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Shelly - Week 8/DE Part 2 Replacement Nominee Evicted 9/1 Jury #4


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I agree that most comments - pro and con for Shelly - are becoming second-hand. I have to say, however, that defending Shelly must feel like being on a bridge to nowhere. There is a reason that Shelly is difficult to defend and infinitely easier to rail against. I have never defended her. I've always thought that she was an odd bird. I am not inclined to admire or like obsessive, agressive people. It was fine with me for Shelly to turn against Jeff and Jordan. I thought them foolish for believing her BS in the first place.

I have to think that much of Shelly's support comes from dislike for Jeff and Jordan - not so much approval for a woman acting like a wacked-out road runner but just total dislike for anything Jeff and Jordan. Dislike exacerbated by so much unending support for Jeff and Jordan. I get it.

What I do not get is why people sup again and again from a dish that leaves them bitterly unhappy. Nor do I understand why Shelly refuses to see that she is her own worst enemy on BB13.

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The Pandora's Box has never has a negative consequence like this before. It has always been opened and its been something stupid. Nothing that truly altered the game. Everyone would have opened it. It wasn't stupid. Just ended up being bad for her.

And BB has also never offered the one who opened the box $10K (collectively) before either. Big prize, big consequence.

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I have to think that much of Shelly's support comes from dislike for Jeff and Jordan - not so much approval for a woman acting like a wacked-out road runner but just total dislike for anything Jeff and Jordan. Dislike exacerbated by so much unending support for Jeff and Jordan. I get it.

This probably the most perceptive things I've seen posted on here. I think a lot of the pro/con comments are generated based on some rather intense feelings people are developing for what are essentially television characters.

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And BB has also never offered the one who opened the box $10K (collectively) before either. Big prize, big consequence.

They gave out a Diamond Power of Veto at one point. What was the consequence of that?

I'm just saying, the consequences of whatever prize there was has never been big. I'm pretty sure anyone would have opened that no matter what situation they were in.

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This probably the most perceptive things I've seen posted on here. I think a lot of the pro/con comments are generated based on some rather intense feelings people are developing for what are essentially television characters.

I just don't like the entitlement some of the vets have. I do not like Rachel, and I have posted on that before, but if she wins I'll be cool with it because she doesn't feel or act entitled. Her and Brendon have to fight their tails off to stay in the game, and if she somehow wins it I will be cool with that despite how much I dislike her in the BB house.

I like Jejo, but I certainly am not head over heels in love with them like so many other BB fans have become. It is almost like Jejo are bigger than the BB game itself. And because of that reason there is a ton of hypocrisy being thrown around this place and forget that some people have to play the game differently to move along, just like every season. I mean it isn't like Shelly lied about her husband having cancer or anything (mr. matt hoffman I'm looking at you). It is just the attitude that Jejo can do no wrong and are perfect people, players etc. and their tactics are always honorable, and anyone who is going up against them is a horrible, vile human being. Sorry, that just isn't reality on either side of the fence.

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See this is what I don't get. Shelly is playing BB, made a move to help her along. Shelly is terrible at comps, as is Jordan, but the difference is Jordan has been paired up the entire season with someone who is a very good player in comps (Jeff, Rachel), where Shelly has been the third and at times fourth wheel in the alliance. Jordan has always been in a better position in the game because of those reasons. Shelly had to make a play, and she lied/backstabbed to do it, that's BB. Jordan isn't perfect, and throwing that phone call in Shelly's face was pretty wicked if you ask me.

I dont think Jordan threw it in her face. I think Shelly provoked the emotion so Jordan engaged.

Shelly chose her alliances throughout this game and is the victim of her own demise. some can accept the co-mingeling of personal and game play while others need a clear seperation. I for one need to seperate it because I do not see a reason for the change when Shelly made it. Dani was the wrong choice at the wrong time. Shelly made so many promises and declarations that she obviously had no intention of keeping. It would have made more sense (if you believe the dish shelly was serving) for Jeff, Jordan, and Shelly to get to final 3 and then to each their own. maybe in that case, we all had more respect for Shelly's position prior to all this, that there would have been way more respect for shelly's game play and possibly could have won over them both.

