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Jordan - Week 7


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IvGal quote: "Perhaps one of the reasons Jeff & Brendon "threw" the HOH after seeing Jordan's score was that they didn't want to embarass themselves :animated_rotfl:

***aside from the fact it was great gameplay, since Jordan had the win locked for their team........because of her, they both got play in the next HOH......I say Jordan's contribution to the team was great & so was her win."

Good points also IvGal. I don't know if they've been voiced in here.

lol... also - you could call Jeff and Brendan floaters because they didn't try to score higher.

There's also the fact that other HG's feel like she'd be a safe person to stand next to at the end.

Being able to say she hasn't done that much in the game (their opinion) AMD she's already won ONE BB.

Just because she dosen't make waves and isn't in everyone's face making enemies each week doesn't make

her a floater.

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I don't post very often, but I wanted to speak on the subjected of Jordan not being a floater.

Will Kirby is often called the best play in BB history. Hasn't he proven that the most essential part of playing the game isn't the competitions but the social aspect?

Jordan gets this very well. She is a very good judge of wether or not a player is with her and Jeff.

And whether or not she was "given" the HOH, she still had to do the dirty work of it.

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Thank you Hikiki........Earlier I was reading something about how Jordan could never compare to someone like Will.......kinda funny, isn't it........wonder if the same ppl consider HIM a floater :animated_rotfl:

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lmao - this thread got awfully funny.

She calls people "coasters" not floaters, and she's a coaster too. A floater is way different than a coasster. Table coaster (does nothing but sit) or game coaster (sliding into finals). Coasting is way different than floating. She's a lazy Cathy, minus the smoking.

Not sure why anyone has to convince anyone, it's an opinion, you have yours and I have mine.

When people start comparing themselves to HG in posts and bring in personal info it's either 1) a self-serving post 2) lets me know someone is taking all these posts way too serious. It's a game with a bunch of people who can't get real jobs and collect stipends for 3 months. Get over yourselves people!

At least we won't see Jordan on Survivor, way too much work for her.

I thought maybe it was me and a few others who might have only thought these things about Jordan, but on other boards they say the same so other than here there is not much love for her or her gameplay.

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The funny part is when Jeff and Brenden "let her have the win" for the HOH I knew there was gonna be ppl saying she didn't win it herself they let her win. The way I see it she got the better score then the rest of the house. Maybe if Jeff and Brenden did try maybe they could have won,but maybe not. Nobody knows and nobody will. I also believe ppl have a right to speak their opinions but when they opinions dont make sense like Jordan has a fat ass?? as if. Wish my ass looked like hers..haha and the whole thing about Jordan not winning that hoh like I said nobody will ever know because they didnt try. Not her fault they gave up not trying.

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She did well in that competition - won it, as a matter of fact - and we'll never know how either of them would have done had they tried. However, I doubt seriously they would have done any better than she did. Doesn't matter, anyway. She won and they didn't. Bridge and water. Rearview mirror.

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There isn't a BB handbook on what you're supposed to do to win the game. If Jordan's choice is to go to the end by playing socially and not doing much else in the game and she wins - then she wins, plain and simple. The other HG's will choose who they feel played the better game, whether it be social or game play.

The school system failed Jordan? Every person learns at their own pace. There is no way to force learning on someone who isn't getting it. Maybe Jordan needs a little more time to absorb things that other people absorb at an average pace. Jordan is doing just fine with the education she has and she's in school to learn a profession now.

The world would be a boring place if we all had the same opinions!

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I think Jordo has a lot of trouble when the spotlight is on her and she stumbles and has that deer in the headlights look.

I have seen her be very smart and very witty at times and it seems to be when she is concentrating on the game and people and she is very insightful.

I know when I was in school and the teacher would call on me I would freeze. That is just my own private fear.

Anyway I see ALL of Jordan... the smart witty and the scared nervous girl. One thing that she will always have is her good heart.

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There isn't a BB handbook on what you're supposed to do to win the game. If Jordan's choice is to go to the end by playing socially and not doing much else in the game and she wins - then she wins, plain and simple. The other HG's will choose who they feel played the better game, whether it be social or game play.

The school system failed Jordan? Every person learns at their own pace. There is no way to force learning on someone who isn't getting it. Maybe Jordan needs a little more time to absorb things that other people absorb at an average pace. Jordan is doing just fine with the education she has and she's in school to learn a profession now.

The world would be a boring place if we all had the same opinions!

ITA agree with the comment on game play. Although I think she basically rides Jeffs and everyone elses coat tails, it is a legimate strategy to get to the end of the game if that is what works for you. If the other houseguest gives her a pass because she is not seen as a threat, then she should ride that train to the end. It really irritates me when people rag on floaters because Floating is a legitimate strategy that came win the game when played properly. The problem with most players is...they try to play both sides by passing information instead of playing both sides to get rid of the players on each side that they need out the house.

Now, as far as jordans "smarts". She is the poster child for the dumb blond. That dunce cap that she had to wear is a perfect description for her.

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With Jordan, what you see is what you get and there is something to be said for that. Very little artifice except for the boobs and she was upfront - no pun intended - about that. Her mother and family and friends have no reason - again - to be nothing but proud of her. Jordan is beautiful and refreshing in a jaded world.

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Children learn the most from home. Text books only do so much. If they are not being shown good grammar at home, sentence structure at school means nothing. It is quite possible Jordan was a very good student in school - it just was not practiced at home. Having taught school I am always astounded by the number of teachers that can't spell or write correctly.

I think Jordan is smart in ways that others only wish to be smart.


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With Jordan, what you see is what you get and there is something to be said for that. Very little artifice except for the boobs and she was upfront - no pun intended - about that. Her mother and family and friends have no reason - again - to be nothing but proud of her. Jordan is beautiful and refreshing in a jaded world.

Agreed! :princess: :princess: :princess:

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Jordan does appear to be a total sweet girl. How can you dislike her? Shelly does go alittle far with her with her infatuation though. Kinda strange!

Strange is right!!

Now that Voldermort is on the block our lovely Jordan should be quite safe for awhile!! :cheshire::guitarist:

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With Jordan, what you see is what you get and there is something to be said for that. Very little artifice except for the boobs and she was upfront - no pun intended - about that. Her mother and family and friends have no reason - again - to be nothing but proud of her. Jordan is beautiful and refreshing in a jaded world.


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Not just yet ... Dani sounds like she has a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Dani has slim to no chance

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