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Willie Hantz, Week 2 (Out - July 20)


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Guest Corky812

I just feel the bottom line is no matter what Joe, Brit, Janelle or Ted the Bear said or did, Willie broke the rules, physically assaulted someone and got kicked out. Chima got kicked out when she destroyed her mic when she got mad and tossed it in the pool. That guy on BB2 (Jason I think) held a knife to Krista's throat, and even tho they were both drunk and a lot of people thought it was just in jest, BB saw it as physically threatening another player and he went out. Scott got physical and threw chairs and he got kicked out (of BB4 I think).

Jody got a pretty bad deal Day #1 in the BB house, barely even got to play the game, but she didn't beat anyone up or call names over it. Erika got a crappy deal getting HOH taken away from her over the Howie "allegedly faulty buzzer" but she didn't beat anyone up or call anyone names, just said said "no I understand and I want it to be fair" when Alison Grodner told them why there was a replay of the HOH comp.

I still maintain and it is (JUST MY OPINION) that Willie alone is the one responsible for getting kicked out. He told Brit he behaves like that in real life. He was spoiling for a fight and again, I think production should have called him to DR immediately and calmed him down, but they just let things go, so if you want to share blame I would blame production before anyone else, but again who cares what I think.

Brandon's first post Willie eviction tape he talks a lot about that the family has tempers, so that came right from a family member not from anyone making a judgement about them.

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I just feel the bottom line is no matter what Joe, Brit, Janelle or Ted the Bear said or did, Willie broke the rules, physically assaulted someone and got kicked out. Chima got kicked out when she destroyed her mic when she got mad and tossed it in the pool. That guy on BB2 (Jason I think) held a knife to Krista's throat, and even tho they were both drunk and a lot of people thought it was just in jest, BB saw it as physically threatening another player and he went out. Scott got physical and threw chairs and he got kicked out (of BB4 I think).

Jody got a pretty bad deal Day #1 in the BB house, barely even got to play the game, but she didn't beat anyone up or call names over it. Erika got a crappy deal getting HOH taken away from her over the Howie "allegedly faulty buzzer" but she didn't beat anyone up or call anyone names, just said said "no I understand and I want it to be fair" when Alison Grodner told them why there was a replay of the HOH comp.

I still maintain and it is (JUST MY OPINION) that Willie alone is the one responsible for getting kicked out. He told Brit he behaves like that in real life. He was spoiling for a fight and again, I think production should have called him to DR immediately and calmed him down, but they just let things go, so if you want to share blame I would blame production before anyone else, but again who cares what I think.

Brandon's first post Willie eviction tape he talks a lot about that the family has tempers, so that came right from a family member not from anyone making a judgement about them.

The more I think about this the more I wonder why production didn't pull him in immediately after he made the comment to JoJo and Shane that he was going to get evicted in order to save them (my words not his). It was obvious then that he was going to get himself kicked out in some way. He then repeated it again, I believe in the have not room and perhaps again when he went upstairs to the HOH room (I may have these out of order, but I know he made 2 or 3 comments at least about getting evicted in order to take the heat off Shane and JoJo). So if it was obvious to us watching, it had to have been obvious to the production team that he was looking for a way to get kicked out. I agree with you that they should have immediately pulled him. What's the point of the psyh drs. etc., if not to use them in cases like this? Absolutely, the production team takes the blame first and foremost for letting this get out of hand.

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As is true in all of life, people see the same event differently...

First, I think Joe is a dirtbag and I would be happy to see him go... BUT...

As I saw & heard it, Willie was sitting at the dining table calling the HGs the C-word and more... When Joe walked by, heading to the head, Willie called Joe the C-word... Joe responded in kind..

Willie did charge Joe in a very aggressive style... Joe responded by taking a defensive posture... Joe was the initiator of none of this... Willie was...

The way I saw it, once in the head, it was Willie that moved in on Joe and not the other way around... Joe was cornered and has a right to stand his ground, protect himself, and not be bullied by a screaming & obviously out of control Willie... It's his house too...