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I think you need to read your last post and take your own advice.

If Jungle writes something against the rules I am sure Cecimom will take care of it.

The person with the edited post must be the one in the wrong!

As for people coming here and saying we have to feel guilty about not liking Shelley because --OUTSIDE this forum--there is a psycho stalker--well it's not my problem and I don't care. I'd never put my family on TV for money. Of course there are nuts out there. if there is only one psycho out of a millions BB has millions of viewers-what do you expect?

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This probably the most perceptive things I've seen posted on here. I think a lot of the pro/con comments are generated based on some rather intense feelings people are developing for what are essentially television characters.

Thanks, Nakitadog. Some people might remember that I railed incessantly against Jeff's coup d'

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It's not J or R's doing or fault this happened, I agree. They have had several Pandora's boxes before where it didn't effect this much of the game like this one did. Six people left and they decide to pull the pairs up again and have Jordan with Rachel before noms? It was Porsche who opened it, but it was BB who decided to make it mean as much as it did. They have had money come from the sky, they have had Jesse come back and screw with the HOH, they had someone come back for 24 hours....none of that really screwed with the actual game, this did in a big way and it helped Jordan more than anyone.

I agree with most of what you say although I do remember that Jeff's "coup-de-whatever" very much altered the game. As someone else just noted above, "Big payout = big consequences". I honestly don't know what I would have done if I was there but I would hope that I would consider that I had my biggest opposition to winning $500,000 against the ropes and would leave things just as they were. She had to know there was nothing close to that amount of money or prize in PB.

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This probably the most perceptive things I've seen posted on here. I think a lot of the pro/con comments are generated based on some rather intense feelings people are developing for what are essentially television characters.

if they are television characters......is Big Brother a scripted show? and all are actors?

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See this is what I don't get. Shelly is playing BB, made a move to help her along. Shelly is terrible at comps, as is Jordan, but the difference is Jordan has been paired up the entire season with someone who is a very good player in comps (Jeff, Rachel), where Shelly has been the third and at times fourth wheel in the alliance. Jordan has always been in a better position in the game because of those reasons. Shelly had to make a play, and she lied/backstabbed to do it, that's BB. Jordan isn't perfect, and throwing that phone call in Shelly's face was pretty wicked if you ask me.

She didn't make a big move to help her along... she made a bad move to help Daniele along. It's okay though... many have fallen in the name of "big moves" (aka Dani moves.) First Cassie (because Dani couldn't let Dom give his attention to anyone other than Dani) Second was the Dom himself. Then Lawon because he was expendable to Dani. And, as Dani saw she was leaving (even though she tried her darnedest to change the inevitable) it will be yet another victim of Dani's play and that is Shelly.

So, no Shelly didn't play BB. BB played her. Trying to re-write reality is something some posters try to do, and often. Fortunately, Morty's members are good at seeing through the ones that try and bark the loudest and most often, even when their "discussions" are twisted on the facts.

I do agree with one of your statements and that is "Jordan isn't perfect"... and thank goodness for that!!! Makes her all the more charming to see her passion rise up and fight for herself and her game. It didn't take long for her to work it out and calm down.

P.S. I've received multiple complaints. There are several options.

1) Use your ignore list (Your user name is at the upper right corner, click on the drop down arrow and the last choice is "Manage Ignored Users"... you can go from there.)

2) Don't engage (post) with another member if it's only going to raise your frustration level.

3) Sometimes I type out responses to BS postings just to get it off my chest and then I cancel it and not post. I find it easy to move on then... maybe it will work for you too.

4) If you just HAVE to say something... follow the rules or ELSE! :animated_rotfl:

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They gave out a Diamond Power of Veto at one point. What was the consequence of that?

I'm just saying, the consequences of whatever prize there was has never been big. I'm pretty sure anyone would have opened that no matter what situation they were in.

Ragan got to be the sabateur for $20,000. Matt got to save himself from eviction. (I had to look it up coz I forgot. :))

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I dont think Jordan threw it in her face. I think Shelly provoked the emotion so Jordan engaged.

