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BB 14 excitement level, 1-10


What is your bb excitement level for bb14?  

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  1. 1. What is your bb excitement level for bb14?

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Shane's job is a 'House Flipper' what is that??

my guess would be to sell a house for more than you paid for it

i could be wrong

i am sure someone else knows what it means :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

I just asked my friend in Real Estate about "house flipping". He said it's really declined a lot in the last 4-5 years but is still big business for people with the ready-cash to buy, do the basics and re-sell!

This happened to someone I knew back East...the realtor was basically a "house flipper" and it totally benefited the seller (not having to replace septic, leach field, roof, carpet) because the realtor "snowed" the buyers with lines like "well, does the toilet flush..(yes)...then it's ok...". When the buyers sold just under 2 years later they were stuck with everything to the tune of over $25K and the same realtor re-sold it.

Shane is definitely a dude to watch in the Big Brother house! I hope his mentor is Boogie...they can share the same jail cell later...lol!!

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Wil auditioned for American idol in 2009

Willie is Russel Hantz's brother

Kara is Kelly Monaco's sister (Dancing with the Stars/General Hospital) and playboy playmate of the year in 2006

Willie and Kara's interviews were leaked but when I went back to get the links they had pulled them down already

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I think Rachel is an easy person for people to hate. If you have a loud laugh and a loud voice with an inability to use an inside voice, most fans almost from the word go are going to dislike you. Add in a natural tendency to cry when you are upset about something, and more fans are going to dislike you, add in what seems like a superficial, ultra "girly" persona whose into makeup, sprinkles, sequins etc, and even more will dislike you, add in an element of "trashy" and those who were still in your corner walked out the door. Rachel unfortunately has all of that going for her.

But Rachel is much more than that. True Rachel fans, love how open and vulnerable she is. There is no subterfuge with her, what you see is pretty much what you get. You see her every emotion, she is a terrible liar, and she puts her heart into everything she does (whether that is a smart idea or not). When the chips are down, she pulls through. On the skills of life, she somehow has "lame BB contests" as one of her defining skills. She has overcome incredible odds many times on both her seasons, and thus she makes a perfect "love to hate, and hate to love" house guest.

I am glad she got to come back for a second season, she got to redeem herself, against many of her critics from the first season. But it is time for her to move on.

On a psychological level, no person should go through the BB experience 3 years running. The intense stress, and pressure cooker environment demands a lot from house guests emotionally. We all like to poke at the house guests and hate on or love on the people that we love, and we ALL find some people annoying, but the fact of the matter is most if not all of the house guests have talked about how stressful and emotionally draining the experience is, to be stripped of all the comforts of home, the support of your friends and family, and the ability to have any degree of privacy. Then you add the added element of having to live with people whom either don't like you or out right hate you, and are determined to make your stay in the house utterly miserable, deprived of sleep (people complain about the lights in the BB house / people walking behind the walls preventing sleep/never mind the house guests whichs snore), food to eat (I am a bigger girl, I wouldn't survive more than 2 minutes on slop without wanting to kill someone) ... and then you are finally released from that, and walk out into the real world, where you get to read all the mean and nasty things people said about you.

Think for a minute about cyber-bullying and the effect that has on a lot of people. Think about what feeling hated by people and reading mean stuff about yourself on the internet would do to you. Think about how, if you acted in a way outside your normal character in the house you would feel embarrassed, and how those things might make it hard for you to get a job (as you no doubt lost your old job to take 3 months off to be on BB), and you start to understand why the BB experience while it has many positive aspects has quite a lot of negative drawbacks/consequences.

And I just don't think it would be healthy for anyone to go through that. Not a third time.

The difference between bullying and posting about reality stars is that the reality stars are CHOOSING to put themselves in the position for people to talk trash about them. They make a choice to go on these shows and if they bother to watch the show before signing up for it or to read these boards, they would know what they are getting themselves into. Rachel is even worse because she continues to do so - going on BB a second time, going on TAR, possibly (if rumors are true) coming back on BB yet again (BLECH, BLAH and BOO). So in my opinion she is getting what she deserves, and frankly what she wants - because I believe for someone like her, she is such an attention whore that ANY attention is good attention.

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Guest 6Borders

Thanks Sugar....well said.

Fans and movie goes ask yourself if you would go to the movies or turn on the TV if every single show starred (pick any two fav's of yours)...you would get pretty sick of it even if they were your favs (unless you have some really weird obsession, which is a whole 'nother helpline). You would stop going/watching, stop spending your money, find other things to do, other things to spend your $$ on, and the people who produced would listen! Unfortunately Big Brother will never have that problem and Grodner knows it. I said a long time ago and someone reiterated it, that unless we stage a massive "big brother out" nothing will ever change.

Rachel may not be the most hated houseguest but she is certainly the most pathetic. She is what is known in the psychology profession as having "negative attention seeking behavior". She wants attention and she does not care how she gets it! She cries about the "mean things" said about her, cries when Brendon gets on her case, basically cries about anything which will bring her attention and then does it all over again because she gets attention.

