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Rachel - Week 4 (HoH)


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I enjoyed reading all these posts. Sadly, as much as I want it, I don't think Rachel will nominate herself if Hayden or Kristen win the POV, but in an alternate universe anything is possible.

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The fact is B/R are the biggest targets in the house, and they are only there because they made deals and won competitions. They are great at this game, but don't know how to lay low. That's why neither of them will win in the end.

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Since Andrew was voted out, was he a big target too? No. Monet wasn't a target for anyone but Rachel. The Brigade used Britney and Monet's hatred of Rachel to get R to get one of those two girls out instead of risking any of the brigade's necks. Annie may have been a target but you have to consider that week 1 is about getting your feet wet in the game. Obviously, R & B were also targets that week because they were the original noms. The house didn't like them being coupled up so fast. Big target, right away. However, had Annie not driven the house crazy, Rachel would have gone home. Just like had Andrew not taken Brendon's bad advice Kathy would have been gone. Kathy who really wasn't any one's target other than the current HoH's.

I am done arguing this because I feel I've made my point. You are free to see things otherwise, even if I don't think I could ever understand thinking that Brendon and Rachel were only targets recently.

Edited to add: Do you think simply because Rachel has been hoh 50% of the time and won't nominate herself or Brendon that she is less of a target and not more of one? I just don't understand the reasoning.

You can "argue" all you want because I won't. I don't argue over houseguests and thought we were just bringing out points about the game not arguing, but who am I to say what you are thinking or feeling.

The target point is all based on what Rachel and Brendon are thinking in relation to that are a couple and everyone is out to get them.

Kathy - her name has been thrown out there every week for nomination and what usually follows her name is the word "useless" by the HG = target.

Brit/Monet a different kind of couple and since Brit has kissed Rachel's ass recently things have changed for her but after getting out Monet who was targeted quite a lot of the nom attention went to Brit and Rachel wanted her gone too. Rachel said it a hundred times if not more how she wanted Brit out = target.

Brit started in on the Hayden/Kris thing and it was clear she wanted Kristen out, Rachel got on that bandwagon fast. Hayden/Kristen = targets

Rachel has thrown Enzo and Lane's name around quite a bit too. She doesn't know where they stand and she doesn't trust Enzo. = targets

the lists goes on.

The only point I was making that since their relationship was out in the open from the beginning the house wanted to break them up. They had numerous chances but did not do so, so how much of a target were they really? Much of the talk turned to how they could benefit someone by keeping them in the house longer, hence they are still there. So while Rachel keep saying how the house is against them they've done their fair share of making others targets too.

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Britney used Hayden and Kristen as targets as she buddies up to Rachel because she wants the focus taken off Kathy and her. I really don't think Britney likes Rachel any more than she ever did or really dislikes Kristen. She simply was trying to put the focus elsewhere.

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Rachel is not my favorite but then neither is anyone else my favorite as of right now. However, despite her sometimes embarrassingly bad behaviour and oftentimes ear-wrenching whine; I am amazed at her ability to do what she needs to do when she needs to do it. She seems to love having them kowtow to her and I don't blame her. They would do the very same thing to her. As would I.

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Guest 6Borders

I'm waiting for Rachel to say she plays the game like Jani, "...only, I'm better".

She'll be whining and crying next week if Brendon does not get HOH, especially if Kristen comes off the block.

