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Shelly - Week 8/DE Part 2 Replacement Nominee Evicted 9/1 Jury #4


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There's a difference between honest opinions on a forum and reactions to people in real life which is the context of the the entire discussion. If you want to hate the Shelly character go for it; she's given everyone plenty of ammunition.

In this forum i'm talking about my opinions on the characters I see on TV.

As far as reactions outside the house--I have nothing to do with it--I've never met any of them and I doubt I will.

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There's a difference between honest opinions on a forum and reactions to people in real life which is the context of the the entire discussion. If you want to hate the Shelly character go for it; she's given everyone plenty of ammunition.

You keep using the word "hate." I never use that word. I think it would be scary to hate someone on a reality tv show and I think that most of the people here - you seem new - who've been posting here a long time, don't hate any of them, either.

As for "reactions to people in real life," I am sure that Shelly will be able to handle such a thing should it happen. She seems tough as nails to me.

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You keep using the word "hate." I never use that word. I think it would be scary to hate someone on a reality tv show and I think that most of the people here - you seem new - who've been posting here a long time, don't hate any of them, either.

As for "reactions to people in real life," I am sure that Shelly will be able to handle such a thing should it happen. She seems tough as nails to me.

There's been some hateful things on here and there was a post earlier about people doing/threatening to do things to her in real life. I wonder how "tough as nails" she really is in real life. It may be a front her mental skin may not quite be as thick as it her physical skin is.

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I hope so. I think she's going to have a lot of issues she's going to have to deal with on her own.

You know, Nakitadog, I don't like Shelly and didn't like her in the beginning. I found something about her off-putting. As time goes on, I find it almost embarrassing to watch her. As I said earlier, in a rather tacky way, I think that it might be time for them to just send her home.

I am no expert on the matter but I tend to agree with you in thinking that she might have some issues. I keep thinking that it will be fine. I certainly hope so.

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There's been some hateful things on here and there was a post earlier about people doing/threatening to do things to her in real life. I wonder how "tough as nails" she really is in real life. It may be a front her mental skin may not quite be as thick as it her physical skin is.

I also think that some of it might be bravado. I read the post of which you speak. It seemed a tad far-fetched to me - I hope so, anyway. People are so crazy but hopefully it is all just raving talk by some kid online. Shelly needs to just chill and stop causing so much chaos. Take care.

And, welcome to Morty's. :)

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You know, Nakitadog, I don't like Shelly and didn't like her in the beginning. I found something about her off-putting. As time goes on, I find it almost embarrassing to watch her. As I said earlier, in a rather tacky way, I think that it might be time for them to just send her home.

I am no expert on the matter but I tend to agree with you in thinking that she might have some issues. I keep thinking that it will be fine. I certainly hope so.

Well, she created a character that was hard to like. I don't know if there has ever been anyone quite like her before (I don't have as much experience with the show as most people here). I couldn't understand how she was so far up Jordan's butt like a stalker and how intense she would discuss her "alliance." Also her reaction to Rachel was so extreme and it was all based on her inability to remember that she had asked Rachel/Brendon to be in a Final 3. Most of the players who float/stink at competitions aren't so forceful. She kind of ruins the show.

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I think that she ruins the show for some people because she turned on Jeff and Jordan and for some people she ruins the show because she just acts in such a bizarre manner and creates such chaos. At this point, I don't find her entertaining in the least and she frankly scares hell out of me with what might happen next but then, how boring would it be with the people we have left. I am trying to figure out how I feel about BB so I am also all over the place with opinions. Admittedly. Bedtime. Sleep tight, all.

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Also her reaction to Rachel was so extreme and it was all based on her inability to remember that she had asked Rachel/Brendon to be in a Final 3.

Look . . . Shelly asked about the final 3, but was there a commitment? Rachel portrayed it as if they "had" an agreement, but, in reality, there was no agreement.

The Shelly bashing really has put me off . . . sure, she has been "got" by the BB house, but please . . . I am really upset about the low blows that are being thrown out on the board(s).

Back injuries/surgeries are serious . . . just sayin' . . .disgust.gif

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I'm with you, Slim......I was about to cancel my feeds today because it was so BORING to me.......I realized I'm not as much a BB fan as I am a "personality" fan.......I enjoy watching the ppl that entertain me, make me lol or at least bring a smile to my face (or in Jeff's case a tingle :animated_rotfl: ).

I know others enjoy "good game play" but I guess I don't know what that IS. No one has ever gone in there with the "perfect plan" and turned that into a WIN that I've seen. But, if there are ppl on who entertain me, I'll watch..... if there's not, I won't........that's a personal choice.

Shelly just makes me cringe.......not at all entertaining. :disappointed:

*****Just to clarify because some ppl fail to actually READ the entire post, all those hateful, outside of the house things ppl are saying about Shelly came from ANOTHER site, NOT MORTY's......someone ust REPORTED it here.

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I'm with you, Slim......I was about to cancel my feeds today because it was so BORING to me.......I realized I'm not as much a BB fan as I am a "personality" fan.......I enjoy watching the ppl that entertain me, make me lol or at least bring a smile to my face (or in Jeff's case a tingle :animated_rotfl: ).

I know others enjoy "good game play" but I guess I don't know what that IS. No one has ever gone in there with the "perfect plan" and turned that into a WIN that I've seen. But, if there are ppl on who entertain me, I'll watch..... if there's not, I won't........that's a personal choice.

