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Adam - Week 7


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No its everytime Jeff opens his mouth didnt you catch how he bullies everyone when he talks? I never saw that either he told Adam to admit the have not girls were mean. Which they are! He was not yelling at Adam he said just admit it that they are mean.

I think his tone of voice just sounds as if he's bullying because he truly believes he's right and in most of these cases, he IS right. But then again, I'm used to men who act similarly when they're adamant about their beliefs. Maybe it's just how some people are raised. It doesn't make him a bully at all, imo, it's just that that's how he's learned to defend his positions. Jeff was right tonight because that egg thing was totally ridiculous. The have nots get an endless supply of HN food. Kalia was just being a b!tch to push Rachel's buttons and to have something to gripe about. Adam needed to see that rather than defend the coven. The coven didn't hesitate to eat HN catfish and coconut everyday.

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No its everytime Jeff opens his mouth didnt you catch how he bullies everyone when he talks? I never saw that either he told Adam to admit the have not girls were mean. Which they are! He was not yelling at Adam he said just admit it that they are mean.

You're right Jeff could beat a kitten to death and you people would say the kitten deserved it, or it wasnt that bad, the kitten had a sprained ankle :food-smiley-005: Cause he is from Chicago! :animated_rotfl: Every single man from Chicago acts like that. Remind me never to go to Chicago ever again

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You're right Jeff could beat a kitten to death and you people would say the kitten deserved it, or it wasnt that bad, the kitten had a sprained ankle :food-smiley-005: Cause he is from Chicago! :animated_rotfl: Every single man from Chicago acts like that. Remind me never to go to Chicago ever again

:animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl:

That's a good one. :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl:

In case you haven't noticed...you can't say anything about the great super adorable magnificent most manly high god Jeff.

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Well, I think you could say anything about Jeff, just make sure it's true.

Does he play the game hard, yes, soes he get too caught up in the drama, yes......which is EXACTLY why he's hooked up with Jordan......she is the ONLY one that has that power over him,to give him balance......but this is adam thread.......

trust him more than shelly to be true to J/J

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Adam is a stupid loser who will be wishing he had kept Danielle when back stabbing Jeff and Jordan knife him next. Worst season ever.

I agree. I know i have said this before, but I just dont see where Adam goes from here unless he starts winning comps. J/J will be gunning for him next (or they will gun for the only person Adam can trust -- Porsche) because if he removes Dani, Adam becomes the next strongest person in the house. They fear him in question comps and everyone likes him so he will win final 2. J/J might not be saying it now, but they will turn on him..it makes the most sense.

Stick with Dani and you can ride with a partner that wins comps and a partner that Adam can likely beat in the final 2 (if it gets that far). Plus, he pulls a 'big move' which the jury will like. Without Kalia, Dani will need to align herself with new players. She will take Porsche and Adam to the final 3 if given the chance. IDK why he is so worried that she would turn on him.

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but but but ...... Dani promised Shelly the final 2.

He doesn't have a chance with all the girls. They will kick him out first.

I think he stands no chance either way he goes unless he wins out.

I think had he gone with S/D/P (and vote out Kalia) he'd stand a better chance to do that.

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J/J going after Adam next? Not hardly--Porsche/Kalia are on their radar--followed by Rachel(Jeff) or Shelly(Jordon). Adam is in a great spot right now & is absolutely making the right move by getting rid of Dani. Adam knows that if they don't evict Dani this week, they may never get another chance. Why is Adam worried about trusting Dani? Ummm...she turned on her original vet alliance, got her partner in crime Dominic evicted & is now on the block with Kalia--whom she's throwing under the bus & backing over her again. Gee--I wonder why Adam doesn't trust Dani. geeeeeesh.

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but but but ...... Dani promised Shelly the final 2.

He doesn't have a chance with all the girls. They will kick him out first.

Yea, im not saying Dani promised him fianl two...just the he could beat her in final 2 if it got there. Dani has to promise all these people everything (thats not a strike against her or a lack of integrity..her back is just against the wall).

But I agree with TML .. going with D/S/P means he has a partner in shelly and a bigger target then himself in Dani and someone else who is able to win comps. And more numbers versus the other side J/J/R.

J/J going after Adam next? Not hardly--Porsche/Kalia are on their radar--followed by Rachel(Jeff) or Shelly(Jordon). Adam is in a great spot right now & is absolutely making the right move by getting rid of Dani. Adam knows that if they don't evict Dani this week, they may never get another chance. Why is Adam worried about trusting Dani? Ummm...she turned on her original vet alliance, got her partner in crime Dominic evicted & is now on the block with Kalia--whom she's throwing under the bus & backing over her again. Gee--I wonder why Adam doesn't trust Dani. geeeeeesh.

