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I don't even want them there.

Hey Slim, nice to see you! :animated_wave:

I didn't like the concept of the coaches at first, but now that they're in the house and they aren't playing the game as a HG, I don't exactly mind it. I would definitely like to go back to only "unknowns" for HG's, but this twist isn't quite as bad as I thought it could be.

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If the coaches enter the game, I think it will be as a result of Pandora's box. The HoH will be offered a ton of money, awesome trip, new car, anything that would be hard to pass up and the punishment for taking the reward is the coaches becoming players. That way it wasn't production's manipulation... the player did it to him/her self.

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If the coaches enter the game, I think it will be as a result of Pandora's box. The HoH will be offered a ton of money, awesome trip, new car, anything that would be hard to pass up and the punishment for taking the reward is the coaches becoming players. That way it wasn't production's manipulation... the player did it to him/her self.

interesting...and very possible. :)
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I won't mind if the coaches get to play (and I think they will.) Any coach that could make it to the end with such a huge target on their back would deserve to be there, imo. The coaches suspect that they will get to play and they're already trying to solidify alligiances, just in case. I wonder why the newbies haven't figured it out. Janelle and Brit said something about Jenn and Frank having figured it out already but I don't know what Jenn/Frank has said to make Jan/Brit think that.

I think they noticed that there were more slots for keys. And I think that is a good point you make Kywildcat about any one that would make it to the end would deserve it. But then the gutless HGs allowed Danielle and Evil D to get to the end together. I could not stand it.
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I LOVE when they cut the feeds on the live feeds when BB after dark is on. WHY? I really see no reason to cut the feeds at all. All they have to do is take the sound away and keep the picture on. This would solve the annoying music and only cut the feeds all together when something happens like a comp, meeting, etc. I seriously cannot stand that music any more.. I've had to listen to that damn theme SOO MANY TIMES (have had the feeds since BB6). My breaking point is approaching lol

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3:08 pm BBT - Why is Janie smoking??????? Has she always smoked????

No. She said the cigarettes she brought are the first she's bought since Allstars. She said there's nothing else to do in the BB house.

I'd be smoking too if I were in that house....or pulling my hair out one by one while blubbering in a corner somewhere.

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No. She said the cigarettes she brought are the first she's bought since Allstars. She said there's nothing else to do in the BB house.

I'd be smoking too if I were in that house....or pulling my hair out one by one while blubbering in a corner somewhere.

Ooooooooooh OK! I've watched every season, every episode... & I only saw her smoke a couple of times when she was bored... so it makes total sense! LOL!

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Did you all see the guy on the feeds in the store room dressed up like a burglar???? They are on OD LD right now and they look like they are stealin things!!!!

Yes, I seen him. There was a woman also who had a stack of clothing or something and she put them in the corner, below the counter, behind the trash can in the storage room. The guy was just standing there like Super Burglar, with his hands on his hips (if I remember right). Wonder what they were doing?
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