ever had Johnny Walker Blue. "Once at a ST. Mary's grad party. You know how when alcohol gets so expensive and you taste it and you can't tell the difference? That was it." he tells us. Inside Ash in a black bikini is talking to Joe as he makes dinner and suddenly we have the fish.

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4:58 PM BBT

Wil explains gay marriage to the patio crowd. If he gets married in NY and then goes to Alabama he is no longer married. The group now talking about name changes when you get married.

JoJo talking to Joe in the KT. Looks like IDL called at 5:00 PM BBT

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4:47PM BBT – JoJo is STILL going on to Frank. She’s reminding Frank that Janelle was on “their” side when Willie was first HOH, but then she flipped. We get a WBRB and finally, JoJo is leaving the HOH room. Frank looks thrilled to have some peace and quiet. He gets out his remote to spy on the house.

4:50PM BBT – Joe has made some sort of dip and Janelle is snacking on it. She asks Joe if he thinks its super hard to have kids at 40. Frank comes and joins Joe and Jani in the kitchen. Frank quickly brings Janelle and Joe up to speed. Ashley joins the kitchen crew and they huddle together until they realize someone is in the shower. Talk turns to almonds and brazil nuts, and WBRB.

4:55PM BBT – We’re back and Joe is still cooking in the kitchen. Just general chit chat. Janelle comments that she’s full from chips and avocado. She loves avocado, she proclaims to everyone who will listen. Joe asks JoJo how her talk with Frank went. Pretty well, JoJo said. He said I had valid points. JoJo tells Joe that Janelle doesn’t like her. Joe asks how she knows. What she’s heard, JoJo says. Joe is making tacos for dinner. More HG’s coming in and out of the kitchen area.

5:01PM BBT – Shane is primping his hair in front of the mirror, having just got out of the shower.

Here is the WHOLE post, whoops:

4:13PM BBT – Janelle and Frank are in the HOH room having some general chat. Jenn is listening to Frank’s CD.

Ian and Ashley are in the hammock. Ian talking about what games he’d be good at. Ashley told Ian that Shane is gunning for Wil but not to say anything. Ian says the good part about their being tight is that they work as an asset to their fellow teammates.

Ashley offers Ian her sunglasses and he puts them on, saying it doesn’t help much. Game talk resumes. Ashley says Wil scares the crap out of her, even though he is in her team alliance. She says neither Wil or Joe talk to her. Wil is so paranoid, always thinking the coaches are coming back in the game. Ian thinks it’s possible but both agree they cannot worry about it.

If Ian was up against Frank or Jenn, he thinks he could get the votes to stay. He belives the same for Ashley with her team. They are the least threatening of their team.

After this week (when Danielle goes, assuming), the coaches have a 37% chance of winning the 100k. Ashley doesn’t believe Jani has her best interests all the time, and that Jani would pick Wil over her. Ian assures her Jani has her back. Ashley recounts a story that Joe wanted to get rid of Dan’s whole team, and is questioning if he will still do that this week.


4:23PM BBT – Still general chit chat going on in the HOH room, except now Jenn has stopped listening to music and is adding to the conversation. Boogie is sleeping on the couch in the HOH room.

4:24PM BBT – Ian says as long he & Ashley don’t get nominated together, they have a pretty good chance. And if they do, they can always try for POV.

4:25PM BBT – JoJo is up in HOH talking to Frank. Janelle and Jenn have left the room. She is Willie bashing, trying to convince Frank to keep her. She’s going to be honest with him, be straight from her heart, etc. She is going to play her own game, not Britney’s even though she likes Britney. She says she knows there are people who are lying about her and it upsets her because she wouldn’t do that. She believes people are trying to make up stories about her to turn her into a Willie, and she’s not like that. JoJo laments about Janelle not liking her, and she’s always been nice to Janelle so it doesn’t make sense to her. JoJo can’t be anything but “me” – it’s who she is. JoJo believes the big alliance of 6 is going to be split up very soon. She’s with Shane, obviously, and if Willie was still there and they were a “team”, she & Shane would’ve abandoned Willie cause their beliefs are different. Shane is the only one she thinks truly has her back. She wanted to work with Frank when Willie was first on his side; she trusts him. She has proven herself as passionate and willing to fight. JoJo swears Frank is not her target.

