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Adam - Week 7


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Jeff is saying what he said wayy back about the team approach and that he is doing best for his team, and Adam says he remembers the "viet Nam" speech, Jeff says my word is good till you cross me and then it is over and it has been over since Dani first crossed him, and Jeff says he is willing to go down for it

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OMG! How funny would it be if Adam let Shelly think that he was in on the plan and then he didn't do it & let Shelly 'come out' as the trash that she is? That would be the best part of the season... A should tell J and then tell S that he is on it and then let her hang herself!!! That is what I would do!

That would be so awesome! And Danielle would think she was staying...LOL!

Jeff is saying what he said wayy back about the team approach and that he is doing best for his team, and Adam says he remembers the "viet Nam" speech, Jeff says my word is good till you cross me and then it is over and it has been over since Dani first crossed him, and Jeff says he is willing to go down for it

And this is why I love him!!!!

I think Adam is a cool guy and that he and Jeff respect each other. I know when it comes down to it that it's a game to win half a million but that if Adam wins Jeff would be happy for him.

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OMG! How funny would it be if Adam let Shelly think that he was in on the plan and then he didn't do it & let Shelly 'come out' as the trash that she is? That would be the best part of the season... A should tell J and then tell S that he is on it and then let her hang herself!!! That is what I would do!

That would be FANTASTIC!!

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Come on Adam... go have a talk with Jeff.. Do it Do it Do it!!!! That move would be a BB game maker...

Adam may need Shelly at some point. He is all about having no enemies. He can keep it in his pocket for later in the game.

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Adam may need Shelly at some point. He is all about having no enemies. He can keep it in his pocket for later in the game.

Agree though I know exactly how myss feels. It is way too early in the week for showdowns. I think it will happen, tho. Bigtime. Adam is a good player.

My opinion of Adam is undergoing a change.

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Bear in mind, Adam is not a fave particularly but I do think that he is playing the game maybe best of all. Surprise. Surprise.:party_smilie:

I knowwwwww I think he is going to break out at the end and win the comps. I like his integrity.

I have been the biggest flip flopper this season.

I have always been a J&J fan but I like them then I don't then I do then I don't...... bla bla bla

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Adam just looked at the camera and said "Does she really think I am that stupid to fall for this?" Cmon ADAM! Go tell Jeff so that he KNOWS about Shellys "game".... Adam keeps saying "I'm not f***** stupid!"

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Adam just looked at the camera and said "Does she really think I am that stupid to fall for this?" Cmon ADAM! Go tell Jeff so that he KNOWS about Shellys "game".... Adam keeps saying "I'm not f***** stupid!"

YAY!!!! GO ADAM!!! I thought he might be considering it and that scared me!

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I actually think siding with Dani is a good move for Shelly and Adam. Then it becomes Adam/Dani/Shelly/Porsche vs. Jeff/Jordan/Rachel. Rachel and Jordan will be targeting Dani and Dani will be targeting Jeff/Rachel.

Sure, Adam turns on his alliance, but he stays a non-target a little.

If he votes out Danielle, where does he go from there. Then his own alliance will start breaking down because the whole house will be on 'one side' and he wont have a good partner to work with (Shelly and Porsche suck). He just hopes he can beat Jeff and Jordon -- who will never turn on each other?? Both Rachel/Jeff are better in comeptitions and Shelly will be no help to him there. Take a final 3 deal from Dani (she will honor that deal because of the simple fact that Jeff/Rachel/Jordon are her targets) and watch her evict Jeff (who Adam will never beat in the finals .. Adam will be Dani in the final 2).

I know most people like J/J, but for Adam i think taking a deal from Dani makes the most sense.

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OMG! How funny would it be if Adam let Shelly think that he was in on the plan and then he didn't do it & let Shelly 'come out' as the trash that she is? That would be the best part of the season... A should tell J and then tell S that he is on it and then let her hang herself!!! That is what I would do!