Shelly just makes me cringe.......not at all entertaining. :disappointed:

That's an interesting take for me. I guess I prefer more of a "game" rather than personalities (although you can't completely disregard it) and I wonder how much CBS/BB affect (script) what we see.

As for Shelly, if you like the personality v. personality would her absence affect your enjoyment (it's hard to have a saint without a devil)?

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Shelly is such an irritating control freak and a legend in her own mind. She can roll all over the HG's but she wants to control viewers and bloggers too with

her fake crying and 'integrity' jags. What many of us think of her will have no impact on her life out of the house but it's possible a few who work with her are seeing her in a new light. The empress may be wearing no clothes but she does have on combat boots and an ammo belt! If two more go up it's probably Adam and Shelly going up. As Seacrest likes to say, "Shelly out." (I hope, I hope, I hope)

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Shelly is such an irritating control freak and a legend in her own mind. She can roll all over the HG's but she wants to control viewers and bloggers too with

her fake crying and 'integrity' jags. What many of us think of her will have no impact on her life out of the house but it's possible a few who work with her are seeing her in a new light. The empress may be wearing no clothes but she does have on combat boots and an ammo belt! If two more go up it's probably Adam and Shelly going up. As Seacrest likes to say, "Shelly out." (I hope, I hope, I hope)

Do you really think her crying is fake? I kind of assumed that if she was that good at faking crying she would have made better decisions all along.

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I think this board is getting really busy as it is hard to get on to post and stuff, ppl are waiting for the veto,lol plz shelly do not win this, plz plz plz, I am rooting for the girls Racha and Jordan and putting there hodoo on your page,lololol

Great! The hoodoo worked! Huge game changer. When the whambulance arrives they won't know which ones to pick up now. BahBye to Shelly first and K or P in any order.

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Do you really think her crying is fake? I kind of assumed that if she was that good at faking crying she would have made better decisions all along.

Yes, I believe it is fake in the DR to sway public opinion and try to convince us she is a decent person with "integrity". The crying in front of the

HG's may be a bit more real but IMO it comes from anger and frustration that she is losing control rather than any level of sorrow.

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Yes, I believe it is fake in the DR to sway public opinion and try to convince us she is a decent person with "integrity". The crying in front of the

HG's may be a bit more real but IMO it comes from anger and frustration that she is losing control rather than any level of sorrow.

Interesting take. I always looked at her as being a nutbar. I'll be curious to see what see says during the interview when she's tossed out + finale.

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Sadly this is another case of Reality Shows getting a little too real. Hope Shelly gets counseling...BB should provide this. Remember the tragedy "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.." It would be awful for Shelly to be confronted by haters IRL. I hope she will be happy in the bosom of her family. I can't stand her on this show but wouldn't want to meet any of these people IRL. Usually, most BB HGs are forgotten within a few weeks. Which is ultimately a good and merciful thing.

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Wow Jolie.......it took me a few minutes to focus because my eyes wouldn't leave your pic of Jeff......but, oh, yes, when I focused on the words, I just wanted to compliment you for for "hitting the nail on the head" as we said in the old days.......now I think it's "being succinct"!!!! ITA

and, how pitiful, Shelly standing outside & listening to J/R/A, thinking they're going to be plotting & planning & they're just hanging out.......then sitting at the kitchen table all alone, weaving like Ray Charles (sorry Ray)......she is really losing it.

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I am sure that Shelly will be able to handle such a thing should it happen. She seems tough as nails to me.

Yeah...she sounds (and looks) like she eats railroad ties for breakfast.

I hope she doesn't mind people pointing, snickering and staring...'cause I think she's gonna get a lot of that!

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IMO Shelly is the WORST of the bunch! She REALLY believes what she spews about integrity...so apparently LYING to J/J for the first 7 weeks is fine, and carrying tales from one side to the other is fine and making up things ppl have said is fine!

BUT, when you consider IRL she is a saleperson, LYING is her way of life... so maybe she doesn'y know the differenc as this is her "job" for the summer!

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Yeah...she sounds (and looks) like she eats railroad ties for breakfast.

I hope she doesn't mind people pointing, snickering and staring...'cause I think she's gonna get a lot of that!

OMG. I just received some artwork --an official "portrait of SHELDON" with permission to post. It is too WONDERFUL. It is so-o-o GREAT .Looks like this Sheldon could not only eat railroads ties but BEND THEM WITHN ONE HAND !!!!.... Where and how do I download it to share" Instructions anyone ?? Help please? Thanks

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I am actually a little worried aobut Shelly. When she goes home, if this whole thing has affected Josie negatively, it is going to be really hard for Shelly not to feel guilty. And unfortunately, this probably is going to have a negative affect on Josie and her mom's relationship. She has to be somewhat disappointed in her mom's behavior. And Shelly won't handle it in the right way. she'll probably go overboard and never shut up about it. She needs to calm down and get some personal insight. I hope she will get counseling, and that it will help. I'm not sure the show did a good job of pre-screening this one...

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hmmmmm......pre-screening, Shelly isn't the first one......in fact, it was funny because Jordan & Kalia were in the kitchen talking about all the train wrecks that have walked throught the BB house, Shelly was listening & chiming in once in awhile......wonder if that's what put her in such a state,now.......she's been on such a "high" over herself, a crash is coming.

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