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Amercia's Choice Discussion


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American Idol is free... although limited to just Cingular.

I just feel sorry for the people who didn't see the small print and vote a hundred times. Ouch an extra $50 on their cell bill would be a nasty suprise at the end of the month.

You can't get charged by accident. For every vote you make they send you back a text telling you it costs 49 cents and that you have to reply with a Y to make your vote count and get charged the 49 cents.

I'm honest and ethical and wouldn't want to vote more than once--however, I know Eric fans will be voting over and over, and if their votes are gonna be counted that makes it necessary for even honest people to vote for Kaysar and Mikey multiple times just to compensate for the multiple votes for Eric.

For every 1000 honest people who vote for Kaysar and Mikey, there is 1 Eric follower who will vote 1000 times for Eric.

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Guest gmsr4grls

:wink: I voted and voted for Kaysar so far im at 225 times. The website lets you vote more than once. I have been on the network polls and if they only want you to vote once they could make it say sorry you already voted and not allow that option.I do not think it's dishonest....If they only want one vote per person they would explicitly say so...so vote to your hearts content, I say!!!!! :D

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Guest RealiTVLover

Long live King Kaysar!

Inside the house and outside here in the real world, the SMART people are on Kaysar's team.

I hope they have 3 cameras just on Ivette's face when Kaysar walks back in that door. People who are self-righteous enough to call themselves "the good guys" deserve a kick in the rear... and a reality check as to who is really good and likeable.

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Guest Misha

Yay Kaysar!!!! Kaysar! Kaysar! Kaysar! I swear if Eric comes back, I will just die!!! And what's with the Ivette like obsessing over him?? Does she not realize he's married. She's sooo dumb!!

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Guest Baby Boo

Can anyone confirm that the online voting is fake?

I was looking at the html code and it appears to not count the votes anywhere. If anyone has more experience with html could look at this and let everyone know.

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That is why God invented proxies. Also, dialup customers rarely have a static i.p. address. Furthermore, some DSL/Cable customers can simply turn off/back on there modem and have a different i.p. as well.

I did not think I should bring up a little thing called Proxy Roulette since Im currently using it to drive Erics total through the roof.

I dont want any ideas getting out to the KaysarLuvvers LOL! ;)

Its true that Dial-up users have dynamic IPs going on but then you have to sign in and out of your ISP between every vote and with Dial up that would sheer timewasting brutality ugh.

Its also true that DSL and Cable can are technically 'Dynamic IP's' too but in the last few years I notice they rarely change them.

I had the same one for 15 months once!

So anyway, I do remember this came up in a previous years AC Award (BB4) and it seems a webmaster was told by a reliable insider source (as much as the Net can be reliable) that they did indeed discount repeat voting.

Even further more - this 'insider' said that it discounted non-USA IPs as well.

(Also entirely possible).

Proxy Roulette .. hey wait, I gotta set that baby to roulette only US based Servers then.. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!


This FREAK is going to cause CRAPPY to come back!!!!!! We better find out how to do what he's doing and use it for KAYSER so we can vote a million times for KAYSER with different IP addresses, like he is for Eric

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Guest Hashman
Can anyone confirm that the online voting is fake? 

I was looking at the html code and it appears to not count the votes anywhere. If anyone has more experience with html could look at this and let everyone know.

I looked at the HTML code and it's fine. If you vote for Kaysar, it submits the vote to the URL http://poll.cbs.com/poll?event_id=1208&q1=3 (i.e., that's a shortcut to vote for K).

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Can anyone confirm that the online voting is fake? 

I was looking at the html code and it appears to not count the votes anywhere. If anyone has more experience with html could look at this and let everyone know.

I looked at the HTML code and it's fine. If you vote for Kaysar, it submits the vote to the URL http://poll.cbs.com/poll?event_id=1208&q1=3 (i.e., that's a shortcut to vote for K).

Are you 100% sure it votes for KAYSER??????....it would really suck if it actually cat a vote for Eric.

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Guest Archie_Bunker
Can anyone confirm that the online voting is fake? 

I was looking at the html code and it appears to not count the votes anywhere. If anyone has more experience with html could look at this and let everyone know.

