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Rachel - Week 4 (HoH)


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Yeah. Of course, I would love to see BB dish that to him if her were to win - on a silver platter of course. It would make my day. :party_smilie: Yeah, buddy!

Not as bad as this idiot that won BB 9 :animated_rotfl:

Sheila, who along with six other people voted to award Adam the $500,000 prize during the "jury house" portion of the show, tells us she feels betrayed by Adam, because he had promised to give $100,000 to an autism foundation. :animated_shocking: Instead, cops say he used the cash to fund a prescription drug ring. He was arrested last month in Massachusetts after allegedly trying to deal 2,000 pills of Oxycodone to a government informant.

Jasinski has been indicted on one charge possession of oxycodone with intent to sell -- he faces 20 years behind bars.



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I feel like doing a little "target" practice. :animated_bouncy:

Dago tambien. Tu creo estaiba corsa excelente lo por. Tu crees estas los todos que mejor pero estas muy abrasido y no estas simpatica. Tu crees las cosas diferentes por la gentes otras y han lo hace tu una mentirosa. Tu no haces la authoridad que pudar alguien por este forum.

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Despite her annoying habits, and there are plenty; Rachel is the strongest player in the house so far, IMO. If not, she wouldn't be there. She managed to beat the odds and stay. If Brendon leaves, she might fall apart or she might even be better without him. They're a good team thus far despite the unbearably boring emotion they put us and each other through.

There's so much Rachael/Brenden hate here.

Am I the only one who is actually rooting for them? :huh:

I kinda felt like they were the underdogs in the first few weeks with everyone picking on the "couple" while it was obvious there really were other "couples" forming anyway.

It's like everyone was trying to say they are all floaters and will remain floaters throughout the game despite the "lets get out the floaters" strategy.

I know Rachael is a little ... ok, alot ... over-the-top, but I'd like to see her make it all the way despite all the hate-ons everyone else has for her.

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Dago tambien. Tu creo estaiba corsa excelente lo por. Tu crees estas los todos que mejor pero estas muy abrasido y no estas simpatica. Tu crees las cosas diferentes por la gentes otras y han lo hace tu una mentirosa. Tu no haces la authoridad que pudar alguien por este forum.

"Dago too. You think it excellent for estaiba corsa. You think all these the best but these are not very abrasive and friendly. You think different things for other people and have you do your a liar. You do not do the author who pudar someone for this forum."

What does this mean???

There's so much Rachael/Brenden hate here.

Am I the only one who is actually rooting for them? :huh:

I kinda felt like they were the underdogs in the first few weeks with everyone picking on the "couple" while it was obvious there really were other "couples" forming anyway.

It's like everyone was trying to say they are all floaters and will remain floaters throughout the game despite the "lets get out the floaters" strategy.

I know Rachael is a little ... ok, alot ... over-the-top, but I'd like to see her make it all the way despite all the hate-ons everyone else has for her.

As much as I dislike their 'showmance' and the annoyong laugh, I will admit that they are tough competitors and are doing dang good in keeping themselves in the game. I give them credit for all their wins and doing what they need to do to stay in the game. It is seemingly, 'them' against the house, and they are playing hard. So yeah, I think they are doing awesome!

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Dago tambien. Tu creo estaiba corsa excelente lo por. Tu crees estas los todos que mejor pero estas muy abrasido y no estas simpatica. Tu crees las cosas diferentes por la gentes otras y han lo hace tu una mentirosa. Tu no haces la authoridad que pudar alguien por este forum.

? What the hell? Translation please...

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I did a translation the best that I could but still have no idea what it means....

I know. You did. Thanks. Still don't understand it. It's hurting my head to try to figure it out. I know a little Spanish (or whatever the hell that is), but... yeah.

Wonder what would have happened if MENSA MATTY had put her and Brenda up with his HOH ;)

They would have fought for the alpha male position to the death!

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Dago tambien. Tu creo estaiba corsa excelente lo por. Tu crees estas los todos que mejor pero estas muy abrasido y no estas simpatica. Tu crees las cosas diferentes por la gentes otras y han lo hace tu una mentirosa. Tu no haces la authoridad que pudar alguien por este forum.

No habla Espanol. :flags_unitedstates:

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Guest 6Borders

Hehehehe....so true Ginger.

Personally, if someone could come up with any remotely valid reason to like Rachel I might reconsider....nawwwww, probably not!!!! Go ahead and try, and pleeeezzzze DO NOT tell me I am jealous (that is so tired!)

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No comprende! Hasta la vista, baby! Muy bien? Andale, Andale.

Hehehehe....so true Ginger.

Personally, if someone could come up with any remotely valid reason to like Rachel I might reconsider....nawwwww, probably not!!!! Go ahead and try, and pleeeezzzze DO NOT tell me I am jealous (that is so tired!)

Yep, heard it already this season. The best one is "you must be a supermodel to be able to put down the HG."

Well, yes I am and I plan to be on the runway by mid-fall. :animated_rotfl:

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It means that the person is putting the words through a translator and coming up with a post. Those translators are never correct.

you are right because it only comes up with some of the words, I think there are different dialects for spanish and that is why the translator wont exactly translate the words written here, mine said about he same as above

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Clifford actually OWNS panties? Couldv'e fooled me.

What is the deal with Annie, Monet & Andrew leaving sequester? Any ideas? :animated_scratchchin:

Don't know. Maybe the rumor of bringing someone back is false.Hmmmm...

Right, I just assumed that Clifford went commando for easy access.

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I don't hate any of them. I especially don't hate Rachel and Brendon. I hate rachel's whiny, ear-splitting voice and her insipid, gigantic reaction to absolutely mundane remarks that Brendon makes. The only way that Brendon can put an end to it is to walk out the door because it will never stop since he let it start in the first place and that doesn't say much about him.

However, they are playing to win and that is why I watch. It would have been incredibly boring without them. We shall see.

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I don't hate any of them. I especially don't hate Rachel and Brendon. I hate rachel's whiny, ear-splitting voice and her insipid, gigantic reaction to absolutely mundane remarks that Brendon makes. The only way that Brendon can put an end to it is to walk out the door because it will never stop since he let it start in the first place and that doesn't say much about him.

However, they are playing to win and that is why I watch. It would have been incredibly boring without them. We shall see.

Hi Slimcruz :animated_wave:

I totally agree with almost everything you said except for one thing, I don't care for Rachel's ways at all. I don't hate her either because that's a strong feeling for someone I don't know. However, I also want Brendon to walk out the door before Rachel because she will continue to play the game and we won't lose interest. If we had to depend on the other hgs for any type of excitement, we may as well give up on BB for the remainder of the summer.

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