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Rachel - Week 7


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Wow, apparently I offended a lot of people by saying the name-calling was immature. I apologize to anyone who took it personally. That's just my opinion I will stick by it no matter who disagrees. Remember when you retort back about how you have the right to say anything you want - so do I and that's my point. That said, this is Rachel's thread and I would love to get it back on topic.

It's pretty apparent that Daniele will be joining Rachel's fiance this week. Very happy my girl is safe this week and hoping she survives the double eviction. Best case scenario would be she either doesn't get nominated or wins POV in the live comp on Thursday and wins the next, non-live HOH. I'd like to see her get the HOH room at least one more time this season.

By saying name calling is immature you are scolding the poster, and that is personal. I or any poster can "retort" back how we feel about the House Guests including giving them nicknames. I don't appreciate being called immature because I'm having fun or making fun of any of the House Guests. Their choice to be on TV, Live Feeds, Cable 24/7. Our choice to say what we feel about any of them.

Back on topic, Rachel thread........sometimes topics overlap into each other. Comments are made pertaining to a particular post that may not entirely relate to the thread.

Rachal's bikini top pops off. Yeah right, accidently :hahohi: Media whore.

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By saying name calling is immature you are scolding the poster, and that is personal. I or any poster can "retort" back how we feel about the House Guests including giving them nicknames. I don't appreciate being called immature because I'm having fun or making fun of any of the House Guests. Their choice to be on TV, Live Feeds, Cable 24/7. Our choice to say what we feel about any of them.

Back on topic, Rachel thread........sometimes topics overlap into each other. Comments are made pertaining to a particular post that may not entirely relate to the thread.

Rachal's bikini top pops off. Yeah right, accidently :hahohi: Media whore.

This is what is not being understood no matter how many times it is repeated-will big font help?

YOU DON'T have the right to post ANYTHING you want!! NO ONE DOES!


OTHERS CANNOT CALL YOU OUT ON WHAT YOU SAY____NO MATTER WHO LIKES OR DOESN'T LIKE SAID HG(like we have been doing for years!) Thanks for the site Morty!! :animated_wave:

Personal---no---it's just really, really crazy to see that someone can't follow a simple rule and leave posters out, just posting about HG!!!

OOOOHHHHH I'm done! :rolleyes4: I am sure no one could have such difficulties following one measly rule--people are just screwing with us Shipp! Let's just post what we want about HG and forget about trolls who try to entice others into getting warnings

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On Dick's most recent show at his website, rtvzone.com, he shows a shot of Rachel leaning over in the hoh room with just a g-string on. Her butt's shining in full glory for the camera. :animated_rotfl:

EEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!! No wonder why she can't get a decent job! :animated_rotfl: Her and Brenda are naked everywhere on the net!!

Hey, let's not be sexist--both are whores!

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11:44am BBT - Well, Jeff basically just told Rachel to piss off and that he doesn't need her input so we'll see how that helps him out if she does win HOH. I like Jeff sometimes but when he gets all arrogant and thinks he can talk down to people (usually women), I really don't want to see him prosper from it.

I strongly dissagree with you about how big bad Jeff treats women , it is a myth that ppl just seem to want to tag on him, whatever, I do not think he is arrogant and he has done darn well for himself, sick of ppl trying to say he can win nothing, I do think he is dead serious and Rachel will stick with jeff, it very well may be Jeff and her in f2 and he would win, ppl just have different ideas I swear, I agree to dissagree but in my heart I know Jeff is not mean or a big bad woman abusing person, no way

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I think that jeff has been patient with Rachel and at her best, she can be exasperating. I also think that Jeff is upfront about the situation and if the chips are down, I think that Rachel would admit that she thinks that jeff is a good guy.

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You have a great point ladies--if a man can be patient with Wretchel--he is a good guy! Even Brenda has no patience with her and they are supposed to marry! animated_rotfl.gif

agree with slim and smass, he said nice things about her in his DR, I loved it and it was soooo true and funny, Rachel is doing exactly what she needs to do , and Shelly , I wanted to b slap her tonight, she asked Rachel to stop with the stuff, clean slate, then goes to the other side and talks trash, nutso,lolol

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I went to 11:44 am BB time, expecting to see "Jeff telling Rachel to basically piss off".......what I heard was Jeff telling Rachel "don't worry, your good", something about how it's better when ppl don't talk too much......and then clearly "but if you want to talk, we WILL, later".

I checked it out because I HAD heard the later convo, in the HOH, where Rachel laid out all her ideas and Jeff sat & listened.

GEEZ......it's one thing to "spin" things but let's not put our thoughts into the HGs mouths :animated_rotfl:

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Anybody hear RacHELL talking about maybe being knocked up? OMG!!!! Her and Brendon really should not be allowed to breed, just sayin....

Good lord, let it be a false alarm. (and somebody lock the liquor cabinet until they know for sure).


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OMG......this is INSANE........the "mean girls", D/K/P are planning to have whoever is evicted go to the jury house & TELL BRENDON this lie (Rachel thinks she's pregnant).....THEY made it up..........THEY think it will be "funny"........GEEZ, I never had to deal with "mean girls" but now I know how a group of them could make someone commit suicide......talk about "mob mentality".....these 3 together have the mentality of 5th graders. I'm no Rachel fan but THIS is ridiculous.

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They must play the games at the table as AG or I mean The ALL POWERFUL WIZARD OF STUDIO CITY commands who is completely in-love with Big-Booty and Brenda. We watch them showcased on all the feeds, BBAD, the primetime show and CBS Website with any ake polls etc.. I mean one night last week for 2hrs they showed "The Skyper and The Vegas Kid" in the purple room playing a made up tea-bag game lik itwas in-door recess no-pun.