That's an EXCELLENT idea! :animated_bouncy:

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Adam has a much better shot of getting farther & even winning with Dani out of this game. J/J are keeping R strictly as a vote right now & Adam knows that. S/P/R will remain J/J targets--moving A into a F3 spot--letting the chips fall as they may. Adam is playing a great game & KUDOS to him for not buying into the crap Dani's selling.(although, if I were in her spot--I'd be selling too!). I still can't believe Shelly bought into it =/ Dani would beat all of them if she made it to the F2--because she would have earned it, no doubt about it.

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Why will J/Js target be P/K/S/R ?? If i were them, I know i could beat P/K/S in any competition. PLUS i know i can beat them in the final 2. Fine, they might target R before Adam. But Adam is and should be on the top of J/Js list. They will turn on him faster than Dani would if she cut a deal with him. J/J are scared of him in question comps and they know he has played a good game and will have jury votes.

People let their hatred for Dani blind them from the fact that playing with her is actually beneficial. She is ALWAYS a bigger target than you and she wins Comps (getting the blood on her hand and keeping you off the block).

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he really is sticking to his guns to evict daniele

he is having to faced a trio of ladies in his ear urging him to flip

many hg would have caved by now from all that pressure

poor adam must be loving and hating all this attention at the same time

he will have to put up with this for another day :animated_bouncy:

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Jeff's a bigger target than Adam and he obviously wins comps as well.......being 3rd in line with J/J or 4th in line with dani/Porche/Shelly :animated_scratchchin:

I don't agree with this. Once Dani is out, there is no Jeff's side and Dani's side anymore. If Dani goes Jeff likely will go for Adam or Rachel next. It doesn't matter what he tells Adam now. Adam and Rachel are both good at comps and Adam will be hard to beat in the final two. So with Dani gone i see it as J/J K/P and then Adam, Rachel and Shelly as almost individual entities.

I think with Dani the house really divides nicely for Adam. J/J/R vs. D/P/A/S. Dani will keep Adam cause she needs him to beat the other 3. And i dont think Dani is as quick to throw away a deal as everyone thinks. The only person she has ever turned on was Jeff this year. She was very loyal to Nick, Kalia, and Dom.

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Jeff's a bigger target than Adam and he obviously wins comps as well.......being 3rd in line with J/J or 4th in line with dani/Porche/Shelly :animated_scratchchin:

going to final 4 with two people who would get the jury vote over him is :animated_scratchchin:

both jeff/jordan would probably win the game over him

i know jeff would for sure

i wouldnt save daniele this week but i also think it would be foolish of him to go anywhere near top 4 with jeff/jordan

if he is smart he would try to get jeff out at some point before final 4 and then try to go to final 2 with porsche :animated_bouncy:

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I don't agree with this. Once Dani is out, there is no Jeff's side and Dani's side anymore. If Dani goes Jeff likely will go for Adam or Rachel next. It doesn't matter what he tells Adam now. Adam and Rachel are both good at comps and Adam will be hard to beat in the final two. So with Dani gone i see it as J/J K/P and then Adam, Rachel and Shelly as almost individual entities.

I think with Dani the house really divides nicely for Adam. J/J/R vs. D/P/A/S. Dani will keep Adam cause she needs him to beat the other 3. And i dont think Dani is as quick to throw away a deal as everyone thinks. The only person she has ever turned on was Jeff this year. She was very loyal to Nick, Kalia, and Dom.

I think any one of the newbies should be with Dani. She's a strong player and can help them get to finals. Best part is she's not in a pair. I don't know what any of them are thinking siding with J/J, since it will always be J & J as long as they can hold on.

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JEFF is NEVER going to team up with Kalia and Jordan wants her out NEXT. Also,Dani's loyalty to Kalia is not apparent to me, as she throws her under the bus to stay!.......and having her loyalty also really worked out well for Dom (?) :animated_rotfl:

RUN, Adam RUN.......do not get taken in, just look at what happens to those who HAVE teamed with dani.

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