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Porsche - Week 11 Part 2 HoH Winner - BB13 Runner Up


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Slowpoke's right about Porsche always being holed up with the coven (then Shelly too), doing the things she did with them.

ie, "Let's do something mean to Rachel, like hide her puppy dog and maybe cut it's foot off, paint it with red nail polish then put the paw back in her bed." -- and she now pretends to be Rachel's best bud. Or maybe when she threatened to put bloody tampons in peoples beds if she was targeted, or put mustard on pillows, to name a few of her schemes and chats, along with the very explicit sex talks.

Porsche's been pretty crude, stupid and childish, imo. It's kind of hard to believe she's made it this far. I don't think Porsche would ever be the type of girl Jordan would hang with, even though some think that Jordan is stupid and childlike (which I don't believe at all). Not to mention, Porsche's had an attitude all season. She's very much in love with herself.

Jordan doesn't care much for Porsche and with good reason, imo. Porsche's not a very nice person.

I think Rachel's going to be shocked when she finds out the real Porsche. But she'll forgive her. I've never understood why Rachel wants that girl's friendship so much. She doesn't seem like she'd be much of a friend when push came to shove. I'd bet though, if Rachel wins, Porsche will be riding that 5 minutes of fame all she can. She'll probably glue herself to Rachel because she'll be thinking she can get some face time on camera for awhile.

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I like Porsche. I don't understand why so many of you dislike her. Jealousy? She's smokin' hot. She's also played a good game, especially during the second half of the game (once Danielle got the boot).

I don't really hate or dislike Porsche. I am pretty indifferent on her to be honest. I think by far not even debatable Rachel deserves to win this game. That said smokin hot is in the eye of the beholder and Porsche is meh a 6 on my scale probably.

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I think Porsche is a waste of space in the BB house. She bores me to death and also why would anyone be jealous over her. She isn't that pretty.She isn't ugly but def/ not smokin hot. She became unattractive the moment she open her mouth in the preseason interview.

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Last night, Porsche said, "I did what I had to do because Jeff didn't like me, Jordan either. Sorry Jordan, there is more than one cute girl this year."

Puleeeeze, Porsche...you're delusional. A zit on Jordan's a$$ would make you a Sunday face. You're not even in the same league.

I really hope this girl doesn't make it to F2. It would be a complete travesty. Go Rachel!!

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From the update page:

Porsche just announced herself as one of the hottest blonds of Big Brother history.

She really thinks she is something special. Hope she disappears quickly after the show and is never seen again.

She must have a magic mirror or something. I've never seen her the way she apparently sees herself. A conceited plain jane with a little pin head and a crappy personality is what I see.

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She must have a magic mirror or something. I've never seen her the way she apparently sees herself. A conceited plain jane with a little pin head and a crappy personality is what I see.

Me too! :cookoo:

She better burn that purple bathing suit! She's gross!

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From the update page:

Porsche just announced herself as one of the hottest blonds of Big Brother history.

She really thinks she is something special. Hope she disappears quickly after the show and is never seen again.

OMG are you serious? Is she looking at herself in one of those trick carnival mirrors? lmao

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I don't know Porsche from Adam (pun intended) but from reading about her weight issues as a child I am sure she was very insecure with herself. As a woman though and having a bit of control with her body now, it seems she has too much confidence. Confidence is great when humbly used.... but Porsche comes across as arrogant and still insecure, not confident. I like to motivate myself with pep talks but not with a bunch of hyperbol.

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How arrogant..she's not even one of the hottest blondes of her season, let alone in BB history.

So very true!! There has been a lot of attractive people in the years BB....Yes she is attractive, but to put herself as one of hottest, is just plainly not true. Reality Check Porche.

I would love to know the background story on her!

I also can't wait till Shelly, Kalia and Porche, see that the reactions they get from people outside the

house... :party_smilie:

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There sure is a lot of venom for Porsche on this page! She's certainly not my favorite-but I don't hate her!! she's not someone I would be friend with, but why is everyone trying to compare her to Jordan? Stop, just stop!

who the H is comparing her to Jordan, there is no way she can even hold a candle to Jordan,yes there is venom towards this peice of lazy crud, she slept her way thru the season, was not nice to anyone, made really mean and hateful remarks even about the ppl she was supposed to be friends with, she is soooooo gross, I will hurl if she wins this thing, but I see no chance for that and cannot wait to see her taken sown a peg or 2

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who the H is comparing her to Jordan, there is no way she can even hold a candle to Jordan,yes there is venom towards this peice of lazy crud, she slept her way thru the season, was not nice to anyone, made really mean and hateful remarks even about the ppl she was supposed to be friends with, she is soooooo gross, I will hurl if she wins this thing, but I see no chance for that and cannot wait to see her taken sown a peg or 2

That might have been a reference to my post (post #79) where I did compare P to J -- only because P compared herself to J by saying she wasn't the only cute girl in the house. No real comparison though, in my book. As I said before, P's not even in the same league.