It's not fake, look at the first line:

<form name="voteForm" method="GET" action="http://poll.cbs.com/poll"><input type="hidden" name="event_id" value="1208">


<td align="center" valign="top" class="black_10" width="33%"><img src="http://wwwimage.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/_images/_polls/amc_michael.jpg" width="159" height="193" alt="" border="0"><br>

<span style="font-size: 16; line-height: 30px;"><b>MICHAEL</b><br>

<input type="radio" name="q1" value="1"></span></td>

<td align="center" valign="top" class="black_10" width="33%"><img src="http://wwwimage.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/_images/_polls/amc_eric.jpg" width="159" height="194" alt="" border="0"><br>

<span style="font-size: 16; line-height: 30px;"><b>ERIC</b><br>

<input type="radio" name="q1" value="2"></span></td>

<td align="center" valign="top" class="black_10" width="33%"><img src="http://wwwimage.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/_images/_polls/amc_kaysar.jpg" width="159" height="194" alt="" border="0"><br>

<span style="font-size: 16; line-height: 30px;"><b>KAYSAR</b><br>

<input type="radio" name="q1" value="3"></span></td>

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Guest ah282

Why do we keep getting sent back to this site and locking the other ones? I am just a little confused about this.

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Guest Archie_Bunker
Can anyone confirm that the online voting is fake? 

I was looking at the html code and it appears to not count the votes anywhere. If anyone has more experience with html could look at this and let everyone know.

I looked at the HTML code and it's fine. If you vote for Kaysar, it submits the vote to the URL http://poll.cbs.com/poll?event_id=1208&q1=3 (i.e., that's a shortcut to vote for K).

Are you 100% sure it votes for KAYSER??????....it would really suck if it actually cat a vote for Eric.

Kaysar's button has the value "3"...

<span style="font-size: 16; line-height: 30px;"><b>KAYSAR</b><br>

<input type="radio" name="q1" value="3"></span></td>

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Can anyone confirm that the online voting is fake? 

I was looking at the html code and it appears to not count the votes anywhere. If anyone has more experience with html could look at this and let everyone know.

It's not fake, look at the first line:

<form name="voteForm" method="GET" action="http://poll.cbs.com/poll"><input type="hidden" name="event_id" value="1208">


<td align="center" valign="top" class="black_10" width="33%"><img src="http://wwwimage.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/_images/_polls/amc_michael.jpg" width="159" height="193" alt="" border="0"><br>

<span style="font-size: 16; line-height: 30px;"><b>MICHAEL</b><br>

<input type="radio" name="q1" value="1"></span></td>

<td align="center" valign="top" class="black_10" width="33%"><img src="http://wwwimage.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/_images/_polls/amc_eric.jpg" width="159" height="194" alt="" border="0"><br>

<span style="font-size: 16; line-height: 30px;"><b>ERIC</b><br>

<input type="radio" name="q1" value="2"></span></td>

<td align="center" valign="top" class="black_10" width="33%"><img src="http://wwwimage.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother6/_images/_polls/amc_kaysar.jpg" width="159" height="194" alt="" border="0"><br>

<span style="font-size: 16; line-height: 30px;"><b>KAYSAR</b><br>

<input type="radio" name="q1" value="3"></span></td>

Do you have anyway of finding out if it allows more than 1 vote per IP address.........there's some guy who is posting millions of votes over and over for Eric using some program that gives him a NEW IP Address for each vote so they will all count, even if it only allows 1 per IP because his IP is constantly changing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest ah282

Never mind, when I clicked on the site at the last entry, it took me some place completely different I thought, then I posted and it took me here. I am not the computer literate, so forgive me.

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Guest katyesue53

I have watched BB from the from the first year and all i have to say he is one of the best players that has ever been on BB .

Most of my friendsalso want Kaysar back in.

Eric is a very over barring person and has the need to bully people into his way of thinking .

Kaysar you ROCK

Sue :P

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Of course I want Kaysar back just to see the looks on James, Maggie and Ivette's faces when he walks in.

When BB brought Amy back in, didn't she get immunity from nomination the first week? It would seem harsh to bring someone back in on Thursday, then put them on the block 2 days later.

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I was up until 3am voting for Kaysar LMAO I got my hubby, mom , brother, and sis in law doing it too LMAO GO KAYSAR GO!!!!!!

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