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Dick - Week 1 DOR

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:disappointed: Well, maybe I'm horrid but I was thrilled for Dick to come back and am very disappointed at his departure. I was so looking forward to seeing him deal with the Yucky Team Brenchal.

No, you're not the only one. I liked that he told people the truth that no one else was brave enough to say. He told Jen (with all her ridiculous nicknames of Jenlicious, Jenuine, Jentricity) off for her conceited behavior and the single pronoun she used ("I"), and some in the Big Brother house were practically bowing to him when he did so. If someone was getting on my nerves that much, and I had to sit in the same house with them for weeks on end, listening to them brag about themself all the time - you better bet I would be very appreciative to that person.

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Telling it like it is might be needed when it's deserved...

but, I just have a hard time with all the crude and cruel things I remember him saying.

I also felt like his overtures to Daniel were for the camera and the viewers.

Could be that I knew someone very much like Dick... and he seemed like he

was cut from the same cloth.

But, for sure, at least he wasn't boring

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Like him or not, he made the show! Who would you rather have as a cast ...

Evil Dick, Ronnie, Rachel, Jen, Janelle, Howie, Will, Boogie


Jordan, Amy, Jessica, Kaysar, Maggie, Ivette, Jason, Ericka, Kathy

No doubt about it, one cast is exciting, the other dull (but all extremely nice people). All the people that you "hate" and wish that they get voted out, are actually great entertainment.

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Like him or not, he made the show! Who would you rather have as a cast ...

Evil Dick, Ronnie, Rachel, Jen, Janelle, Howie, Will, Boogie


Jordan, Amy, Jessica, Kaysar, Maggie, Ivette, Jason, Ericka, Kathy

No doubt about it, one cast is exciting, the other dull (but all extremely nice people). All the people that you "hate" and wish that they get voted out, are actually great entertainment.

Evel posted this 2 hr ago on Twitter

Some things in life are more important than a tv show. Those thing give you perspective in your life. This is one of those things.

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Like him or not, he made the show! Who would you rather have as a cast ...

Evil Dick, Ronnie, Rachel, Jen, Janelle, Howie, Will, Boogie


Jordan, Amy, Jessica, Kaysar, Maggie, Ivette, Jason, Ericka, Kathy

No doubt about it, one cast is exciting, the other dull (but all extremely nice people). All the people that you "hate" and wish that they get voted out, are actually great entertainment.

Yep. I like to watch interesting people myself.

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I don't hate anyone. I just find some more disgusting than others. :fish:

Hi, Shipp!

I think Dick saw the dailies to the first few hours and decided he looked too awful. The man has aged 10 years in only three.

Meanwhile, the rest of these hambones are hopeless at this point. When will the hatred and bitch fights begin...on BB/BBAD, as well as on Morty's!!!!

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Hi, Shipp!

I think Dick saw the dailies to the first few hours and decided he looked too awful. The man has aged 10 years in only three.

Meanwhile, the rest of these hambones are hopeless at this point. When will the hatred and bitch fights begin...on BB/BBAD, as well as on Morty's!!!!

Wanna fight Lenny old boy? you gots it, LET'S GO!!! :boxing:


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If Dick left because a family member or close friend is either dead or dying then that is understandable...His leaving so early for any other reason is a slap in the face of his fans...

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Hi, Shipp!

I think Dick saw the dailies to the first few hours and decided he looked too awful. The man has aged 10 years in only three.

Meanwhile, the rest of these hambones are hopeless at this point. When will the hatred and bitch fights begin...on BB/BBAD, as well as on Morty's!!!!

LEN my love!!! Good to see ya. I want to see hair, teeth, and eyeballs, pulled out, knocked out, and gouged out. Let the games begin, hah. :gunsmilie:

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Thanks Eric, that's great to hear. I really wonder if he himself had a medical emergency and after being treated for it, he decided not to go back on the show. Seems he is just fine now and that's really good to know.

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More Koolaid...drink it up y'all :food-smiley-005:


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More Koolaid...drink it up y'all :food-smiley-005:


That Koolaid is mighty strong here! :animated_rotfl:

He needs to get over himself, next he'll be calling his video excuse a press conference. Just spit it out Dick, like you spit out all your other words. He said he was going to go at it with Jeff and I wonder how that would have gone over with his fans who are also Jeff fans? This guy is one major asshole!!!!!

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I think the fact that it took so long for them to tell the HGs that he had left was that there was a power struggle going on btwn ED and AG probably over something contractual. I'm thinking it was about the video that realeased saying he was going to post the "Dick at Night show" on his website, which they probably told him he couldn't do (just like they don't let us do video clips here). He probably flipped out and said he wouldn't do the show then and they called his bluff.

Then there was probably a mad scramble to try and figure out what to do about Dani.

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I think the fact that it took so long for them to tell the HGs that he had left was that there was a power struggle going on btwn ED and AG probably over something contractual. I'm thinking it was about the video that realeased saying he was going to post the "Dick at Night show" on his website, which they probably told him he couldn't do (just like they don't let us do video clips here). He probably flipped out and said he wouldn't do the show then and they called his bluff.

Then there was probably a mad scramble to try and figure out what to do about Dani.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmYLTQCoFMI&feature=related he talks about doing coke what more proof do you need. Dick is a Drug Addict
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