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Lurkers and Hibernators - Come Out! BB 13 Is Finally Here

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I have been lurking and reading the updates and the boards here since BB9.. I decided to join b/c cbs changed their message boards to a facebook format. I liked the old way better and was pissed off. I have enjoyed reading the posts and look forward to discussing my one obsession, I have been a BB fan since the shows first season. So hi to everyone here and can't wait to agree and some friendly debating.....

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Hi everyone... I've lurked here the past couple seasons but saw this thread and decided to jump in and start posting.

I've watched since season 1 -- of course some seasons I follow more closely than others. Some years I'm just not into the cast. I'm really hoping this is a year I can't pull myself away from the feeds. Last year I lost interest about mid August.

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I am here as usual. Fifth summer of bb on Morty's. I check in throughout the year when able but sometimes I am so busy with school (job). Not able to get feeds but love being able to check in here to find out what is going on in the bb house. Thanks to all the live feed updaters I know what is happening before it airs. It is fun to meet other bb viewers & surprise them with facts I found out at morty's. For those new to Morty's, be sure and drop in on chat or explore the other great forums available here. One of my favorites is in off-topic, the "whatcha doing". It is a great way to keep up on what is going on in each others lives. I have even gotten my 22 year old daughter hooked on Morty's.

As for the bb house I just hope there is a great diversity of people to keep things interesting. It gets boring if you have one group dominating all the time. As for their dynamic duos, I am hoping for ones that cause controversy not ones that are there just to provide the undercover filming. I do know it won't take to long before I'll have my favorites and my most disliked. Also want to remind everyone to join the prediction challenge. No prize but sure is a lot of fun._

See everyone for sure in chat on Thursday.

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Another fugitive from the cbs.com / facebook.com fiasco.

For those that don't know, the forum for BB13 on the cbs.com website now requires you to use FB, and some of us aren't falling for it. You can still use the BB12 site for now, but the general assumption is that CBS will pull the plug, and this website was suggested as a possible alternative.

Question for you all, the terms and conditions required that no "inaccurate" information be posted. How does one make a satirical post then?

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Another fugitive from the cbs.com / facebook.com fiasco.

For those that don't know, the forum for BB13 on the cbs.com website now requires you to use FB, and some of us aren't falling for it. You can still use the BB12 site for now, but the general assumption is that CBS will pull the plug, and this website was suggested as a possible alternative.

Question for you all, the terms and conditions required that no "inaccurate" information be posted. How does one make a satirical post then?

hi ic...welcome. :animated_wave: (and all other newbies)

satirical posts are not allowed here! ;)

:rolleyes:, j/k, :animated_rotfl:, etc....

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i found morty's through a cbs chat room link back in the day

i haven't been back there since then :animated_bouncy:

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I found Morty's back at the very end of Season 8. I was searching the internet for how to get the live feeds and Morty's was the first place that came up. I have been watching Big Brother since Season 1, but for some reason it never occurred to me to find update boards, etc. After all, who, in their right mind would sit at their computer all day and all night and actually write out what goes on in the house minute by minute? How crazy is that! I was shocked and elated when I found Morty's. At the same time I was really disappointed that it was already so late in the season to find it because Dick and Danielle were already the two finalists in the house. I came back again during Season 9 and am still here.

I find Morty's to be the best site out there, with the easiest boards and pages the easiest for me to read. Every year I contribute a little something at the end of the season to help Morty to keep going. I don't go to any other site for BB updates.

Because of the fantastic updaters on this site I did not get the live feeds in Season 9, but in Season 10 I finally did. But I was a little disappointed because I could not watch the live feeds on my work computer due to security issues. I was so happy when, in Season 11 Superpass went to an "internet" version and could easily listen to the feeds all day :-)

It just keeps getting better with Morty's updates on Twitter and Facebook so a person now doesn't even have to be at their computer! Last Season I remember having my son and daughter in law visiting from out of town, and we went to dinner on a Thursday evening, during a HOH competition, which was an endurance comp. I was kept up to date during the whole comp because of Morty's up to the minute Tweets. Thanks Morty's and all the Morty's Updaters!

By the way, my son and daughter in law think I am certifiably crazy for being such a crazy BB fan!

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Very excited to make it onto the boards this year!! My daughter and I are crazy nuts over BB. So I couldnt pass up the opportunity to join up right away! This is the best site to follow BB.... Im hoping they make this year their best, add alot, have more going on...crazier challenges... mix things up.

Very concerned about the returning cast members though...not quite sure about this twist... but will have to wait and see... If its Rachel or Brennden..it will be :disappointed::giljotiini:

Hoping to makes some friends along the way too! :)


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Checking in for the season! Hello old friends (UVP, King, WickedOne(where is she btw?) and all those I'm forgetting!) and hello and welcome to those who are new.

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Checking in for the season! Hello old friends (UVP, King, WickedOne(where is she btw?) and all those I'm forgetting!) and hello and welcome to those who are new.

:animated_wave: welcome back to the boards

hope you enjoy this season :animated_bouncy:

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Back for more BB fun =) I think I also found Morty's when looking for info about live feeds...I honestly can't remember now. =/ Signed up...lurked for a long time then finally decided to jump in & join the party. Looking forward to a great season--last season was a bummer for me.

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i found morty's through a cbs chat room link back in the day

i haven't been back there since then animated_bouncy.gif

I think I also found Morty's the way you did UPV, I used to chat all the time on the CBS site, back during season 5 and found Morty's, have never gone back there, sounds like it really has gotten unreal. I've been watching BB since the 1st time, and really the tech has grown also since then, I was not online for season 1 and or 2 and when I missed something, my friend would print me out a recap, my how things have changed,lol Love this board above all others, it has gotten crazy off and on but we all stick together, that's for sure,even tho we dissagree sometimes.

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Hello Everyone!

Been a BB fan since season 1. Post once in a while, get updates and the best array of opinions!

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Ahh...didn't notice this thread till now. :animated_wave:

I've been watching BB since season-2 and my favorite season was All-Stars, but this one is pretty cool too since it's got half all-stars and half n0oBs.

The only seasons I missed were seasons-1, 5 and 6 but I caught all of 6 on YouTube last year (cause I heard how awesome it was).

Favorite stand-out BB players would be Dr. Will, Janelle, Jen, Jessica, Jeff & Jordan, and Britney (hated Evil Dick, Ronnie, Jessie & gNat the most but they were entertaining for the most part).

I first started posting here when I first learned about this site back in 2007 with BB-8 but I really only visit when the season airs (I do wish they aired it twice a year though like they did that one time).

I've never bought the feeds but did get the chance to view some "unofficial" daily broadcasts a couple years ago.

I really wish YouTube didn't nerf all the scenes folks would upload there though. I've always had to rely on just the CBS broadcasts since then.

This season seems to have some promise with the current formula they have going.

Loving the vets being back for it. :alien:

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I found Morty's back in the days of the Cowboy/Nakomis season. Was that S4 or S5? I remember that I was absolutely astounded that BB would bring together a grown brother and sister that previously had no idea of each others existence before then and let them figure things out on their own. I thought BB should be paying for intense therapy for both of them for the rest of their lives. lol. There were absolutely great, hilarious threads going on that season. Everyone loved Diane and I couldn't stand her.

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While I've been a Morty's member (and occasional commenter) since 2006, I've never missed an episode since I watched the first episode of Big Brother 1. I've also never threatened to not watch anymore (ha ha).

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