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Letters From Inanimate Objects, BB Haikus, Poetry and Vision Boards

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We are scheduled to pick up a Mike Boogie by 6:15 PM PST on Thursday.

Please have Mr. Boogie and any other Houseguest you plan to throw under me by curbside in able to facilitate a swift pick-up, roll over and departure.


The Acme Bus Company

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Dear Ian,

Thanks for riding my cousin so hard he got evicted from the backyard. I know I am a bit more durable and definitely more comfortable, but, DUDE you're killing me. It is nice that someone hangs out with me alot, but I'm getting a bit dizzy.


The Hammock

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Dear Danielle

We need to pick your brain for our new fairytale series. Your imagination & fabrications will give us an excellent base for the new fantasy based books we wish to write. Your lies can be suited for all ages! You are so incredibly good that we would like to hire you immediately.


Fiction Writers Everywhere.

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Dear Allison

Please make Ian put the dog costume back on so that he has to stay off the furniture.

I am not a playground toy. It was fun when Janelle got drunk and fell off me a few years ago but this is driving me crazy.

I need respect.

Sincerely yours,

The Hammock

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