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Rachel - Week 2

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LOL... different strokes for different High Rollers I guess.

Bet after about 20 minutes of Rach's 'stroking' they might tip

to be left alone.

Just a possibility I was thinking :animated_scratchchin:

OMG that is too funny, and probably TRUE!!!!! :animated_rotfl:

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if she were a coin she would have the slogan in comps we trust

what she failed to realized is bb is way more then comps :animated_bouncy:

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Okay... let's look at this point of view from an old lady.

Brendon told the cameras that him and Rachel have been together since they left the house last season. Rachel tells the story that she moved to LA a couple months ago. No one is stating how long they have been engaged. Now comes the kicker, if they are really engaged why don't they know more about each other and their little annoying habits. Everytime Rachel puts her foot into her mouth, Brendon comes to the rescue... OMG..let the Brat stand on her own two feet and defend herself. Coming into the house for the second time, I would have thought that Rachel learned something.... Life sucks and the BB house is not a breeze.

Also, why is everyone blaming Cassi for Rachel's stupidity? Rachel is the one who accepted SLOP for 2 weeks and that had nothing to do with Cassi. Cassi had full rights calling Rachel a catty bitch, cause Rachel was catty when Cassi tried to talk to her, Rachel turned the discussion from what Cassi was saying to what Rachel wanted as game play goes. Rachel is catty and if no one sees it, the real Rachel is playing the game.

Sorry all, but I watch the live feeds and Rachel has not changed from last year, no matter how much her and Brendon try to make people believe they have changed. They both do bring DRAMA to the show, but sometimes I wonder if it would be different if they weren't there. Sorry, I just get tired of hearing Rachel whine and cry when she does not get things her way even though she starts most of the drama in the first place.

I so totally agree!!! I can't believe what wimps Brenchel are; and the way they talk to one another....ugh..............

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2 seasons of bb play and still no clue what a floater is :animated_bouncy:

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Rachel is a double bagger :bag::bag: Good thing the VIP waitress worked in dark places that served adult beverages to it's customers. Beer goggles. :cheers:

I still find it hard to believe Rachel made $1200 per day serving drinks... :food-smiley-005:

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she really does have the ready made for tv reactions down pack :animated_bouncy:

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The crying bush was priceless.....

OMG ... still laughing ..animated_rotfl.gif

I saw a brief clip of Paris Hilton and I now realize Rachel has mirrored Paris' character voice .. when Paris did it.. ( the Voice) I thoufgt I was hearing Rachel her normal voice much lower ... either way , "ladies, it's NOT cute " cut it out !!!

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So, she calls out Jordan in front of everyone. When Jeff confronts her, "her man" Brenda just walks away. She runs to the crying bush. She says she is embarrassed. Well, did she stop to think that maybe she embarrassed Jordan? Hell no, because Clifford only thinks of herself. Ugh!!!

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My God this woman is frustrating. She could be one of the best players ever but she doesn't think before she opens her mouth. I feel sorry for Brendon and understand why he has to talk to her like she's two year old now. At some point this season they are going to have a huge fight and it's going to be awesome.

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So, she calls out Jordan in front of everyone. When Jeff confronts her, "her man" Brenda just walks away. She runs to the crying bush. She says she is embarrassed. Well, did she stop to think that maybe she embarrassed Jordan? Hell no, because Clifford only thinks of herself. Ugh!!!

What she really needed to be embarrassed about was running off and hiding in the crying bush to begin withanimated_rotfl.gif

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What she really needed to be embarrassed about was running off and hiding in the crying bush to begin withanimated_rotfl.gif

Someone has to take advantage of it when they're arguing with her.

"Rachel, just shut the f*@k up and go cry in a bush!"

It would really get under her skin and they'd win the arguement.

Might even get her to leave the room and go fake-cry for Brendon. :smartass2:

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