Joe, in response to Willie's charge, chest bumping, & headbutting, behaved like an adult and did not escalate the altercation... He was cornered and he did nothing but protect himself... I still don't like Joe, but he behaved like any rational person would...

He did not start this.. Willie did... He did not charge at anybody... Willie did...

Cornered in the head by Willie, Joe did nothing more than stand his ground & take a defensive stance... Had Joe thrown a punch, he would have been wrong... But Joe did NOT throw a punch... The only one to be physically violent was Willie when he chest-bumped and headbutted Joe...

It's hard to understand your "Willie had every right to defend himself" statement.. So, I can't respond to it...

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree...


Exactly. ITA. Willie was angry (don't blame him) but not out of control. He did what he did in order to be ejected from the game. He stated his intent beforehand.
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Actually if Joe wanted to be unconfrontational, he would have put his open palms up and said something like "hey man I dont' want to fight" but the fists imo were an aggressive stance. Willie may have wanted to get evicted by taking a punch but if he was truly pathological, he would have tackled or punched Joe. He did not do that. Meh, so he headbutted him with the brim of his hat and that was enough for him to be escorted out. I still think Joe should have been escorted out also.

I agree Joe was up in the HOH room knowing that he was ready to explode and said if we are going to mess with him to do it now because he is ready to explode. I never thought that the meeting everyone was so offended by was in any way being a bully on his part. He probably shouldn't have had a meeting with all these idiots in this house. I like no one that is left. I think production wanted the confrontation and I think they knew what was going to happen. Plus I truly believe that he thought if they kicked him out then Shane and JoJo would be safe this week. I think if he was as mad as everyone said that he would not have head butted Joe but probably knocked him out. Joe should have gone for provoking the situation. I have nothing nice to say about Janelle. She uses everyone that is in power in that house and shame on them for not seeing it. Brittany's season was the worst season for me watching those house guests was like watching paint dry so of course she doesn't want conflict She should have defended Willie to the whole house when Frank accused him of mocking Wil and Wil needs to get off his high horse because he is no better than anyone else in that house including Willie. She should have called out Janelle but oh well I guess we are doomed to have a boring season.
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Guest Corky812

Reflecting back on what another poster said earlier, that Willie tried to get into DR for about 3 minutes and BB had the door locked I am thinking that BB felt Willie might just go walking right out the door and DQ himself, so that's why they would not let him in, because they didn't want that to happen and made a bad judgement call that he would calm down.

Does anyone know if the front door is locked other than on eviction nights? I honestly can't remember the specifics of how one would go about a DQ, but I thought they had to go into DR or hit a buzzer or something.

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As is true in all of life, people see the same event differently...

First, I think Joe is a dirtbag and I would be happy to see him go... BUT...

As I saw & heard it, Willie was sitting at the dining table calling the HGs the C-word and more... When Joe walked by, heading to the head, Willie called Joe the C-word... Joe responded in kind..

Willie did charge Joe in a very aggressive style... Joe responded by taking a defensive posture... Joe was the initiator of none of this... Willie was...

The way I saw it, once in the head, it was Willie that moved in on Joe and not the other way around... Joe was cornered and has a right to stand his ground, protect himself, and not be bullied by a screaming & obviously out of control Willie... It's his house too...

Joe, in response to Willie's charge, chest bumping, & headbutting, behaved like an adult and did not escalate the altercation... He was cornered and he did nothing but protect himself... I still don't like Joe, but he behaved like any rational person would...

He did not start this.. Willie did... He did not charge at anybody... Willie did...

Cornered in the head by Willie, Joe did nothing more than stand his ground & take a defensive stance... Had Joe thrown a punch, he would have been wrong... But Joe did NOT throw a punch... The only one to be physically violent was Willie when he chest-bumped and headbutted Joe...

It's hard to understand your "Willie had every right to defend himself" statement.. So, I can't respond to it...

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree...


I agree with most of what you said. I even went back and see where Wille said bunch of C's (or Ps I think he said Ps not thats any better) then said P's again. Thats when Joe said your the only P I see around her bro.