Also, these comments about her throwing Kalia under the bus are absurd. Obviously she is doing that..she is up against her. Should she not say anything. This is a game. And she didnt intentionally get Dom out...she was loyal to him.

Turning on the vets was an example of her turning on her alliance. But realistically (though the move came to early), if she didnt do it to them the 4 of them would have gotten her first.

Obviously..i have a pro-dani bias. But from Adam's persepctive i still think its a good move.

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Yea, im not saying Dani promised him fianl two...just the he could beat her in final 2 if it got there. Dani has to promise all these people everything (thats not a strike against her or a lack of integrity..her back is just against the wall).

But I agree with TML .. going with D/S/P means he has a partner in shelly and a bigger target then himself in Dani and someone else who is able to win comps. And more numbers versus the other side J/J/R.

But if he stays where he is at, he has a partner in Shelly and he has 2 bigger targets in Jeff and Rachel who can both win comps. And more numbers versus the other side P/K.

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Oh yes Zoom, I forgot about the fact that Dani would then be the target on that side.

I think it's a good move, but Adam is so far up Jeff's ass that I doubt he can see it.

But if he stays where he is at, he has a partner in Shelly and he has 2 bigger targets in Jeff and Rachel who can both win comps. And more numbers versus the other side P/K.

I think thats part of the problem. If J/R can both win comps, does he stand a shot in the Final Four with them to beat them in Comps?

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But if he stays where he is at, he has a partner in Shelly and he has 2 bigger targets in Jeff and Rachel who can both win comps. And more numbers versus the other side P/K.

Aligning yourself with just S/P/K gets you evicted. They cant win comps and they arent targets. look where it got Dani. He needs a stronger partner. There are still 7 people left!!

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Aligning yourself with just S/P/K gets you evicted. They cant win comps and they arent targets. look where it got Dani. He needs a stronger partner. There are still 7 people left!!

I never said to align with S/P/K. I said that if he stays where he's at, he will have the numbers on his side over the other side of P/K.

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Think of past season at the end were not the strong players as far as comp winners. The trick to getting to the end is picking a side you can trust more then the other. I think Adam has been holding back and can win his way to the finals. We really have no idea who is going home Thursday. (probably Jeff is one)

Anyway Thursday will be good and then we will have it whittled down and people can jump to wherever is best for them.

Adam made his choice.

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Unless Adam starts winning comps, he is screwed. He's at the bottom of the totem pole whether Dani or Kalia stays. I personally feel that once the vets no longer need his vote (if they pick of Porsche/Kalia), he is the first one out of there, unless they have an opportunity to dump Rachel before him.

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I agree. I know i have said this before, but I just dont see where Adam goes from here unless he starts winning comps. J/J will be gunning for him next (or they will gun for the only person Adam can trust -- Porsche) because if he removes Dani, Adam becomes the next strongest person in the house. They fear him in question comps and everyone likes him so he will win final 2. J/J might not be saying it now, but they will turn on him..it makes the most sense.

Stick with Dani and you can ride with a partner that wins comps and a partner that Adam can likely beat in the final 2 (if it gets that far). Plus, he pulls a 'big move' which the jury will like. Without Kalia, Dani will need to align herself with new players. She will take Porsche and Adam to the final 3 if given the chance. IDK why he is so worried that she would turn on him.

Well I dont think he can trust Dani either. Or feels he can't. But like Dani said why be so scared of her and want to stick around with Jeff and Rachel who can also win comps and will never put eachother up. Adam talked to the cameras a week or so ago saying his plan was for the strong vets to take eachother out while he sits back. Well with Dani gone that wont happen anymore. At least not til final 4 or 5

I also said Any of the noobs should take Dani to the final 2 with the 4 vets on the jury. But then I read that Brendon said in an interview that he would consider voting for Dani at the end so maybe that isnt the best idea :animated_rotfl:

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Bottom line; I would rather take my chances on beating jordan, jeff or rachel than having to spend more time with Daniele or Shelly. I think Adam would have a good chance if he can make it a bit further. Adam would have Jeff/Jordan/Rachel/Brendon votes if he sticks by Jeff and Jordan and Rachel right now. He would HAVE to win comps but he has to do that one way or the other.

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