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This is the tv listing on the morning show..... they now have taken the BB6 preview off.... Whats with these people.

The 7/6 info is totally different from what the commercial said was coming on tomorrow. I forget now but I know it didn't mention James Taylor.

I just mailed letter #1 to them. If it doesn't air tomorrow, letter #2 will be in tomorrows mail.

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If I am correct - this is the first time that CBS has actually advertised the house preview????  The first came from Diane Henry. the second false alarm came from TV Guide.

TV Guide didn't post it.... it came from CBS early show for there programing this week. So CBS did advertise and now have pulled it off. I blame CBS and only CBS.

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Yes this is CBS and only CBS... that's why I said I feel sorry for Diane... She must have a lot to deal with right now and for them to do this must make her crazy...

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Guest 24 7
Yes this is CBS and only CBS... that's why I said I feel sorry for Diane... She must have a lot to deal with right now and for them to do this must make her crazy...

The zing is gone, not interested in seeing the house now, already seen it.

As far as feelings sorry for Diane... She tooted the horn, not once but twice and NOW she has even specified a time! 8:13am! What could she possibly have to deal with these days? sitting around waiting to be an extra on a set with 100 other wanna be's?

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Guest 24 7
Hi 24 ... welcome to Morty's ... where was that time posted and for what day?

Hey there, was around last year, lost Password and have changed emails


If you are a member of diane's site... http://diane-henry.com/forums/viewtopic.ph...3047&highlight=

If not....

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:20 pm   




Joined: 26 Sep 2004 

Posts: 74 

Ok, so if this is wrong than blame it on our publicist for CBS, LOL. Anyways I just got the email saying that it will air tomorrow around 8:13 in the morniing. So I hope it's right! TTYL 




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Hi 24 ... welcome to Morty's ... where was that time posted and for what day?

She posted an update today, that said if this is the wrong time blamed the CBS publicists, LOL, She stated that publicist told her that it would be on around 8:13 tomorrow. She didn't state what time zone that was.

Now whether that happens or not, is entirely up to the network, not Diane.

I wasn't going to post it on any other boards that I was on, due to reactions from the last date change. I figure it was best to let sleeping dogs lie...LOL

By the way 24 7, at least she's chasing her dream, she's brave enough to give it a shot whether it happens or not, I applaud her for that. She didn't toot her horn as you say, she was updating her fans on her board, like she does at least once a month sometimes more frequently about what's happening in her life. I was going to comment some more but I just leave it alone now out of respect for Ranster, Yana and the other mods.

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Guest 24 7
By the way 24 7, at least she's chasing her dream,

With all respect Anne, this was not a DREAM of Miss Henry's. She was videotaped for Girls Gone Wild drunk kissing her female roomate, met a Photographer at the same time, did some NC-17 nudes and was contacted by a casting agent via an internet site to try out for BB5 mostly because she had a twin, but when they didnt look enough alike, they chose diane because she was a bitch!. If you idolize the backstabbing, manipulating winch, then get her "Dream Story " straight!

OK, I PROMISE I will not go off like that again!

I am so ready for Thursday so once and for all, these BB5 media whores will be HASBEENS!

For me.. case closed. :evil:

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By the way 24 7, at least she's chasing her dream,

With all respect Anne, this was not a DREAM of Miss Henry's. She was videotaped for Girls Gone Wild drunk kissing her female roomate, met a Photographer at the same time, did some NC-17 nudes and was contacted by a casting agent via an internet site to try out for BB5 mostly because she had a twin, but when they didnt look enough alike, they chose diane because she was a bitch!. If you idolize the backstabbing, manipulating winch, then get her "Dream Story " straight!

OK, I PROMISE I will not go off like that again!

I am so ready for Thursday so once and for all, these BB5 media whores will be HASBEENS!

For me.. case closed. :evil:

Sorry Ranster, my mother hen is coming out...LOL

I know what her dream story is thank you very much, she wants to be a sucessful actress, and there's nothing wrong with that. And yes I admire Diane, she played the game like it was supposed to be played, but I admired her for alot of things that doesn't have to with the game. And yes I also admire because she's a bitch because I am one too....LOL. You don't have to like her or anything about her, but if you going to say something like she tooted her on own by giving her fans an update about what she doing ie the Early show, then I going to dispute that.

Ok Ranster and Yana, that's it I'm done with my mother hen side right now, I can't promise it won't rear it's head again, or who I will be defending...LOL But I have a whole new crop of Houseguests to choose from...LOL

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24 7, you need to chill out. I agree with both of you. I think that maybe Diane didn't get the dream of becoming an actress until BB, but so what, people aren't allowed to change their dreams? I don't think anything will become of her, acting wise, it never works out that way, but you can't blame the girl for trying, can you?

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Well, I contacted the early show and it's confirmed that it will be shown tomorrow morning. They had to move it this morning to put the Ugliest Dog in the world on Live with Julie. LOL...... :rofl

BTW: Get off the Diane kick........ good lord it's like a dead dog..... LET IT LIE :twisted:

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Guest 24 7

They look like young republicans. :lol:

Diane's blouse seems a little tight don't cha think?

Is this from last years apearance?

Thanks for the pic dietkocgirl!

As fas for me chillin' out.

I'm chilled baby, its all gooood!

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They look like young republicans.  :lol: 

Diane's blouse seems a little tight don't cha think?

Is this from last years apearance?

Thanks for the pic dietkocgirl!

As fas for me chillin' out.

I'm chilled baby, its all gooood!

LOL thought the same thing about dianes shirt when I saw it too!! :lol:

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Is it from last year?

For some reason .. the post reminds me of the people with the pitchfork .. that always stand infront of that barn ..

can't you just see diane with a pitchfork?

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Is it from last year?

For some reason .. the post reminds me of the people with the pitchfork .. that always stand infront of that barn .. 

can't you just see diane with a pitchfork?

Yep it's from last year, two or three days after BB5 ended.

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