I guess seeing Joes reaction to things while he was still up in the HOH room where it is plain to me that he fully intended to engage in the situation is why I dont see things the same way as you. Sure they didnt show that on the show but it was on the feeds. So I just feel like Joe knew exactly what he was doing, getting himself into when he made the choice to go downstairs and antagonize the situation. Then while watching the show (even they couldnt edit it this joes way) I see it as them BOTH using agressive body language at the end of the "fight" when Joe was backing up Willie and just as its fair to say Joe had the right to put up his fists in a defensive way, the same can be said about Willie taking action to protect himself when Joe was coming at him. I want to stress again that I am not totally defending Willies actions or saying he should not or did not deserve to be expelled from the game. But whats good for one should be good for all and Joe is a grown man who made the choice (just as willie did) to jump in to the altercation. Knowing Willie was about to "blow" which were his own words. He had the chance to be the better man and keep his mouth shut and just let Willie vent and/or cool down but he chose to provoke him even more. And then again he had to choice to walk away when willie was still a good 2 feet away from him when willie ran into the BR but he CHOSE to buck up to him and become aggressive himself with he started to step towards wilIie. So with all of that together and with all of the stuff leading up to this point is why I say Joe was just as much at fault as Willie and why I feel Willie had every right to defend himself. To add to it, production even had to tell Joe not to follow Willie after they had already split up...l

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That is prob the worst example to even be considered. Those kids were 100 percent innocent victims of a disgusting crime...There is also a difference in blood family loyalty and being loyal for selfish self serving reasons. Not to mention the fact that Willie was not 100% at fault here as that sick SOB was. Terrible comparison...

After re-reading my post it comes across as being loyal to Sandusky when in actuallity my point was those being loyal to Paterno. I appoligizle if it didn't come across that way. I will edit that part.

The point was you stated that, "if more of "america" held their family values to the same standard...loyalty...Then I think things would work out a lot better for everyone." My point was is that is part of the problem. Now a days it's always someone elses fault if you do something wrong. No one ever takes responsibiltiy for their own actions. Why should they when their friends and family tell them it's not there fault. To blindly be loyal just because they are family is the problem. That doesn't mean to not be there for them or not help them through it.

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Reflecting back on what another poster said earlier, that Willie tried to get into DR for about 3 minutes and BB had the door locked I am thinking that BB felt Willie might just go walking right out the door and DQ himself, so that's why they would not let him in, because they didn't want that to happen and made a bad judgement call that he would calm down.

Does anyone know if the front door is locked other than on eviction nights? I honestly can't remember the specifics of how one would go about a DQ, but I thought they had to go into DR or hit a buzzer or something.

From what I have heard from others, there is a "self evict" door leading for the Pandoras Box room which this year is the HOH coaches room. I would venture to guess that fire codes would demand more than one exit (bc BY is totally enclosed) with so many people in such a confined space. So Im gonna guess there is more than one way out of there...

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I agree Joe was up in the HOH room knowing that he was ready to explode and said if we are going to mess with him to do it now because he is ready to explode. I never thought that the meeting everyone was so offended by was in any way being a bully on his part. He probably shouldn't have had a meeting with all these idiots in this house. I like no one that is left. I think production wanted the confrontation and I think they knew what was going to happen. Plus I truly believe that he thought if they kicked him out then Shane and JoJo would be safe this week. I think if he was as mad as everyone said that he would not have head butted Joe but probably knocked him out. Joe should have gone for provoking the situation. I have nothing nice to say about Janelle. She uses everyone that is in power in that house and shame on them for not seeing it. Brittany's season was the worst season for me watching those house guests was like watching paint dry so of course she doesn't want conflict She should have defended Willie to the whole house when Frank accused him of mocking Wil and Wil needs to get off his high horse because he is no better than anyone else in that house including Willie. She should have called out Janelle but oh well I guess we are doomed to have a boring season.

Why shoud Brit have called out Janelle? :confused: Janelle was not privy to that conversation (where Willie imitated Wil). She simply believed Frank, just like everyone else did. They had no reason to disbelieve Frank, especially since he seemed so sincere and believable at the time. I thought he was telling the truth too until I watched the conversation. I do agree that Brit should have defended Willie much harder as she was in the room and heard the entire conversation. Willie got a raw deal on that one point. I don't believe he was making a gay slur in any way. He simply imitated Wil.

re Frank lying on Willie though, maybe that's his gameplay and it certainly worked. The entire house turned on Willie (sans Joho and Shane). Not honorable at all but I really don't know how he perceived that conversation in his mind. If he knew he was lying, it's not against the rules to lie. It saved Frank's butt for the week, that's for sure.

