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House Calls / Town Hall / Marcellas and Gretchen


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Guest BBHoser

they're lucky they didn't have to talk to that mental midget.

She's stupid for sacrificing herself for her team, or she's stupid because she didn't realize she'd be targeted after breaking her promise. Either way she's a dolt.

"Wow, it looks like a real TV show".


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It was an interesting House Calls.

Marcellas got into it a bit with James the way he did with Kaysar - I'm not sure if this is a foreplay thing, or a battling for alpha male post BB status, but James mocked him for the Veto thing (that was pretty funny) and Marcellas mentioned J's eyebrow problem.

A couple of other highlights, for anyone who didn't catch it, this is not verbatim.

1) James felt the Friendship played out of fear, and the SOVs out of greed. He compared the Ship to weak animals huddling together, and noted how cruel Howie was to Rachel during the Pressure Cooker, and how mercenary Janelle was.

2) He talked about how Howie was initally funny, but tiresome after awhile, and he got a kick out of how much Janelle always infuriated the girl scouts.

3) He thinks Ivette and Beau have more heart than others, and plans to remain friends with her.

4) He thinks God has no place in the game, ("God doesn't care who wins Big Brother") but wanted to comfort Ivette with the bible verse.

5) Marcellas and James got into a fight about what constitutes a bad lie. He made this analogy: "Marcellas, if I say your coat is ugly, that's a lie. But if I say you tried to touch me in the bathroom, that's a worse lie" (has more consequences.) Marcellas freaked out and tried to make the argument that 'every sin is a sin' and Gretchen disagreed. James thinks the lies told by April and Jennifer about Michael were despicable, but also though Michael was really weird.

second part:


Sarah called in and noted how much she now likes Janelle, and wants to see Kaysar. She has been rethinking the Ship - while they made her feel good before she left, she's now remembering some of their ugliness, too. She wants a part on a soap or something too. (like Kaysar's part on Y&R)

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Someone please answer this for me what is the town hall meeting with marcellas and all the houseguets? And if it is a real thing not something I ramdomly heard when does it air online or on tv???????? Thanks

Housecalls always does the townhall meeting when the show ends... It will have all 14 houseguest's and M and G... It will be online like all the rest of the housecalls...

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Happiness was Howie (aka , our side) getting HOH this week but if Howierd or Janie go, the season may as well be over for me!!! What I will await with baited breath is your Town Hall meeting. Please , please , please, on behalf of all your fans, and at least 82% of America, do NOT let all those questions go unasked, I beg of you. You and Gretchen have the opportunity to do what we have all been screaming at our puter screens and TV's and find out WTF are those fiendsheep people ....We love ya !!!

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Gretchen (what the heck kind of name is that it sounds like a witch), when i watch your show housecalls, you need to ask better questions. Ask the questions that matter instead of just sitting there looking gorgeous (your not gorgeous). We need a replacement for that show because Gretchen is slipping.
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Gretchen (what the heck kind of name is that it sounds like a witch), when i watch your show housecalls, you need to ask better questions. Ask the questions that matter instead of just sitting there looking gorgeous (your not gorgeous). We need a replacement for that show because Gretchen is slipping.

would you cut it out with these dawling posts!!!!!! lol

BTW Gretchen is AWESOME!!!!!

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Was Gretchen looking in your direction? SPEAK NOT!

But I think she is doing better than Marcellas sadly. I feel that lately Marcellas has been more about ranting about the Friendship every day and making sure everyone knows what HE wants.

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Gretchen is German and it is a beautiful name. If you watch HC today you would have seen Gretchen say she was having a hard time today. I am not sure what questions you would like her ask because she was very limited since James was going into the SH. No matter because the needling between Marcellas and James was hilarious!! I LOVE Gretchen and Marcellas, I have just started watching and I have been trying to watch all the back episodes. It is nice to see them speak their minds and not worry about what everyone else thinks, it is very refreshing.

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I haven't seen Housecalls with James, so I know nothing about what took place, but I do have a question. When Sarah called in, did it appear as though she and James would remain in their relationship? The reason I ask is because I heard when Sarah was evicted and appeared on HC that her mother apparently called in and made it seem that she did not approve of James after seeing the way James had treated Sarah on BB. Does anyone have any info about what might be going on with James and Sarah -- of if Sarah might not remain in that relationship based on her parents' influence?

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I haven't seen Housecalls with James, so I know nothing about what took place, but I do have a question.  When Sarah called in, did it appear as though she and James would remain in their relationship?  The reason I ask is because I heard when Sarah was evicted and appeared on HC that her mother apparently called in and made it seem that she did not approve of James after seeing the way James had treated Sarah on BB.  Does anyone have any info about what might be going on with James and Sarah -- of if Sarah might not remain in that relationship based on her parents' influence?

I got the definite impression that they would remain together, and that her parents had come around to him. Gretchen asked specifically about that, and S' answer was clearly positive, something about her parents had met him outside the house and knew that the house could not articulate his entire character.

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Townhall is when theres no holds bar really..then M & G can ask whatever because its over with. There are soooooo many thigns to point out this season..maybe they need to air it on TV lmao

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when jennifer was evicted during janelles short HOH reign, she only called in to housecalls.....does that mean beau will just call in too? i really wanted to see marcellas' responses to beau face to face since he has really shown his dislike for beau.

(i think beau's a dork too)

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