See that is the hypocrisy that I'm talking about. Reverse those roles for a second. Let's say Jordan made a gameplay against Shelly and Jordan came in to tell Shelly how she wasn't happy about doing it, but that it's a game and she also felt like crap, then Shelly throwing something nice that she did in Jordan's face how would people take it? People would be saying how awful Shelly was for throwing that in her face, and Shelly needs to understand that it is just a game and Jordan made a play. That is exactly what would be going on because one person is liked and the other isn't.

Shelly chose her alliances throughout this game and is the victim of her own demise. some can accept the co-mingeling of personal and game play while others need a clear seperation. I for one need to seperate it because I do not see a reason for the change when Shelly made it. Dani was the wrong choice at the wrong time. Shelly made so many promises and declarations that she obviously had no intention of keeping. It would have made more sense (if you believe the dish shelly was serving) for Jeff, Jordan, and Shelly to get to final 3 and then to each their own. maybe in that case, we all had more respect for Shelly's position prior to all this, that there would have been way more respect for shelly's game play and possibly could have won over them both.

Shelly is a victim of the Pandora's Box THIS WEEK. That is fact. Without the PBox Jordan would be going home and Shelly would be sitting in a good spot with five people left. She isn't a victim of her play last week, that isn't being honest. She was the FOURTH target this week of six left, and because the twist it will fall on her, that is how it goes I guess, but that is what she was a victim of.

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One more thing (kind of related to Shelly).......I am not a person who believes that Big Brother is or has to be about lying, backstabbing, cheating, stealing another person's possessions, etc....I don't know why people say that it is. Just because some HG's play the game that way does not mean that I will cease hoping for a "better" style of play to win the game. If we have lines in real life, why is crossing those lines so easy to accept on a reality tv show being played for money? I am not expressing myself very well here but I think you get what I am trying to say.

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I want Shelly to go ASAP. I hate to listen to this flashback from last night of Shelly working and working and working on Jordan. She is filled with so so many lies.

I want her GONE! I don't want Jordan to believe her.

me either, Jordan is very naieve and really too nice and she doen't like conflict, so I think this is just a smooth over, I don't thin Jordan has forgiven or forgotten, but I do think it upset Rachel that she made up with her and that is not so good cause we know how rachel gets when insecure, yikes it is going to me a doozy of a week

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if they are television characters......is Big Brother a scripted show? and all are actors?

I use the term "characters" because I don't for a second believe what you see on TV is what you would see in real life. (1) the participants craft a persona for the show, (2) it's hard for people not to change the behavior when they know they are on TV, (3) the nature of the game itself alters the percetions of the people participating and (4) I 100% believe that BB manipulates these people.

I think a perfect example of this is the Rachel/Regan relationship. They spewed some pretty hateful stuff at one another but once they enter real life, they become close friends.

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She didn't make a big move to help her along... she made a bad move to help Daniele along. It's okay though... many have fallen in the name of "big moves" (aka Dani moves.) First Cassie (because Dani couldn't let Dom give his attention to anyone other than Dani) Second was the Dom himself. Then Lawon because he was expendable to Dani. And, as Dani saw she was leaving (even though she tried her darnedest to change the inevitable) it will be yet another victim of Dani's play and that is Shelly.

So, no Shelly didn't play BB. BB played her. Trying to re-write reality is something some posters try to do, and often. Fortunately, Morty's members are good at seeing through the ones that try and bark the loudest and most often, even when their "discussions" are twisted on the facts.

I do agree with one of your statements and that is "Jordan isn't perfect"... and thank goodness for that!!! Makes her all the more charming to see her passion rise up and fight for herself and her game. It didn't take long for her to work it out and calm down.

P.S. I've received multiple complaints. There are several options.

1) Use your ignore list (Your user name is at the upper right corner, click on the drop down arrow and the last choice is "Manage Ignored Users"... you can go from there.)

2) Don't engage (post) with another member if it's only going to raise your frustration level.

3) Sometimes I type out responses to BS postings just to get it off my chest and then I cancel it and not post. I find it easy to move on then... maybe it will work for you too.

