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8/29 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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1211BBT No one is posting...my guess is because there is nothing interesting to post. We could tell you about their opinion on weight watchers, how Rachel's high school boyfriend bought her pizza every night, how Porsche's ex boyfriend ended up marrying someone that was just like her, or Rachel's zit cream. We must do you a favor and spare you the details. Everyone seems to be BFF's tonight.

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9:40am BBT: Rachel walking very fast from the bathroom to the bubblegum room to get her microphone after being told by BB. She grabs the mic, then fumbles with the door, walks fast back to the bathroom and Jordan asks her what's wrong. She says she doesn't feel well. She is nauseous and feels weird [sounds like pregnancy to me]. Rachel in a fetal position on the couch in the bathroom while Jordan showers.

Rachel goes into the bathroom for a few minutes (possibly getting sick?) and then goes back to the couch to do her makeup. Jordan and Rachel both getting ready. Rachel says she will shower after the POV meeting as she doesn't feel like taking a shower right now.

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9:55am BBT shelly intently looking at something above her while sitting on the couches and smoking. she finally gets up and switches out the laundry.

rach putting on make up. jor out of shower. she's brushing her hair, teeth, etc.

rach tells jor that she feels kinda dead. no energy, etc.

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10:27am BBT: Jordan and Adam whispering in Bubblegum room. Adam says he's tried not to say shit and he could totally go off but that's not who he is. He talks about being hurt by Shelly but says he doesn't want to use that in his campaigning. Jordan asks if they're still good, Adam says yes. Jordan talking about Kalia covering her tracks so she is good with Jordan, Rachel and Adam. Adam says, "believe me, that's who I want out." Jordan says one of them has to be HOH. Adam leaves the room and walks toward kitchen whistling.

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11:54 AM BBT

We're back and Kalia is talking to Porsche about making a deal with 'her' for next week.

Shel/Adam/Jord/Rach sitting in BY and no one looks upset, stressed or concerned.

"Have I said this yet? 17 days till I get to hold my baby's face in my hands? Amazing!" says Shelly.

Porsche says that Rachel doesn't have anything against Shelly. She wanted Adam out of the alliance.

Kalia says if she wins HOH she's going to put up Rachel and Adam. Then everyone plays their hearts out. If Rachel wins POV Jordan goes up then it would be a vote for each and it comes down to her putting out Jordan.

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12:00 PM

Kalia puts on the HOH cam to try and see something. The other 4 are just outside chatting about previous HGs and comps. Casual.

Posrche inside says that Rachel has a good shot of winning it if she gets to F2. She's saying that Jordan and Rachel must be feeling pretty good about themselves as they manage to pull this off during her HOH.

Kalia reminding Porsche that Jordan is never going to trust Shelly right now. No matter what.

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12:37 PM BBT

Talk still of dogs... All HGs outside now.

Rachel explained how you pay less to adopt larger and/or older dogs from the Humane Society. She adopted Ben from a Shelter. They are talking about shelters, The Dog Whisperer and dressing up your dog.

In case it wasn't clear before - Rachel took herself and Jordan off the block and Adam/Shelly are replacement nominees.

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12:50 PM BBT

Adam talks to himself in the shade:

I trust Porsche

I will trust who I can. In here it's impossible to trust people.

You can't play this game honest - or can you? I'm trying so hard to play true.

I know it's a big game move but nobody wants to take me to the end.

I really wanted to be the manipulator but..I really wanted to be strong and win competitions. I wanted to fight hard and prove I wanted to be here. I think I've done that but(unknown) will get you. Why did I ever trust you (c, see or Julie couldn't catch it)? Why didn't I read the writing on the wall but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. "Big Brother Bus Depot."

I'm so stupid sometimes my stupidity is a part of a game show. (Names comps he should have won)

I miss my girl. I miss my friends I miss my brother I miss just living a normal life. But this has been amazing. I'm not expecting anything to come out of this other than the memories. Other than being on Big Brother. I worked hard to get here, I got here now that I got here I'm so close to the end I need to kick it into overdrive. I need to win. I need to win. I need to win. I need to win the next HOH. I need order.

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12:56 PM BBT

Oh god I hope I didn't embarrass anybody. I don't think I embarrassed myself. I kicked ass in that one comp that no one expected me to win. I kicked ass.

Now he Jedi trains.

[He seems down because all of the girls are all chummy chummy not necessarily anything that was said to him - ZuZu]

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1:20pm BBT Feed 2: In the Bubblegum room, Rachel tells Jordan she took the pregnancy test and it's negative! She said she feels better but if it was "another result" she wouldn't have been disappointed, but that's one less thing to stress out about. Now she has to figure out why she's been feeling sick. Jordan says maybe it's stress, Rachel agrees that could be it.

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1:21pm BBT: Rachel tells Jordan that Shelly approached her and asked if there's anything else they (R/J) want to talk to her about. Rachel said they're still considering it and don't know what they're doing yet. They need to think about what's best for them and they really need help going into this HOH. Shelly just told her if they want to talk to her or have any questions to let her know.

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Sorry, just want to add because I think it's relevant. He said "I trust Jordan. I trust Porsche." at the beginning of his self-talk.

TY Spikes_luv! My ear caught the second part only. [Which is a great demonstration of why 'the more updaters the better' is a good practice. More ears = better updates]

3:19 PM BBT

Outdoor lock down was called around 3:00 PM BBT and is over now.

Porsche and Kalia sleeping/sunning.

"When y'all drink coffee, when you pee does it smell like coffee?" Jordan asks "Because whenever I drink Starbucks (names another brand too) my pee smells like coffee." Adam says yes, that happens to him. Shelly is going to investigate that theory.

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3:33 PM BBT

Kalia now lying in the shade. Porsche comes to talk to her about how it seems as if they are keeping Shelly over Adam. Rachel was listing all kinds of pros for (getting Shelly out?) Shelly and none for Adam.

Jordan telling Rachel about her talk with Adam.

J: I was like, this is like a really big decision for us. I have to know that you are with us..... To be honest with you, people upstairs were comparing..about Shelly and they don't believe her anymore. Remember more when she kept saying to me about why she had to go up and she told you.... (whispering hard to hear) I was talking to Adam and I was like we've been playing with you. I don't want to get screwed over again. You saw me with Shelly I will have it out with you. I have to be able to trust you 100% For sure you have to put those two up. You have to put up Porsche. Rachel and I will be 150% with you but you have to put Porsche up. They are going to try to make a Final 4 deal with us. If you hear stuff you have to understand I will be honest with you. And Adam told me he's mad at Kalia right now because all that got around.

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3:41 PM BBT

The two now discuss the different types of comps and how they think Adam has been throwing endurance comps. She really wanted his assurance, to double check that if one of them was on the block they wouldn't have to worry about his vote. He has to pick a side. The time has come where he has to pick a side. I told him that Rachel is trying to show you you don't have to worry about her.

They talk about Adam how he's aggravated with Kalia because he thought they were cool and they weren't.

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