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When Willie first confronted Frank a few days a go, then walked away. I could tell that he had no verbal skills to defend himself, hence he was a timebomb ready to go out. He also has an arrest record for beating up his exgirlfriend's boyfriend. Joe could still sue them. Don't get me wrong, Joe is a huge Jackass. But I could verbally handle someone like him.

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When Willie first confronted Frank a few days a go, then walked away. I could tell that he had no verbal skills to defend himself, hence he was a timebomb ready to go out. He also has an arrest record for beating up his exgirlfriend's boyfriend. Joe could still sue them. Don't get me wrong, Joe is a huge Jackass. But I could verbally handle someone like him.

This was where he let his anger get the best of him. All of us tend to lose a lot of our verbal skills when our anger overtakes us; and if you don't have a great deal to begn with then you will have even less to work with in the heat of the moment! He should never have approached Frank when he was that angry.

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I just hope they don't let the coaches enter the game, now they are a player short what are they going to do? Have a NEL like TAR? So far I am really hating this season, I already shut off the BBAD record. I get much more info here than on the show!! You all ROCK!! Unlike the players!!! :)

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I just hope they don't let the coaches enter the game, now they are a player short what are they going to do? Have a NEL like TAR? So far I am really hating this season, I already shut off the BBAD record. I get much more info here than on the show!! You all ROCK!! Unlike the players!!! :)

Agree. Hey, MadMarty. :D

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Guest Corky812

I'm pretty much up-to-speed, which basically means confused as heck about this season and pretty disgusted with it.

The producers might as well just put one hand on the bible, raise the other one and admit they script and control the game. Seriously everything is "control"

Julie Chen says "up to now the coaches have been controlling the game" (how is that fair or Big Brother?); To Britany can't you "control" your player?;From Brittany "I'm trying to control him..."; From Mike Boogie: Ian will do what I want (aka I "control" him); Dan says Danielle will do whatever he wants.

This is by far in my opinion the WORST season the producers have come up with in 14 years of Big Brother (and there have been some BAD ones). These people are not playing Big Brother, they are not allowed to play Big Brother, they are playing "Let's Give The Past HG's Another Chance".

I seriously hope the producers are not so stupid as to allow the coaches to come in and play the game because that would totally sink what is left of the Big Brother Ship.

I do not like Willie but he is right about one thing, he came to play Big Brother, NOT to play with a coach.

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So after this week we'll only have 8 players left in the game ... If 1 player left each week by August 30th we'll only have 3 players left

I'm not sure all the dates but if I recall the final 4 goes rather quickly and only having 3 people left at the end of August would leave them a couple weeks short ... and by a couple weeks I mean a couple people would have to return or enter the game ... Please not the coaches!!!

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Guest Corky812

I think you are correct Slowpoke. Hopefully production follows their own motto to expect the unexpected and plan for it.

I think perhaps they will have a non-elimination week like they do on Amazing Race and maybe the house will have to compete as a group to win non-elimination as a luxury challenge prize or something like that.

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I'm pretty much up-to-speed, which basically means confused as heck about this season and pretty disgusted with it.

The producers might as well just put one hand on the bible, raise the other one and admit they script and control the game. Seriously everything is "control"

Julie Chen says "up to now the coaches have been controlling the game" (how is that fair or Big Brother?); To Britany can't you "control" your player?;From Brittany "I'm trying to control him..."; From Mike Boogie: Ian will do what I want (aka I "control" him); Dan says Danielle will do whatever he wants.

This is by far in my opinion the WORST season the producers have come up with in 14 years of Big Brother (and there have been some BAD ones). These people are not playing Big Brother, they are not allowed to play Big Brother, they are playing "Let's Give The Past HG's Another Chance".

I seriously hope the producers are not so stupid as to allow the coaches to come in and play the game because that would totally sink what is left of the Big Brother Ship.

I do not like Willie but he is right about one thing, he came to play Big Brother, NOT to play with a coach.

Could not have said it any better Corky. I absolutely hate this cast, worst cast of BB ever. Groder has her hands full bringing this year show back from the dust.

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This coach thing is such crap. Boogie has concetrated on Frank. He rarely talks game to Ian and I have heard him make fun of Ian. Jenn, I'm not sure Boogie remembers that she is there most of the time, except when he is telling her how to keep Frank safe. Jenn has remarked about how he doesn't talk with her about her game. Britney focused on Willie until he messed up her game. Then she kicked him to the curb and focused on Shane. JoJo gets very little. Janelle wants Wil to be her frontrunner but isn't sure if he has what it takes and so she works with Joe, too. Ashley, she gives her the "lay low and you can win" cheerleader pep talk and that's it for her coaching. Dan has been better but he has always been in defensive mode, just trying to keep his players in the game.

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I posted this via the Willie thread but it probably belongs here...

A thought: I think it would be a nice twist if for BB15 (if there is a BB15) that they put say 30-50 people for America to vote on and we can chose who plays and perhaps people would be more vested in the players and what happens. I will be honest, this is the first season that I'm just "blah" about.