When she is "high on a win" she comes up with things like "floater's get your life vests (still not sure she actually came up with that on her own or BB scripted it in advance...suspect the latter), and all the other self-ego trips which boost her own morale.

Grodner can smell the $$ a million miles a way on nut cases like Rachel faster than a shark can smell chum, and Rachel basically has no other skills so she keeps coming back. If she marries Brendon and they have to live on his "grant...potential professor's salary" they will be on welfare faster than you can say Glass House so this is just easier, but she has no call to complain and I don't think anyone has the call to say "back off on poor Rachel".

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My point about the bullying/thing wasn't just about Rachel, it was about any person who goes on these shows. And in specific is the reason why I feel like NO PERSON should do BB 3 seasons in a row. I worried about the season 6 cast who did all-stars right after the same way I worried about Rachel.

Regardless of whether or not a person signs up for this or not, they have no way of knowing the true extent of what they are getting themselves into. Shelly and her family got DEATH THREATS. People called and tried to get Maggie fired from her job where she worked. Some of these screen-caps of them in all their naked glory which were caught by accident even though they tried to change discreetly exist .. pretty much forever on the internet.

Some of the stuff people post about these house guests (not so much here although some stuff does cross the line in my eyes, but on other boards) is the most vile stuff you can imagine. There is a difference between wanting to be part of BB, because maybe you were a fan of the show, or you think it might help launch and wanting videos of you stuffing your face made and circulated about you. They know they will get some flack, but some of it goes to a very personal level for some of these house-guests, and in my eyes is in line with cyber-bullying. This is my own opinion and not one which is maybe shared by others and that is fine. But every single big brother season there comes a point where I can not go to any news sites or read any threads because the hate-mongering is just so bad I can't stand it any more.

If it's that bad for me and I am just a reader/participant of these shows I can't imagine how bad it must be to realize they're talking about -me-. It's like getting picked on in school, and having mean girls write notes about you, but instead of it being a few girls you go to school with who make your life hell it's half of America.

And to some degree (part of why I would never do reality tv) it's a self-defeating/fulfilling prophecy. You go on these shows, and the editing, and your over the top-ness becomes this character. It taints you ability to get real work outside of the show if you were a reality-tv villan, because that's now all people see you as. Not being able to work = needing to do something to make an income in order to survive, live. The motivation to come back from season one to season 2 then is dual purpose - redeem your villian status and hopefully win the second time to survive.

The invitation to do TAR I'm not sure what that was all about for them. She had won the money from BB. Perhaps they were just shocked they were even given the offer to do the show and honored or humbled by it .. I'm not really sure.

I'm not trying to justify her actions .. my original point was that some of the stuff that happens to some BB contestants does cross the line and become bullying, and that it is not emotionally healthy for ANY contestant to do BB for 3 seasons in a row (2 is bad enough).

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Guest 6Borders

Bottom line why NO HG should ever do more than ONE season.

CBS/Grodner are more to blame than anyone...they bring these people in, bring them back, and make icons and "celebs" out of them, then the stupid HG's figure "wow, easy way to make a living...better than being a 9 to 5'er in some office or pounding the pavement", they accept every offer CBS sends their way, think of themselves as celebs and then they moan and complain when someone says a mean thing.

If everyone were only allowed to play ONCE people would love or hate them in their season and then move on, they would go back to their lives and everyone pretty much forgets. You keep bringing them back and it it just accelerates the negative more than the positive.

The 2nd season for Janelle her fan base was scary...people would kick you out of chat rooms and issue death threats if you even so much as said you did not care for Janelle or made any slight remark which criticized anything she did, including game play.

Shelly and her family got death threats because she had the unspeakable nerve to vote out precious Big Jeff, only because he had a big fan base and was a BB veteran, did TAR and his own show...! Doubt it would have happened on a one-trick-pony season and everyone was new...people would have gotten over it. Jeff & Jordan's fan base should have been left off reality TV (especially Big Brother) after their first appearance.

CBS pretty much tried to remake "I Love Lucy" with Brenchel. Rachel is a big media seeker. Big Brother was not her first rodeo...apparently she was pretty much the same big baby when she was modeling and did Hawaiian Tropic...if Rachel is not winning or on top she's a big Boo-Hooo fest! I also don't recall that Brendon was on the Big Brother show when he video taped his package and sent it to some girl, aka: all over the internet.

The "big brother experience" used to be referred to by HG's as "once in a lifetime experience" and that's EXACTLY what is should be...ONCE!!!!

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Bottom line why NO HG should ever do more than ONE season.

CBS/Grodner are more to blame than anyone...they bring these people in, bring them back, and make icons and "celebs" out of them, then the stupid HG's figure "wow, easy way to make a living...better than being a 9 to 5'er in some office or pounding the pavement", they accept every offer CBS sends their way, think of themselves as celebs and then they moan and complain when someone says a mean thing.

If everyone were only allowed to play ONCE people would love or hate them in their season and then move on, they would go back to their lives and everyone pretty much forgets. You keep bringing them back and it it just accelerates the negative more than the positive.