If The Red herring does not win this yr, she will be back for All-Stars next yr. There is no-way she will not win BB, even if AG must cast couples brother staring the Brendal show only. I mean you do know she has won every HOH she has played in, except 11.

And what is the problem with J/J they act like they are Racholes handlers, and they need to wash her, pet her, stroke her head, tuck her in, put on her zit cream and pick out her cloths. Jordan is the worst, she makes like she is playing w/ dollies and RacHELL is the mean one she has to give extra care too, it has become really too much. Almossickening, especially, when Jordan chuckles and says I am watching you girl tee hee. To cap it off she started using another special voice, tonight while she was pretending to be a card shark. As if this whole season both of them have not beat the voice-over work into the ground, the wizard last yr was enough. Does this chick need mental help or something? What grown women goes potty and tinkles. :cookoo::bash::furious3::disgust:

Ow and you can count on her jumping ship, Once Dani gets back-doored (which is happening 100% or her royal Rachness would threaten to self evict, probably fight Jeff bare-knuckle in the bacyard if she had to) Rachell willlove to move into her spot and take over the other two sleeping-logs. It is like Kalia has woke up this week and allte sudden is on the block. With KaLia and her togethER wow just wow. I feel sorry for Porsche, can't get much worse. Plus she hates Shelly so much, it will be an ultimatum to J/J if she wins HOH or gets any tpe of Power for them to evict Shelly, which it is a given she will with Dani gone and Jeff not playing. Then I hope they regret wiping her azz all season like she was 2yrs old.

Not much talk in the way of strategy.


Wow! What an awesome post! :animated_rotfl:

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HUH?.....geez len, you got that (?)......I read it twice and am still thinking "HUH?"

If anyone thinks showing B/R in the purple room made them enduring to America (?) HUH

I guess if I got anything out of the post it was Grodner's setting Rach up for future ratings, J/J should be meaner because if thy're nice it "proves" it's not real......wow :bedtime:

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I loved Rachel tonight. =)

She did awesome, she totally wanted to tell that sanctimonious, hypocritical Shelly off, but she held her cool. Rawr! Loved her DR's too!

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Jordan is the worst, she makes like she is playing w/ dollies and RacHELL is the mean one she has to give extra care too, it has become really too much. Almossickening, especially, when Jordan chuckles and says I am watching you girl tee hee. cookoo.gifbash.giffurious3.gifdisgust.gif

You know I could never quite put my finger on why Jordan bugs the crap out of me until I seen her in the humilitard.

It occurs to me: She's just all so damn adorable; she doesn't walk she waddles; when someone is hurting, she gets big-eyed and instinctively concerned even though she doesn't seem to understand what's happening; she has no clue about anything; can't think for herself (if she can think at all); has a darling little voice. She's just all around a sweet little thing. So why does this bug me? She's a grown woman!!!!

Would be great things to watch if I was looking at a toddler but I just can't enjoy seeing it in a grown-up. I think she very much likes having Rachel as her little dress up dolly. She probably can't wait to get back home to her collection of barbie dolls. I can almost envision her sitting on the floor brushing their little teeth and telling them the importance of dental hygiene.

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Bringing this back to Rachel: I like Rachel again. I am glad that she and Jordan are spending time together. Jordan can be a calming influence on her and Rachel needs that - especially with the mean girls constantly sending ill will her way. I never discount Rachel's ability to do well when she has her wits about her.

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Bringing this back to Rachel: I like Rachel again. I am glad that she and Jordan are spending time together. Jordan can be a calming influence on her and Rachel needs that - especially with the mean girls constantly sending ill will her way. I never discount Rachel's ability to do well when she has her wits about her.

Yeah even last night on the feeds, Jordan was telling Jeff about the 'mean girls and how they are treating Rachel and she said it was disgusting & also that she had a serious convo with Rach about things that have happened & that she truly feels bad for her... Jordan is finally seeing that Shelly is part of that "jerk Club".... Rachel is handling it VERY well... I must admit I like her even more with Brendon out of the house...

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I know I would much rather be around someone sweet, girlish, and innocent than a trampy, hardened, negative wretch! Since America loves Jordan a hell of a lot more than Wretchel, it seems that most would agree. I'm glad most people still value the nice girl. :animated_bouncy:

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I know I would much rather be around someone sweet, girlish, and innocent than a trampy, hardened, negative wretch! Since America loves Jordan a hell of a lot more than Wretchel, it seems that most would agree. I'm glad most people still value the nice girl. :animated_bouncy:

I love Jordan, she is funny, compassionate & can be a fireball if need be... I am also glad that she is wise enough to see & recognize hateful behavior and opts to not partake in it.

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I think the problem with rachel is maybe Brendon. Shouldn't say that not knowing either/both but she seems so different after he has been gone awhile. I suppose we all are, away from our guys; to a degree but it is almost 360 with her - for the better. I will say that I was shocked to see Ragan so supportive of someone that he absolutely detested in the house and never missed a beat telling her and us so.. Made me wonder. She might be fun in person.

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Wow a new Rach. Shelly came out on the couch and Rachael complimented her on her hair and having a really nice conversation like she is a nice person.

I am impressed....

Now if she is put up on the block that will be the true telling if we have a Rachael conversion.

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Rachel is much more likable with Brendon gone. He brings out a needy, yet fanatic possessive, side of her in the house. I am really impressed with how she handled Shelly's confrontation in Jeff's HoH. And how she HAS kept her part of the deal by not trash talking Shelly. When Shelly gets out of the house & sees that, I think she will (she should anyway) contact Rachel and apologize for the crap she's spewed about her for the past week or so & for hiding her stuffed animal. That is just mean. Who knew that Rachel would actually be considered the nicer, less maniacal acting person between her & Shelly? I know I didn't expect it...

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