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Great. I'll bring the beignets. :running:

Don't be hatin on me but I'm fixen to leave the house and head to the French Quarter (30 min. drive)

Gonna have some beignets for brunch and maybe a muffaletta for lunch. :cheeseburger:

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Don't be hatin on me but I'm fixen to leave the house and head to the French Quarter (30 min. drive)

Gonna have some beignets for brunch and maybe a muffaletta for lunch. :cheeseburger:

I'm hatin on you Stevea11 just cuz it takes you 30 mins to drive to the french quarter. :bangin:

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I am done arguing this because I feel I've made my point. You are free to see things otherwise, even if I don't think I could ever understand thinking that Brendon and Rachel were only targets recently.

there is no arguing on this board, we are just here to give our own opinion, some we agree with and some we dont. I personally think Brendon and Rachel have not necessarily been target from the git, they locked onto each other instantly and I think because Hayseed was 1st hoh it was a crap shoot and he put then up, but the Rachel is screamin you would think they have been huge targets, nope, not necessarily, but the more she keeps yakkin about it it sure is makin it worse for them.

maybe a muffaletta for lunch. :cheeseburger:

yum I love a good muffalatta samichcheeseburger.gif

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I hope when she gets out of the house the public puts her on ignore.....That is the best way to let her know how so amny people dispised her game play, and her as a person.

Brandon run for your life, get out while you can...Rachel is nuts!!!!!!!!!!


Have you mentioned how much you can't stand her yet?

Have I mentioned how much I agree with you!!!! :animated_wave:

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Because she is special. You didn't notice that? I noticed right away I think it's those god awful extensions and those shirts she wears and calls them dresses. Oh and it's also because she's not in a showmance she is in a romance. Didn't think a romance was possible in the big brother house but call me stupid I was wrong.

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Don't be hatin on me but I'm fixen to leave the house and head to the French Quarter (30 min. drive)

Gonna have some beignets for brunch and maybe a muffaletta for lunch. :cheeseburger:

Hope you have/had a good time. I've never been to the French Quarter, I don't know what a beignet is (probably have seen it but don't know it by name) and I don't think I would ever eat muffaletta-don't like the name. lol

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You know, we may be witnessing history here.

The hatred and pure vitriol directed toward Evel Dick was formerly (and may still be) the highest of any house guest ever. Until now...because I think Rachel may be hated more.

Yes, Dick had his fans here, but the people who hated him REALLY hated him. Like seething hate.

Move over Dick, I think Rachel has you beat.

Beignets are basically fried dough, like a donut, usually eaten hot and sprinkled with powdered sugar or dipped in things like chocolate. They usually come in a paper bag. They are the closest thing to heaven you can get as a food, imo.

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You know, we may be witnessing history here.

The hatred and pure vitriol directed toward Evel Dick was formerly (and may still be) the highest of any house guest ever. Until now...because I think Rachel may be hated more.

Yes, Dick had his fans here, but the people who hated him REALLY hated him. Like seething hate.

Move over Dick, I think Rachel has you beat.

Beignets are basically fried dough, like a donut, usually eaten hot and sprinkled with powdered sugar or dipped in things like chocolate. They usually come in a paper bag. They are the closest thing to heaven you can get as a food, imo.

Still hate Dick and will always hate Dick.

Like a funnel cake, right? Yummy!!!!

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Funnel cake is good but oooh sooo diffrent from Beignets.

Dick may have had some evil game play, but this skank is not about the game it's about her man of the moment to me she has no game. just floating along on other peoples promise to keep them in , yes she won but I refuse to believe she's not getting help.

Once she leaves the house and realizes he can't provide all the (supposed ) exotic trips and toys ... she will bounce, and he will chase behind only to find her on the pole she really loves

I don't like her because the person I see on my TV is the person I believe she is in real life..I found Evil Dick to be a persona, for me that is the difference

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Funnel cake is good but oooh sooo diffrent from Beignets.

Dick may have had some evil game play, but this skank is not about the game it's about her man of the moment to me she has no game. just floating along on other peoples promise to keep them in , yes she won but I refuse to believe she's not getting help.

Once she leaves the house and realizes he can't provide all the (supposed ) exotic trips and toys ... she will bounce, and he will chase behind only to find her on the pole she really loves

I don't like her because the person I see on my TV is the person I believe she is in real life..I found Evil Dick to be a persona, for me that is the difference

Okay, more like Zeppole without the chocolate? I missed the chocolate part the first time. Whatever it is it sounds awesome :)

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