The 2nd season for Janelle her fan base was scary...people would kick you out of chat rooms and issue death threats if you even so much as said you did not care for Janelle or made any slight remark which criticized anything she did, including game play.

Shelly and her family got death threats because she had the unspeakable nerve to vote out precious Big Jeff, only because he had a big fan base and was a BB veteran, did TAR and his own show...! Doubt it would have happened on a one-trick-pony season and everyone was new...people would have gotten over it. Jeff & Jordan's fan base should have been left off reality TV (especially Big Brother) after their first appearance.

CBS pretty much tried to remake "I Love Lucy" with Brenchel. Rachel is a big media seeker. Big Brother was not her first rodeo...apparently she was pretty much the same big baby when she was modeling and did Hawaiian Tropic...if Rachel is not winning or on top she's a big Boo-Hooo fest! I also don't recall that Brendon was on the Big Brother show when he video taped his package and sent it to some girl, aka: all over the internet.

The "big brother experience" used to be referred to by HG's as "once in a lifetime experience" and that's EXACTLY what is should be...ONCE!!!!

JeJo fans are special arent they?smh :).. I was a fan of his season 11 but he was a total douche last summer and dont even get me started on Princess Jordan. ugh..

I agree with everything you said, once in a lifetime..

I don't mind every maybe 5 years or so an allstars season is done but 3 summers back to back is a bit much. there are thousands of people who audition for this show why in thee hell do we need to see some of the same people summer after summer?

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Guest 6Borders

I'm not a fan of Dull Stars but at least they are on a more level playing field. I still think it's a bad idea because it just causes old "issues" to raise their ugly heads.

When Matt came out with the "fake sick wife" story a lot of people, including the American Cancer Society and the Society for the illness Matt attributed to his wife were pretty mad and he and his family got some threats, and more than a few of the HG's wanted to punch his lights out in the Jury House. Matt allegedly apologized and people got over it but if he had come back the next season or two the issue would be a hotbed again. Once again...whose fault was this? Grodner came out with another one of her infamous "Grodnerism" defenses, saying "we can't control everything the HG's say" or words to that effect...yet Team Grodner chose to tape, edit and air it instead of going to FOtH, calling Matt into DR and saying "this is NOT a good idea". Bottom line...if Matt got threats, he and Team Grodner are equally responsible, especially since Matt didn't just blurt it out on the spur-of-the-moment but planned it even before the show started.

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Guest 6Borders

Well, if ED is right, another one of my predictions comes true...that the mentors will not be allowed to win the game but will be paid CBS employees, which at least makes it more fair. Still I hate the mentor idea, as a fan because it's just a way for Grodner to showcase her little favs and for the players because they have to listen to the crap the mentors will be spewing (basically how great they were as BBHG's and how they know ALL about the game...barf!)

I am NOT a Janelle fan but I can handle her over Rachel since I've had a break from Janelle for a while. Rachel would be smart to back out, tho I suspect if Janelle is a mentor Rachel would back out because Janelle has more fans and Rachel can't stand the idea of having a beautiful girl in the house.

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returning hg confirmed final excitement level 2 :closedeyes::animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

Expect to see a lot of snakes, rodents and crawly things this season...seems like most of the cast are afraid of them. Also probably a few challenges with heights since that also seems to be an issue for several.

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Expect to see a lot of snakes, rodents and crawly things this season...seems like most of the cast are afraid of them. Also probably a few challenges with heights since that also seems to be an issue for several.

I was going to mention that. I think all but one said they were afraid of snakes. A few afraid of heights and a few said rollar coasters. I think a few were afraid of drowning

I see some snakes involved in the house and lots of heights..... water? hummmm

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Guest 6Borders

So the CBS commercial which said the most houseguests ever was an outright lie???

Basically, it's just another one of Grodner/CBS's famous "transgressions of the truth". If I invite you over for a party, you are my houseguest, if a person spends one day in the BB house, technically they are a houseguest. If they vote out 2 people the first night they have still been houseguests, and if the mentors come in and out they are houseguests, so they can still have the same size house and get away with "most ever...". Grodner may be lazy but she is not stupid and CBS has good lawyers who find loopholes in everything.

I predicted that the mentors are not actually going to be living in the house on a daily basis.

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is it just me or is morty's activity level down for a new season? :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

is it just me or is morty's activity level down for a new season? :animated_bouncy:

No, it's not just you. Interest has been pretty much down all over the boards. I'm sure it will pick up now that the cast has been announced the the commercials for BB are starting. A lot of people are pretty ho-hum/could care less about returning HG's and a lot of people are pretty tired of Grodner promising "the best season every" "big twists" and "shockers". I'm sure a good number, other than the die-hard fans will be doing other things.

I seriously would have stopped completely watching the show when Dull Stars aired, but I have stayed because of Morty's and the people here. If there is anyone Grodner should be sending a big check to in my opinion it's the fan site (no names mentioned, of course :rolleyes: ) which keeps her lame show going.

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