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Rachel - Week 4 (HoH)


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Another reason Rachel loves these talks with the other hg because it becomes a bit praise fest to her every time she is HOH. She's feeding her ego with these redundant discussions. She really has such low self esteem.

Totally agree.

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Another reason Rachel loves these talks with the other hg because it becomes a bit praise fest to her every time she is HOH. She's feeding her ego with these redundant discussions. She really has such low self esteem.

Yep, when Kristen left, Rachel was totally energized. Rachel's an energy zombie.

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Yep, when Kristen left, Rachel was totally energized. Rachel's an energy zombie.


So that explains why Kathy and Ragan have been so chronically tired all the time...

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Another reason Rachel loves these talks with the other hg because it becomes a bit praise fest to her every time she is HOH. She's feeding her ego with these redundant discussions. She really has such low self esteem.

Totally agree Gingersnaps! This description has Rachel's name all over it!

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

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I would like to put in my two cents from my own learning...I think this pegs here VERY well

I've met a couple during practicals...I think she fits

When I graduate I diagnose her as a Narcissitic Histrionic Personality Sufferer

That's after I adiagnose myself with about 50 disorders though...sooooooo...I guess I can't talk THAT much...but at least I don't display it to the country...just Morty's :-p

Histrionic Personality Disorder

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, pp. 657-658) describes Histrionic Personality Disorder as a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

* is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention;

* interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior;

* displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions;

* consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self;

* has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail;

* shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion;

* is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances;

* considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.

((Credit to the APA and the DSM-IV-TR))


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ILoveDaniele, Rachel has all of those tendencies to. We and others could possibly spend lots of time searching all of our old and current psychology textbooks and find many psycho disorders associated with Rachel's abnormal behavior. A clinical psychologist or behavior analyst could send their children to college with Rachel as a patient.

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Histrionic Personality Disorder

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, pp. 657-658) describes Histrionic Personality Disorder as a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

* is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention;

* interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior;

* displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions;

* consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self;

* has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail;

* shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion;

* is suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances;

* considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.

That's half the women who have ever been on a reality show.

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That's half the women who have ever been on a reality show.

More than half if you ask me. She's guilty of being an exhibitionist and wanting to become famous via reality tv. Other than that I see no psychiatric disorders. Believe me, I can't stand her and I have a lot to say about her, but it has nothing to do with disorders, she's just a self-centered bitch.

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That's half the women who have ever been on a reality show.

Quite...but the intensity of these dramatics is what makes it for me to diagnose her as such. Look everyone in the country is dramatic at some point in their life but her consistency is amazing. She fits more of the Appeasing Histrionic if ya ask me. That's the same thing I listed with the addition of an adolescent dependency on another person, typically a love interest.

In reality though if you look hard enough you can diagnose anyone with something in the DSM

Me...I am BIG TIME Generalized Anxiety Disorder

I'll be fair and diagnose Britney next :-p

Although I don't think Adorable Personality Disorder exists yet :-p


More than half if you ask me. She's guilty of being an exhibitionist and wanting to become famous via reality tv. Other than that I see no psychiatric disorders. Believe me, I can't stand her and I have a lot to say about her, but it has nothing to do with disorders, she's just a self-centered bitch.

well I am playing for the most part :-p

Like I said if you try hard enough you could diagnose anyone with something


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Quite...but the intensity of these dramatics is what makes it for me to diagnose her as such. Look everyone in the country is dramatic at some point in their life but her consistency is amazing. She fits more of the Appeasing Histrionic if ya ask me. That's the same thing I listed with the addition of an adolescent dependency on another person, typically a love interest.

In reality though if you look hard enough you can diagnose anyone with something in the DSM

Me...I am BIG TIME Generalized Anxiety Disorder

I'll be fair and diagnose Britney next :-p

Although I don't think Adorable Personality Disorder exists yet :-p


well I am playing for the most part :-p

Like I said if you try hard enough you could diagnose anyone with something


We are only seeing her after being put in an extreme situation. We don't know what these people are really like, so labeling them with a disorder doesn't make sense.

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Quite...but the intensity of these dramatics is what makes it for me to diagnose her as such. Look everyone in the country is dramatic at some point in their life but her consistency is amazing. She fits more of the Appeasing Histrionic if ya ask me. That's the same thing I listed with the addition of an adolescent dependency on another person, typically a love interest.

In reality though if you look hard enough you can diagnose anyone with something in the DSM

Me...I am BIG TIME Generalized Anxiety Disorder

I'll be fair and diagnose Britney next :-p

Although I don't think Adorable Personality Disorder exists yet :-p


well I am playing for the most part :-p

Like I said if you try hard enough you could diagnose anyone with something


If I was a physician I might, but I'm not.

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interesting...because extreme situations are what often bring out a disorder...you want my honest opinion? All 'diagnosis' aside?

I think these people are AWESOME actors and actresses

It think 90% of what happens in that house at this point is fairly staged, acted well and carried out

just IMO of course

Interesting side question...acting or not...who do you think is the most stable person in the house?


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interesting...because extreme situations are what often bring out a disorder...you want my honest opinion? All 'diagnosis' aside?

I think these people are AWESOME actors and actresses

It think 90% of what happens in that house at this point is fairly staged, acted well and carried out

just IMO of course

Interesting side question...acting or not...who do you think is the most stable person in the house?


Probably either Britney or Lane. I would have said Kristen before, but...

ILoveDaniele, Rachel has all of those tendencies to. We and others could possibly spend lots of time searching all of our old and current psychology textbooks and find many psycho disorders associated with Rachel's abnormal behavior. A clinical psychologist or behavior analyst could send their children to college with Rachel as a patient.

Wow. :animated_rotfl: And I'm taking a psych course this semester, but I doubt I would be able to get down to half of her diagnosis.

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Red Snapper getting chewed out by her man for the way she attacked everyone at the POV meeting. She told everyone to "Bring it on!" and daddy Snapper is not happy because he said she made them the enemy.

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Red Snapper getting chewed out by her man for the way she attacked everyone at the POV meeting. She told everyone to "Bring it on!" and daddy Snapper is not happy because he said she made them the enemy.

He's just now noticing this?

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I hope when she gets out of the house the public puts her on ignore.....That is the best way to let her know how so amny people dispised her game play, and her as a person.

Brandon run for your life, get out while you can...Rachel is nuts!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't know that she has any real personality disorder. Its practically impossible to tell in a situation like this where everything is intensified. Brendon is making her far more difficult to read. The whole point that is being missed is that they are the targets of the house. All their work to not be has back fired. Maybe if they were more in people's face about it, it would improve because what they have tried up to this point, simply hasn't worked. If Rachel had been nicer, would they be any less of a target? No. People were gunning for them no matter what. His speech was pointless. I'm sure Rachel has reached the point where she thinks its pointless to pretend that they are anything less than a target so why bother. His pestering her into doing what he wants is the wrong way to go. The man has no skill in the art of subtle manipulation. Subtle manipulation is the only way to play in this house. His bull dozing is part of why they are perceived as a threat.

I'm really feeling bad for her. I believe she's feeling the weight of Brendon's words more than anything. Those kind of things weigh you down.

His speech may have been "smart" but his approach was wrong. As a communication professor, Ragan can tell you that 50% of communication isn't what is being said, but how it is received. So its not even how you present something, but how your "audience" takes what is said. She's definitely approaching her breaking point at his bull dozing approach.

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