4:29PM BBT – Britney, Janelle and Wil are on the BY couches. General chit chat on how expensive pets are, especially in NY. Munching on her apple, Janelle recounts how her dog was run over by a truck and how expensive the vet bills were.

4:32PM BBT – Back to the HOH room, JoJo is still earnestly campaigning for her to be able to stay this week. Frank mentions that they were all duped by Willie and all got taken in by him. JoJo talks about “others” she would vote out before Frank , but doesn’t want to name them and get into more “trouble” with others in the house.


4:36PM BBT – Danielle and Shane are in the bathroom area. Shane is dreading taking a shower because of how cold it is, but “I stink”. Ashley comes out of the restroom and mentions feeling 2 pounds lighter after she pees. Danielle curls up besides Shane on the couch in the bathroom. Joe yells from the kitchen looking for some slop. He was going to make “slop taco meat”. Shane asks Danielle if Dan has a plan for her once Ashley leaves the bathroom. Danielle says she doesn’t know. Talk turns to general chit chat.

4:42PM BBT – Joe is in the kitchen, getting dinner started. Boogie is called to the DR. Dan joins the BY crew. They are still general chit chatting, only now about past seasons. Zooey Deshcanel played in BB with Boogie, and he kept trying to “get” with her. [if that’s wrong, I’m sorry, I didn’t watch the earlier seasons and I just walked into that conversation – BBLuver] Talk turns to movies.

4:45PM BBT – Danielle joins the BY couch crew. Ian and Janelle get tired of movie talk. Janelle goes inside and Ian meanders deeper into the BY.

4:47PM BBT – JoJo is STILL going on to Frank. She’s reminding Frank that Janelle was on “their” side when Willie was first HOH, but then she flipped. We get a WBRB and finally, JoJo is leaving the HOH room. Frank looks thrilled to have some peace and quiet. He gets out his remote to spy on the house.

4:50PM BBT – Joe has made some sort of dip and Janelle is snacking on it. She asks Joe if he thinks its super hard to have kids at 40. Frank comes and joins Joe and Jani in the kitchen. Frank quickly brings Janelle and Joe up to speed. Ashley joins the kitchen crew and they huddle together until they realize someone is in the shower. Talk turns to almonds and brazil nuts, and WBRB.

4:55PM BBT – We’re back and Joe is still cooking in the kitchen. Just general chit chat. Janelle comments that she’s full from chips and avocado. She loves avocado, she proclaims to everyone who will listen. Joe asks JoJo how her talk with Frank went. Pretty well, JoJo said. He said I had valid points. JoJo tells Joe that Janelle doesn’t like her. Joe asks how she knows. What she’s heard, JoJo says. Joe is making tacos for dinner. More HG’s coming in and out of the kitchen area.

5:01PM BBT – Shane is primping his hair in front of the mirror, having just got out of the shower.

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5:13 PM BBT

Dan and Mike sitting in the 'hot seats' in the LR holding court with JoJo and Frank. Brit doing her nails at KT table as Joe continues to make dinner. Wil looks like he hasn't hit the shower yet. General chit chat, nothing exciting going on.

5:15 PM BBT

Britney mentions a cat burgler and we get fish. Everyone is bored. Dan and Mike just announced that Jenn is the resident DJ in their Geisha House. Dan suggests maybe dueling pianos. "Those are actually always a hit." Jen tells him.

Brit and Jani are going to do multiple roles. Cocktail waitresses and Hostesses.

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5:10PM BBT – Indoor LD. JoJo, Wil and Frank in the kitchen with JoJo saying words with her NY accent.

5:11PM BBT - Danielle and Jenn in the arcade room, talking about “easy access” and keeping their legs closed. Giggling over their overprotective fathers. Danielle is called to the DR.

5:12PM BBT - Dan, Boogie and Frank are in the living room. General chit chat.

5:13PM BBT - Britney, Janelle and Wil sitting around the table. They are doing basic jedi training while Britney removes nail polish from her nails. Britney mentions the LD is for 2 hours. Britney doesn’t feel well; she never got around to her workout. Joe is chopping up veggies for their taco dinner.

Nothing very interesting in either feed right now.

5:17PM BBT - Janelle is bored, and asks Frank to play chess with her.

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5:19 PM BBT

Mike now casting his people in a war. Danielle would be a foot shoulder, Joe a General, JoJo a sniper, Ian, well Dan or Mike wouldn't put him on explosives but he might know the science of it. Put him on weapons. Danielle catches on "Isn't a foot solider the lowest person on the totem pole?" Oh no, says Mike. Jenn is the kamikaze pilot.