As for Janelle or anyone else using people in power, that is gameplay and they all do it sooner or later. It's part of the social aspect of the game, being able to use and/or deceive without making enemies. Whomever is best at it usually gets to the end. :)

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After re-reading my post it comes across as being loyal to Sandusky when in actuallity my point was those being loyal to Paterno. I appoligizle if it didn't come across that way. I will edit that part.

The point was you stated that, "if more of "america" held their family values to the same standard...loyalty...Then I think things would work out a lot better for everyone." My point was is that is part of the problem. Now a days it's always someone elses fault if you do something wrong. No one ever takes responsibiltiy for their own actions. Why should they when their friends and family tell them it's not there fault. To blindly be loyal just because they are family is the problem. That doesn't mean to not be there for them or not help them through it.

I dont recall any of the Hantz saying it wasnt in part or at all Willies fault, Willie himself has admitted he shouldnt have done it. But standing behind a member of your family showing them unconditional love and loyalty is a positive value to have and should not be compared to a serial child molester...

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I dont recall any of the Hantz saying it wasnt in part or at all Willies fault, Willie himself has admitted he shouldnt have done it. But standing behind a member of your family showing them unconditional love and loyalty is a positive value to have and should not be compared to a serial child molester...

I will try to say it again. It's the loyalty to Paterno I was talking about and not to Sandusky. The Hantz's did say that Willie should have punched Joe before he left and that's what they would have done.

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Guest Corky812

I guess what I have the most trouble with here is why people feel Joe should have been evicted/expelled also because participating or provoking are not hitting someone. I don't like Joe but I don't think he broke any Big Brother rules. If Joe should be evicted than Janelle and Brittany should be expelled as coaches and half the rest of the house for provoking (I didn't see Willie do what Frank accused him of re: mocking Wil, so Frank should go for underhandness), and just because I'm on a roll, Mike Boogie should be expelled as a coach just for being Mike Boogie and Ted The Bear should be expelled by association with Mike Boogie, Alison Grodner would have to bring in Rachel, Brendon, Jessie, Matt, his fake sick wife, Chima and anyone else on the "I'm a Big Brother past HG and I deserve fame and fortune train".

Dan, Danielle and Ashley can be final 3, split the money and go live in Disneyland or something.

I just listened to the Brandon tape again and his explanations for what happened and I quote as best I could hear it but this is what I heard:

"unfortunately ours is our temper" (why people have issues or what they are)

"for us losing is a problem"

"our issue is our temper"

"if you pass us the wrong way you're gonna get thumped" (does that mean if you don't like the way I am walking down the street you are going to beat me up?)

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Why shoud Brit have called out Janelle? :confused: Janelle was not privy to that conversation (where Willie imitated Wil). She simply believed Frank, just like everyone else did. They had no reason to disbelieve Frank, especially since he seemed so sincere and believable at the time. I thought he was telling the truth too until I watched the conversation. I do agree that Brit should have defended Willie much harder as she was in the room and heard the entire conversation. Willie got a raw deal on that one point. I don't believe he was making a gay slur in any way. He simply imitated Wil.

re Frank lying on Willie though, maybe that's his gameplay and it certainly worked. The entire house turned on Willie (sans Joho and Shane). Not honorable at all but I really don't know how he perceived that conversation in his mind. If he knew he was lying, it's not against the rules to lie. It saved Frank's butt for the week, that's for sure.

As for Janelle or anyone else using people in power, that is gameplay and they all do it sooner or later. It's part of the social aspect of the game, being able to use and/or deceive without making enemies. Whomever is best at it usually gets to the end. :)

I don't disagree with what you are saying. I guess what I mean is that Brittany doesn't like confrontation so I wish she would be more vocal because at this point its not going to hurt her. I guess my problem is I don't like Janelle this season and for that matter I don't like anyone left pretty much. I know that it is not against the rules to lie but I think it was the context of the lie for me.
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It's sad when the most sane person in the family seems to be Russell. His nephew and his brother need some psychological help.