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This season is sucking more and more. What's left of this cast of players is as bad as Season 9 (the season that grossout Adam won and the worst, most unmemorable season in BB history, imo). Is this the best AG could do when thousands with actual personalities apply? I don't like any and really detest a couple of them. Ian is the only exception and he's not that grand.

Sorry I bothered with the feeds. I'm about over it already. :( I couldn't care less who gets to the end and it's only week two.

Shane...clueless...it's frustrating watching him try to figure out the game as he goes because he's not bright enough to figure out anything



Wil....a$$hole with flair

Jenn....boring, I forget she's there

Danielle....total idiot, and that's giving her credit for being something

Joho....not enough negative adjectives in the dictionary to describe her

Ashley...constantly dazed and confused and paranoid (probably due to too many drugs)

Ian...poor lost kid in an amusement park

Coaches...I thought they'd be the only saving grace but BB has ruined all of them with this season

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It's a yet another sad day in BBland when the casting director selects a cast where the only interesting player has a paranoid personality and a complete lack of coping skills.

Without Willie, this season has become incredibly BORING!

I have never made it to the finale show on Morty's because I lose interest as the trolls and nutcases jump in as the season comes to a close... This season I may not make to the half way point because I'm just so bored by the remaining players...


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Guest Corky812

I feel that this whole coach twist was so Alison Grodner could give Janelle a chance to win Big Brother without having to be a target in the house.

I am pretty sure production is going to do everything they can to make sure all 4 coaches are at the end with one player each. I think Final 4 will compete for the end prize and face the jury and not only each player will answer jury questions but each coach and the coaches will be explaining their strategic game play and why their player should win.

If they do go to the traditional F2, then it will certainly be Janelle & Mike Boogie and I would guess Janelle's player will win so Alison Grodner can give Janelle the coaches $100K

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Rather than come back into the game to compete to win maybe they could just solve the numbers problem by allowing coaches to be nominated, but only say if the Veto is used (or some other condition, like only against a team member). That throws a bit of a curveball in there and should begin to breakdown the bond between team and coach - though I suspect most of the newbies would quite happily vote their own coaches out.

Or make it a special week where only the coaches can be nominated - the evictee gets evicted, but the saved nominee gets a golden key into the game.

Actually let's neaten all that up into one twist - allow the newbies to nominate a coach (only one) for eviction. If the coach is voted out they leave, if they survive eviction they become a player.

I posted this via the Willie thread but it probably belongs here...

A thought: I think it would be a nice twist if for BB15 (if there is a BB15) that they put say 30-50 people for America to vote on and we can chose who plays and perhaps people would be more vested in the players and what happens. I will be honest, this is the first season that I'm just "blah" about.

After who America chose back in All Stars I'm not sure viewers should be trusted with such power. It could work though if they break it down - so have six categories (the bitch, the player, the jock etc.) wtih three candidates in each. Viewers vote on one, then the other two have to compete to get in the house.

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Guest Corky812

Rather than come back into the game to compete to win maybe they could just solve the numbers problem by allowing coaches to be nominated, but only say if the Veto is used (or some other condition, like only against a team member). That throws a bit of a curveball in there and should begin to breakdown the bond between team and coach - though I suspect most of the newbies would quite happily vote their own coaches out.

Or make it a special week where only the coaches can be nominated - the evictee gets evicted, but the saved nominee gets a golden key into the game.

Actually let's neaten all that up into one twist - allow the newbies to nominate a coach (only one) for eviction. If the coach is voted out they leave, if they survive eviction they become a player.

After who America chose back in All Stars I'm not sure viewers should be trusted with such power. It could work though if they break it down - so have six categories (the bitch, the player, the jock etc.) wtih three candidates in each. Viewers vote on one, then the other two have to compete to get in the house.

I don't believe that America actually chose the All Stars, or if they did, Alison "America" Grodner loaded the ballet boxes so the votes would look legit and she could put in the players she wanted. Probably Janelle and Dr. Will were legit and maybe a few others. That why, while I love the idea of 30 or so people, with their video's on the web and America votes for them I don't think would be legit because Alison Grodner would still put in who she wanted and whose to prove or not prove America voted for these people

Personally I really would not care who the cast was comprised of as long as they are all people who have never been on the show before. Ian is probably the only cast member this year who does not have aspirations of a career other than what he is going to school for.

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IMO in that scenario I wouldn't trust America to make good choices. It would turn into a popularity contest and there wouldn't be much of a mix of personalities. I can't see someone like Ian being selected by this type of process and see it becoming rather lopsided overall.

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Yawn! Just woke up. Hey, does anybody know when the BB14 season starts? Oh, it already started? That's the crap I've been watching? Might as well go back to sleep. ZZZZZZZZZ.

Just wait 20 more days for real BB to start. Australia starts on Aug. 13th. Good thing too, since the UK will be over shortly. Glad I won't be stuck with just this crap we have here for the rest of the summer.

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