5:22 PM BBT

Frank and Jani playing chess.

Mike tells JoJo she was cast as a sniper.

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5:23 PM BBT

Frank tells Janelle that JoJo told him that someone went through his bag. Jani laughs "What? That's totally ridiculous."

Janelle asks Frank if he stil believes the coaches are going to come back in the game. "I don't" he shakes his head. "Why are you changing your mind?" he asks her "No, I'm still ok." she says. Frank says that if that's the twist then Mike and Dan are going up. Dan is too likeable. Janelle asks if he'd be scared trying to do that? "Of course I'd be scared but I'd talk people into it. Hell I'll talk them into putting you up when it comes down to it." "You'd put me up?" Janelle asks "Yes, if the coaches are in the game I'm trying to take all 4 of you out as soon as possible." he tells her. He promises not to take her out first but says he's not going to let a coach beat him.

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7:20 pm BBT - Jenn and Dani are in the Arcade room talking. Jenn talks about working as a DJ and how she works and dances while picking up women. Dani talks about how she never would spend so much time talking to someone like Jenn in the real world.

7:30 pm BBT - Ashley joins them. They talk about how Jodi was the fastest person evicted from BB. Ashley says that she hears construction in the BY (they are all in indoor lockdown). Dani does not think they will be done any time soon. Jenn gets called to the SR to change her mic. Dani asks Ashley if they are still good and Ashley says they are. Dani mentions how quickly people change in the house. She says it sucks having to wonder how people will vote and who you can trust. Dani says that she may be having a panic attack soon having to wait so long. She asks Ashley if she thinks she will stay. Ash says yes.

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7:35 pm BBT - Jenn is up in the HOH with Frank and Boogie. They are talking about sending Jojo home. Boogie says it would be a good idea for Shane to win HOH and put up 2 of Janelle's people.

7:40 pm BBT - Boogie feels that Shane is one of his people. He says that Dan also wants to go after Janelle's people. Frank says that they would not want to work with Shane to the end but it would be good right now. Boogie says that Shane putting up 2 of Janelle's people out next week with one going home they can take Shane out the following week.

Frank talks about how Will and Joe are not happy with Ashley. Boogie is says that there is a good chance that all 3 of his people will make the final 3. He says that it would also be a good thing if Dani would win HOH. He also talks about how Dan is downplaying Dani to make her look weak and not be a threat.

They are not talking about how Ashley cannot even walk today so she is not a threat in any endurance comp. (this conversation is bouncing in so many directions).

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7:45 pm BBT - Boogie is saying that they do not have much to be scared about tomorrow night. They are confident who is going home. Frank says that he talked to Dani today and that he told her that she should feel safe. They talk about how Jojo was trying to bargain with Frank today. Frank thinks that Joe will vote to keep her. Boogie says that he has not spoken with Ian about game since the POV.

Boogie is now speculating about someone coming back and how, with Willie's departure that they have to have someone come back. Jenn leaves the room.

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7:50 pm BBT - Ian comes up the the HOH room to talk with Boogie and Frank. They say how Dan and Dani are super desperate. They say that Dan will want to be with Boogie more than Janelle.

They are still talking about how they have to go after Janelle's people.

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8:06 PM BBT Ian/Boogie and Frank discuss scenarios. Says that Shane is intimidating with his strength. They feel that one of the three that get evicted will be coming back.

8:10 PM BBT Ian leaves HOH. Frank and Boogie say that Ian is fine - no need to badger him yet. They discuss if Dan is throwing he comps. Boogie says he cant be - there is no advantage.

8:12 PM BBT In the LR the HG are playing a game "either or". They call Frank out of the HOH because Joe says that Frank likes hair in certain parts of a woman. The HG are in hysterics.

8:20 PM BBT Frank and Boogie continue to talk in HOH. They said that Brit has never done the dishes. She never offers and always wants people to cook for her.

8:22 PM BBT Boogie/Frank says that the only HG they have any concern for is Shane. And everyone wants him out. Now discussing what they said in goodbyes. Franks says nothing mean - he doesn't do that.

8:27 PM BBT Jani and Ashley join the boys in the HOH room. Discussion turns to women and shaving. Downstairs talk about how many kids they each want.

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