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Well I just thought it was hypocritical, wehn people jump down poster's throats for posting something negative about Jordan on her thread, and then those same people come over to Porsche's thread and are really hateful in their language toward Porsche in her thread. I'm just calling it like a see it-and it's not hard to see, and I don't even like Porsche-

I wasn't specifically directing it toward Kywild(promise)EDIT-I actuall tought the comment come on Porsche fall in that ____ was hilarious!

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Well I just thought it was hypocritical, wehn people jump down poster's throats for posting something negative about Jordan on her thread, and then those same people come over to Porsche's thread and are really hateful in their language toward Porsche in her thread. I'm just calling it like a see it-and it's not hard to see, and I don't even like Porsche-

I wasn't specifically directing it toward Kywild(promise)EDIT-I actuall tought the comment come on Porsche fall in that ____ was hilarious!

Okay. I get this. In my defense, I have admitted that I can understand somewhat why people don't feel that Jordan qualified for a F4 position. On the other hand, I have also admitted that if you make it to F4 then who is to say. In my opinion, the most stinging remarks have been made towards Jordan's intellectual (or lack thereof) capabilities. I did not like that because I like her and I like her because I think that she is a good-hearted, kind person. I would love to say that I would feel the same about someone I didn't like but in all honesty; I don't know. I referred to Porsche as Lard Ass. I don't like Porsche because she has acted mean and said hateful things about other HG's. I didn't like Britney for the same reason but I never called her cross-eyed (or whatever) the way that some people did. I won't refer to Porsche as Lard Ass anymore even though I think that she has one. It's a beginning.

I surely do hope that Porsche doesn't win anything and find it humorous that she considers herself one of the hottest blondes ever on BB. Bless her Big-Ass heart.

Is that better?:party_smilie:

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Guest 6Borders

Why all the chatter about Porsche sleeping all the time....Drew pretty much slept his way through the whole season, won a cool million and I didn't hear anyone calling him names or complaining about him...just saying!

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Why all the chatter about Porsche sleeping all the time....Drew pretty much slept his way through the whole season, won a cool million and I didn't hear anyone calling him names or complaining about him...just saying!

My pet peeve on these boards is people always referring to other HG in this season or other seasons to try and point out hypocrisy. We are all hypocrites at some time. I prefer to judge each HG on their own merrit. This whole season every time I said something mean about a house guest then another person would feel compelled to come back and say something nasty about Jordan because they know I like her.

I wish we could just say what we want about a house guest and leave it at that. The comparison and trying to get back at the poster by posting nasty about someone they like is just plain silly.

Pork is what she is. I don't like her. I don't like her personality and her nasty actions and words

thank you very much

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My pet peeve on these boards is people always referring to other HG in this season or other seasons to try and point out hypocrisy. We are all hypocrites at some time. I prefer to judge each HG on their own merrit. This whole season every time I said something mean about a house guest then another person would feel compelled to come back and say something nasty about Jordan because they know I like her.

I wish we could just say what we want about a house guest and leave it at that. The comparison and trying to get back at the poster by posting nasty about someone they like is just plain silly.

Pork is what she is. I don't like her. I don't like her personality and her nasty actions and words

thank you very much

Well said Marty! I agree!

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I'm sorry I said anything-I shouldn't have!! (sorry) It's true, we are all hypocrites sometimes!!

And if I think someone is hypocritical, I will overlook, because I know I too have done that, in chat forums and in real life. And if anyone wants to call Porsche a lard ass-I won't judge :)

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My pet peeve on these boards is people always referring to other HG in this season or other seasons to try and point out hypocrisy. We are all hypocrites at some time. I prefer to judge each HG on their own merrit. This whole season every time I said something mean about a house guest then another person would feel compelled to come back and say something nasty about Jordan because they know I like her.

I wish we could just say what we want about a house guest and leave it at that. The comparison and trying to get back at the poster by posting nasty about someone they like is just plain silly.

Pork is what she is. I don't like her. I don't like her personality and her nasty actions and words

thank you very much

MARTY...You're eloquent(sp?) explanation is exceeded only by your excellent rationale! I APPLAUD you're ability to humble yourself and not refer to the "reposters" as the immature people that...IMHO, they are!

That being said...I agree the PORKER is BY FAR my least favorite...Oh well MAYBE Natalie is...in any case PORKIE is decietful, lazy, two-faced, lying witch who has gross hygenic habits, exudes arrogance and obviously needs glasses if she thinks she's even in the TOP TEN best looking blondes to EVER be on BB!

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