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House Calls / Town Hall / Marcellas and Gretchen


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however, "Crappy" still kept saying that he had played the game with honesty and integrity and that he was proud of himself for the way he played.  Eric actually believes that he did NOTHING wrong in the game!

Classic Narcissist. :wink:

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I just watched it and Cappy ended up looking like an even bigger hypocrite, if that's even possible. Marcellas backed him right into a corner and called him on his lies, it was great! Of course Cappy tried to work his way out of that, and ended up changing the subject. I can't stand Cappy, I'm so glad he is gone! I wanted to watch the house calls and see if maybe he was a decent person on the outside, all signs point to no. He still felt like he was a holy saint. I can't believe he was talking about his morals and values, what a load of crap. He gets beat and falls back on his morals as if he had a choice in the matter. He literally made me sick, and he is apperently no better in life than he was in the house. I would have had a ton of respect for him if he had said that he tried playing dirty and it wasn't good enough, and if he had admitted that he was outsmarted. All he could do was sit there and toot his own horn, and he was still trying to worm his way out of lies as if he were still playing. I hope the rest of his cult follows him out the door shortly.

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Guest TheGnome

Marcie, another GA sista that loves ya! You are cute, cute, cute, cute, cute! :lol:

Thanks for always entertaining me. I can't pull up HC on my PC at work but watch the archives at home when I can. Thank you for saying what we all want to say to Crappy. That little bit of time wasn't even enough.

I'm anxiously awaiting the day Ivette sits her butt down for her interview. She needs a new one ripped into her. I trust you will question her about her racist remarks.

My love to you and Gretchen! CBS struck gold with HC.

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While he did put forth a valiant effort, it's impossible to slap reality on someone's whose in complete denial to begin with. Eric didn't have a clue basically as to anything Marcellas was saying, he "rationalized" it and "justified" it all... as only a truly nutso person can.

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The only bright spot was when Eric said he would have to go back and look at the tapes to see if Marcellas was right about Eric breaking the deal 1st and not Kaysar..........Then he changed the subject fast.

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Guest DraftKing

Marcellas did a great job with that episode of House Calls. He couldn't badger the witness, to use a legal term, but he sure didn't back down, and Eric seemed to be very surprised by it. And as Marcellas posted on here, he had to maintain a certain level of civility with the interview, and I think he (Marcellas) managed to do so quite well.

The sad part is that it appeared to have little or no impact on Napoleon Eric, at least not initially. Perhaps later some of what Marcellas said sank in.

I've thought about it some though, and I imagine that outside the house, Eric is good at his job. You need to have that alpha male, aggressive personality to be the captain of a fire house. Barking orders is important there, as you need a team of people to act in unison in a stressful situation. As for in the BB house... well, that behavior ends up getting you sent home in week three.

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Someone please answer me: Is there a fax number for House Calls. You know, for those of us how can't get through, or have to work, or are phone shy. Is there a fax number or web address we can use to send our questions for the hosts and guests?
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Guest gosarah

Thanks guys!! I really appreciate all the feedback. Draftking, where can I read Marcellas talking about his interview with Eric. Is it one of these threads on this board?

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Marcellas please get someone to tell David Letterman that there are people out there who would love to see interviews with the evicted houseguests and (And Survivor too) .... he makes them stand back in the corner or over at Ruperts Deli. ( I think he has only had the WINNERS of BB on and then only for a few minutes... ) Like he is too good to have them sit on his couch .... Frankly I think his program could use the infusion... It is getting terribly stale and I find myself switching to Leno more & more often...



It will be great to see how Julie C is in a real setting.
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Ok, Marcellas, you're the only one who has actual contact with the people at Big Brother/CBS.  All of us feed viewers can send feedback as much as we want, but there's no way of knowing that our concerns are actually being received, as it stands, we know they certainly aren't being heard/acknowledged. We're sick and tired of them portraying Ivette and company as "all good" and the victim. Can you please somehow let them know that we're cheesed off, and would like Ivette, at least, to be shown for who/how she really is? We know we have no say in anything else, but it would be great for CBS to show some integrity, and at least give the viewers at home, a dose of reality, since this IS supposed to be reality television.

Thanks so much!

Ditto...though what is Marcellas supposed to do?
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Marcellas please get someone to tell David Letterman that there are people out there who would love to see interviews with the evicted houseguests and (And Survivor too) .... he makes them stand back in the corner or over at Ruperts Deli. ( I think he has only had the WINNERS of BB on and then only for a few minutes... ) Like he is too good to have them sit on his couch .... Frankly I think his program could use the infusion... It is getting terribly stale and I find myself switching to Leno more & more often... 



The current BB evicted houseguests are sequestered

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Yeah... I figured as much... but they still don't get on D.L. show ... Cause he doesn't like reality shows I think!!!!

Marcellas please get someone to tell David Letterman that there are people out there who would love to see interviews with the evicted houseguests and (And Survivor too) .... he makes them stand back in the corner or over at Ruperts Deli. ( I think he has only had the WINNERS of BB on and then only for a few minutes... ) Like he is too good to have them sit on his couch .... Frankly I think his program could use the infusion... It is getting terribly stale and I find myself switching to Leno more & more often... 



The current BB evicted houseguests are sequestered

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I don't think D.Letterman has ever liked reality contestants as far as interviewing them. He doesn't really know what to ask them, and they don't make very good interviews. I think he would rather interview a person off the street than a reality contestant. They could go on Craig Ferguson, but doubt they'll end up there either. Atleast Julie Chen will be on this evening.

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Dear Marcellas,

I don't get the chance to call you or gretchen because I am at work when your show airs, but I was catching up on your past shows in the archive, and I thought of a question -- not sure if you can answer it here, or on the show ..

But what do you think of the way that CBS is editing the show this year? You and Gretchen mentioned Ivette, and her racist comments ... my question is -- how do you guys feel about CBS not showing this side of Ivette's charchter on the show? I feel that she is being portrayed in a more likeable, and sympathetic role then she comes across on the feeds.

Also ... do you know what was behind CBS's move to change the theme music? I noticed today that it's finally been updated on HC's .. with a cooler introduction for you two (long past due if you ask me!).

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Guest Witness

Marcellas fell short as far as calling out Eric, but you could tell he was hindered by CBS since there's a good chance they may bring back one of the evicted house guests. I can't wait until the Town Hall edition of HC, then it will be no holds barred.

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Guest ericfanny
Cappy's Cafe of Newport Beach Ca should change it's name so it wont sound of any relation to the crappy Cappy

I think that Marcellas did a great job with what CBS allowed. I think that unfortunately Eric won't be able to see why everyone hates his behavior until he sees the tapes. Keep in mind that Eric had just got evicted the night before so reality hasn't really set in. I think they should have done the House calls interview later on after they have had a chance to watch the tapes of themselves to be a really honest interview.

Maybe Eric would have felt like a heel then. I liked Eric in the beginning but at the end he was way too much for me. I still hope Maggie wins though!

Hey there

On Mondays show, you said people couldn;t give "shout outs" to the boards they are part of. I know I am not the only one curious as to why? I am sure there is a reason, but could you explain? I would think that shout outs would be a good thing? Was it something that CBS requested or does it count as advertising or just takes up time? Just curious, cuz you know everyone wants to give a shoout so that the people on their boards know you actually got through.

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Guest gosarah

Did Julie say anything surprising or shocking when she was on? What did Marcellas and Gretchen ask her about? Does she have a favorite in the house this year? What does she think of Kaysar? I always miss it and can never bring it up from the archives--my computer's messed up.

Thanks for any input!!

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