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America's Choice - Vote for Eric

Guest snazydood

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I am really hoping that this board in NOT an indication of how America feels! I for one like Eric. I don't think he has done anything that anyone else hasn't done in that house. He is there for a game and he is playing the game. This game doesn't mean this is how he is in the real world. I know I am gonna get chewed out over this one, but oh well.................GO ERIC!!!!!!!

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I am really hoping that this board in NOT an indication of how America feels!  I for one like Eric.  I don't think he has done anything that anyone else hasn't done in that house.  He is there for a game and he is playing the game.  This game doesn't mean this is how he is in the real world.  I know I am gonna get chewed out over this one, but oh well.................GO ERIC!!!!!!!

It's nothing that Eric's done, because you're right - everyone else is doing the same things. It's how Eric is as a person that makes people dislike him so much. He's annoying.

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Guest sunshine

i think that if eric is voted back in i wont be watching big brother anymore this season... he just ruined it for me... he annoys me as much as ivette does!!!! ahhhh those two back together... i couldnt handle it!!!! PLEASE NO!!!!

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If Eric wins it will sadly justify all the things he's said/done. He'll go on thinking he's perfect, with perfect morals, perfect this and perfect that. The guy needs to be cut down to size, which I know isn't fair given he doesn't have much to spare to begin with. But dear god, can you imagine if he wins how much more pompous he'll be. Please BB, spare us!

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Guest WhitePhoenix
I am voting for him..I would love to see all the posts on the message boards.....that would be entertaining

You meanie!!!

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Guest Shockalot

Well I just sat through 4 weeks of Kaysar annoying the hell out of me with his passive-aggressive condescending and ego-compensating self lauding.

I only had to sit through 3 weeks of Cappy doing pretty much the same thing (but much more entertaining).

And at least Ive had a week's break from Cappy's version.

So I would have to vote for Eric.

I would prefer neither of them but if forced to pick the lesser of evils - Im going with Cappy.


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Eric is a negative influenece on the house. We have all seen a much friendlier more FUN house since he has been gone. To vote Eric back in just reaffirms his ego. To vote Kaysar back in, at least keeps the playing field even, But to vote Mike back, truly changes the game and makes it more intresting. I am voting for Mike and Kaysar. I would rather see Mike and Jan kissing, kaysar plaotting, than Crappy the misguided firefighter midget,, telling everyone light out at 11:30


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i think that if eric is voted back in i wont be watching big brother anymore this season... he just ruined it for me... he annoys me as much as ivette does!!!!  ahhhh those two back together... i couldnt handle it!!!! PLEASE NO!!!!

give me a break sunshine ... your a sore looser and i am sure cbs will be better if you dont watch

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Hardly. I actually feel the same about that one. The fun is sucked out of the game with Cappy & Crew.

I was already ready to cancel my live feed tomorrow until I heard the news about the houseguest coming back.

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I so hope Eric wins just to see everyone on this message board go as James would say...that would be the best way to turn this game upside down. Of course if he does come back everyone will say that it was fixed but if Kaysar comes back it will def be americas choice...GO ERIC...

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UGH on all you Eric voters.Cappy is a cry baby.If I have to see him sook worse then my kids do for even another week I will lose it..Some say I have lost it already but if he comes back thats it I will have totally lost it...lol


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Guest BBHoser

I've been hoping beyond hope that Kaysar will be voted back in...seeing the opinions on the website makes me think I'll be happy next Thursday.

Cappy = BB's David Koresh

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Well I just sat through 4 weeks of Kaysar annoying the hell out of me with his passive-aggressive condescending and ego-compensating self lauding.

I only had to sit through 3 weeks of Cappy doing pretty much the same thing (but much more entertaining).

And at least Ive had a week's break from Cappy's version.

So I would have to vote for Eric.

I would prefer neither of them but if forced to pick the lesser of evils - Im going with Cappy.


SURPRISE.......you are NOT "FORCED" to pick between the two of them........there is a 3rd option of Michael.

To Everybody esle...........VOTE FOR KAYSER

I voted for Kayser 20 times using my cell phone....just to make sure it got counted. Then many times using the website.

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I think I almost died from reading your title...

*checks pulse*


OMFG i know what you mean THEUZ86. I though i was gonna have to do some Preachin in here. lol


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Almost afraid to post this - - -

The thread title DOES read America's Choice - Vote for Eric

There ARE some viewers and posters out there who will be voting for Cappy.

I'm sure there's space on Morty's for them to voice how and why they are voting for him.

I'm not always a 'goody 2 shoes' ..... but, come on - Fairs Fair :!:

but, pssst.... I'll be voting for Kay (I like Mike too - but don't want to split the vote)

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Guest ilovewhs50

I think Eric is probably a good person in the real world, but in the BB house, he REALLY gets on my nerves. It's REALLY annoying how everyone is like "CAPPY I NEED YOU" like Ivette, she didn't even know him before she got to the house and she acts like he's a god or something. I just don't think I could stand him anymore and his bossy ways.

I'm voting for K! :D

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