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Ashley, Week 1


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So far less annoying than I thought .. still has the crazy eyes and reminds me of Karen from BB5? Not sure lol

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I can't tell..A brainy, cagey actress or totally niave! if she has her own business I don't thinks she's a dummy. The problem is I didn't see enough! This episode went by WAY too fast! I need more! I wanted 3 more hours! I have things to do tomorrow but I just might wait up for BBAD

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still havent got a good read on her

need to see more

to see if she is certified crazy or not :animated_bouncy:

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crier :animated_bouncy:

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She was crying saying I don't think Janelle likes me. They were in the have not room and she said there are not camera's in here right? She said they just do one room at a time? ding dong

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She does have a very successful business. She is one of the top spray tanners in New York. Google mobile spray tanning. With the way businesses are dropping left and right here I think it's impressive. There are tons of people out there who don't even have a job.

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