It's a long list, indeed, of BB contenders who; in my personal opinion only, would benefit greatly from some psychological attention. More would, than wouldn't. I still admire those winners who took the money, used it to further their advantage in life, and never looked back. Even if I didn't like them, I admire them now.

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Guest Corky812

I'm sure you are correct Slimcruz. Both Alison Grodner and The Hantz' will make way more money on Willie's expulsion vs his mundane eviction from the BB House. My question (yooo hooo IRS) is how much extra Willie and Team Hantz got from Ms. Grodner for this little number!

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Well the cast and the way the show is going without Willie is dying fast in my opinion. There is not one person in there worth watching, for at least me.

Who picked this cast, should be fired, this is the worst cast for me ever.

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<tr><td>Brandon Hantz, the second member of the Hantz family to be on a CBS reality show when he followed in Uncle Russell's footsteps to "<i>Survivor</i>" has posted a response to his Uncle Willie's ejection from the "Big Brother 14" house.<a href="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-l2FAFH6Stt0/UAwOj7jyKcI/AAAAAAAAAQ8/P6sf1F-ifRw/s1600/Untitled.png" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="137" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-l2FAFH6Stt0/UAwOj7jyKcI/AAAAAAAAAQ8/P6sf1F-ifRw/s200/Untitled.png" width="200" /></a><sub><i><span style="font-size: x-large;">"</span></i></sub>My Uncle Willie is a loving, loving person. My little cousin Seth is a homosexual and he loves my cousin Seth very much. And for people to call my Uncle Willie a homophobic person is completely inaccurate ...<sub><i><span style="font-size: x-large;">"</span></i></sub><br />
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<sub><i><span style="font-size: x-large;">"</span></i></sub>Boogie is a little punk! Boogie is a little punk! He's like a little Chihuahua who barks, barks, barks when a big dog comes around the corner. He ain't barkin' no more.<sub><i><span style="font-size: x-large;">"</span></i></sub></td></tr>
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Well the cast and the way the show is going without Willie is dying fast in my opinion. There is not one person in there worth watching, for at least me.

Who picked this cast, should be fired, this is the worst cast for me ever.

I agree. It is really, really bad. The powers-that-be need to clean house and they need to revamp their selection process. I can't help but believe that some interesting people (a few, surely) apply to the show. I've never understood why they dredge bars looking for contestants. And, how on earth do they come up with one gay person and one black person per show and even worse, occasionally they are one and the same. Just kidding, really, but you get the drift. What a bunch of dumbasses.

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I agree. It is really, really bad. The powers-that-be need to clean house and they need to revamp their selection process. I can't help but believe that some interesting people (a few, surely) apply to the show. I've never understood why they dredge bars looking for contestants. And, how on earth do they come up with one gay person and one black person per show and even worse, occasionally they are one and the same. Just kidding, really, but you get the drift. What a bunch of dumbasses.

I couldn't agree more! A thought: I think it would be a nice twist if for BB15 (if there is a BB15) that they put say 30-50 people for America to vote on and we can chose who plays and perhaps people would be more vested in the players and what happens. I will be honest, this is the first season that I'm just "blah" about.

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I couldn't agree more! A thought: I think it would be a nice twist if for BB15 (if there is a BB15) that they put say 30-50 people for America to vote on and we can chose who plays and perhaps people would be more vested in the players and what happens. I will be honest, this is the first season that I'm just "blah" about.

I like your idea - unless of course those 30 to 50 people came from the bars of LA...

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I couldn't agree more! A thought: I think it would be a nice twist if for BB15 (if there is a BB15) that they put say 30-50 people for America to vote on and we can chose who plays and perhaps people would be more vested in the players and what happens. I will be honest, this is the first season that I'm just "blah" about.

Grodner has no doubt already stolen your idea for BB15.

I like your idea - unless of course those 30 to 50 people came from the bars of LA...


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