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Enzo - Week 7 Nominee


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After reading the last few posts about Enzo I'm going to have to change my prediction about who will go home. I thought for certain it would be Matt since the Brigade seems interested in cutting him loose. But after hearing about how he's been trash talking others I have to guess at the very least it might be a tie vote or a straight 4-0 vote for Enzo to leave. While I'm sure Bren will adore voting out Matt because Matt was the reason his red-headed 'goddess' went up and off to the jury house, I don't know if that will be enough to send Matt home against the Meow Meow Penguin.

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do tell.. i missed it lol

He retold the story because Brendon never heard it and wanted to know.

Back in the day, him and his buddies would go to the bars late, 1:30-2am, to pick up some "train wrecks" so they could get lucky. So they pick up three, one in the front with him. At some point, she farts. So she points at him like he did it and he says something like, I'm here in my car with my buddies, if I had done it I'd just say so. She responds with "Whatever, meow, meow, meow" So that became Enzo and crews catch phrase and since he was the one who was the original target of the "meow meow" he became the Meow Meow. And of course, he had to add that he still scored with the train wreck.

Not sure of the exact time but the losers were in the pool, Brendon laying at the edge. Before the veto ceremony.

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After reading the last few posts about Enzo I'm going to have to change my prediction about who will go home. I thought for certain it would be Matt since the Brigade seems interested in cutting him loose. But after hearing about how he's been trash talking others I have to guess at the very least it might be a tie vote or a straight 4-0 vote for Enzo to leave. While I'm sure Bren will adore voting out Matt because Matt was the reason his red-headed 'goddess' went up and off to the jury house, I don't know if that will be enough to send Matt home against the Meow Meow Penguin.

What fantasy land are you living in? It's either that or this was pure sarcasm. Matt's only vote will be Ragan's. If he exposes The Brigade maybe he could pursue Brendon, but I would be shocked. Lane and Hayden are locks to vote Matt out.

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I think he's the only guy that needs to get the boot at this point. Such a sore loser, even when he doesn't actually lose anything. I think this guy expected to come in, throw comps, then skate to the end. Acting just like Rachel, as if he's entitled to just get a free pass every week.

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Enzo thinks that he is hot stuff. He isnt. He is as big an ass as ragan. Enzo will go soon enough. The only reason he is still there is because he had the foresight to organize the brigade so hed have people to keep him safe he knew he couldnt do it on his own. I never liked him. Still dont. I would rather matt go before enzo. Simple and simple also describes enzo.

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Enzo breaking rules ~ 1-323-575-2200 voice mail for cbs complaints

I just want to make it known that we are aware of the blatant disregard Enzo is displaying for "Have-Not" rules. Though BB is a "television show" and not a "game show" I know some rules are lose, but giving Jeff a penalty vote for drinking a sip of gatorade (and then promptly spitting it out)and NOT giving Enzo one for eating food more than once while being a Have Not!

See for yourself...pic towards the bottom


Enzo breaking rules ~ 1-323-575-2200 voice mail for cbs complaints

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Enzo breaking rules ~ 1-323-575-2200 voice mail for cbs complaints

I just want to make it known that we are aware of the blatant disregard Enzo is displaying for "Have-Not" rules. Though BB is a "television show" and not a "game show" I know some rules are lose, but giving Jeff a penalty vote for drinking a sip of gatorade (and then promptly spitting it out)and NOT giving Enzo one for eating food more than once while being a Have Not!

See for yourself...pic towards the bottom


Enzo breaking rules ~ 1-323-575-2200 voice mail for cbs complaints

Not that I love Enzo, but couldn't that be broccoli dipped in bean dip?

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Not that I love Enzo, but couldn't that be broccoli dipped in bean dip?

HAHA! i think its stupid that he already got a warning, he should get a penalty vote (even if they feed them in the dr). It spices up the game, will turn Enzo into a big baby, and then perhaps give Matt an opportunity to stay.

There does seem to be some curse associated with unitards and costumes - being a penguin may be a sign.

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Yeah. If they catch Enzo eating they should bring Jessie back and let him kick Enzo's ass on live feed.

Oh but us viewers do not deserve the punishment of seeing Jessie again. This week's workout with Brit will be bad enough to watch on t.v.

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Oh but us viewers do not deserve the punishment of seeing Jessie again. This week's workout with Brit will be bad enough to watch on t.v.

I just hope we don't have to see a shirtless Jessie diary room session.. I'll puke

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I just hope we don't have to see a shirtless Jessie diary room session.. I'll puke

Ohh you know it's happening and, lest not forget... he'll kiss each of his "guns!" :animated_rotfl:

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Enzo breaking rules ~ 1-323-575-2200 voice mail for cbs complaints

I just want to make it known that we are aware of the blatant disregard Enzo is displaying for "Have-Not" rules. Though BB is a "television show" and not a "game show" I know some rules are lose, but giving Jeff a penalty vote for drinking a sip of gatorade (and then promptly spitting it out)and NOT giving Enzo one for eating food more than once while being a Have Not!

See for yourself...pic towards the bottom


Enzo breaking rules ~ 1-323-575-2200 voice mail for cbs complaints

I was watching the feeds at the time this happened yesterday and I know that he was eating grilled brocolli that Brendon had made for the have nots. Its getting a bit crazy when ppl start coming up with stuff like this....Seems like something Matt would do..lol

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I was watching the feeds at the time this happened yesterday and I know that he was eating grilled brocolli that Brendon had made for the have nots. Its getting a bit crazy when ppl start coming up with stuff like this....Seems like something Matt would do..lol

If he is eating broccoli...the " Have-Not's" were given Broccoli and Bean Dip...so that is not "breaking the rules"...was he seen eating something else?

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