4) If you just HAVE to say something... follow the rules or ELSE! :animated_rotfl:

She absolutely made a move to help her along. If the Pbox wasn't used this week would she be safe and Jordan out the door? Isn't that fact? I like how you wrote how big moves have hurt people, but left off jeff...that was his demise as well apparently for two seasons. Isn't reality that Shelly was safe this week until another twist that saved Jordan? That is reality. Without that twist Shelly is in the final five, Jordan is out of the game and who knows what happens after that, I assume Rachel would then still be the biggest target when they were down to five.

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One more thing (kind of related to Shelly).......I am not a person who believes that Big Brother is or has to be about lying, backstabbing, cheating, stealing another person's possessions, etc....I don't know why people say that it is. Just because some HG's play the game that way does not mean that I will cease hoping for a "better" style of play to win the game. If we have lines in real life, why is crossing those lines so easy to accept on a reality tv show being played for money? I am not expressing myself very well here but I think you get what I am trying to say.

Jordan won her first time without hurting anybody. So you are right. :animated_bouncy:

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She didn't make a big move to help her along... she made a bad move to help Daniele along. It's okay though... many have fallen in the name of "big moves" (aka Dani moves.) First Cassie (because Dani couldn't let Dom give his attention to anyone other than Dani) Second was the Dom himself. Then Lawon because he was expendable to Dani. And, as Dani saw she was leaving (even though she tried her darnedest to change the inevitable) it will be yet another victim of Dani's play and that is Shelly.

So, no Shelly didn't play BB. BB played her. Trying to re-write reality is something some posters try to do, and often. Fortunately, Morty's members are good at seeing through the ones that try and bark the loudest and most often, even when their "discussions" are twisted on the facts.

I do agree with one of your statements and that is "Jordan isn't perfect"... and thank goodness for that!!! Makes her all the more charming to see her passion rise up and fight for herself and her game. It didn't take long for her to work it out and calm down.

P.S. I've received multiple complaints. There are several options.

1) Use your ignore list (Your user name is at the upper right corner, click on the drop down arrow and the last choice is "Manage Ignored Users"... you can go from there.)

2) Don't engage (post) with another member if it's only going to raise your frustration level.

3) Sometimes I type out responses to BS postings just to get it off my chest and then I cancel it and not post. I find it easy to move on then... maybe it will work for you too.

4) If you just HAVE to say something... follow the rules or ELSE! animated_rotfl.gif

very well said and thank yo for the reminder, it is hard sometimes, I think you really put the whole Shelly thing in perspective

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One more thing (kind of related to Shelly).......I am not a person who believes that Big Brother is or has to be about lying, backstabbing, cheating, stealing another person's possessions, etc....I don't know why people say that it is. Just because some HG's play the game that way does not mean that I will cease hoping for a "better" style of play to win the game. If we have lines in real life, why is crossing those lines so easy to accept on a reality tv show being played for money? I am not expressing myself very well here but I think you get what I am trying to say.

I agree with this to an extent, but sooner or later you are going to have to turn on someone that is inevitable. They were going to have to turn on Shelly at some point. Jeff threw the veto trusting Dani (scary move for him at the time) which meant Brendon, who he was friends with, was going home. You have to turn on people at some point in the game, that is inevitable.

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Big Brother, it is what it is..entertainment at different levels. If we don't like what is happening we have the right to switch it off. Most normal people however do not take telling someone how much they love and repsect them in one breathe and deceiving and lying to them in the next. I personally do not associate with people like that and would hope Jordan doesn't once she is done with this season. Hate it love it I am pulling for Rachel to take the prize after all that has happened!! Have a great Sunday everyone!

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You go Cecimom!!! animated_bouncy.gif

I will say my feeling about HG like we are supposed to. I guess I am confident in myself and am fine without having to convince others to feel the exact way as me!

sometimes you (not you personally) get duped into thinking it is a discussion but then the more you give your view the more it gets picked apart, I need to just keep addin to that list,lol, I will never ever feel that Shelly is anything but a pathalogical liar, who has a really distorted view of how this game is played, as I said before she is up there with Maggie on my list and that is sayin something,lol

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