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Vote For Kaysar or Janelle - AMERICA'S CHOICE

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Guest Stephiie
Here's another auto Kaysar vote thing... I don't know if it works or if it's been posted already. but here...


Yeah, that auto vote is a bit sketchy, my number of votes go up and then down.

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It is for Kaysar there is a 1 after the q1= for michael and a 2 for eric, and for Kaysar there is a 3 on the url on the status bar after you vote, so it clearly votes for kaysar, another easy way to vote is buy highlighting kaysar and holding down the enter button.

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Okay, as much as I like this concept I have to wonder what this page is really doing each time it refreshes. Try the address minus Kaysar and you might be surprised what you find. It was kinda freaky...

I do not know for certain, but these pics maybe the protest that Kaysar participated in. It was mentioned previously somewhere - i wish that i could remember where i read it. Sorry I can't tell you more about it :(

Go Kaysar! I have voted numerous times on CBS.com and used the "Proxy Roulette" method just to be sure :P

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Here's another auto Kaysar vote thing... I don't know if it works or if it's been posted already. but here...


right after it reloads to the thank you page, it says Void this request or Ignore this request..It's very fast so I can't tell. what does that mean??

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Guest wallflower2
Ok guys,,, found this on another BB site,,,, it seems to work and very easy



This is a bogus website...

I saved it and viewed the html..

It has saved the cbs voting frontpage and the page that says you have voted. It does not even go to CBS


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Guest SumGayGai

This has probably been said alreayd, but I'm guessing CBS has some sort of IP validation set up and mass spam clicking deflection. It is not that hard. My company does it to prevent click fraud and having to pay people tons of cash just because some Russian decides he wants to help them. I'm guessing voting multiple times won't help anyone out.

But that's just my opinion.

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Guest WhitePhoenix

If you guys want your votes to count just vote at CBS.com

(Good job! to those using the static ip method)

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Guest WhatUpKaysar!!!

I have a router that has an IP blocker, etc. I am assuming CBS can't then figure it out, but who knows.

I am going to vote as many times as I can nonetheless. This is my favorite show, I wait all year for Summer and BB, and I am going to enjoy it while its on!!! Voting like a lunatic is part of the fun!

Keep voting for Kaysar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let down!

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Here's another auto Kaysar vote thing... I don't know if it works or if it's been posted already. but here...


right after it reloads to the thank you page, it says Void this request or Ignore this request..It's very fast so I can't tell. what does that mean??

Does it?? I have no idea, I haven't noticed that. :?

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Please know the source you are getting the code from, though, if possible? A smart Eric fan could easily put up a macro ostensibly for Kaysar that is actually for Eric.

My solution? Only date nerds.

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Guest Shockalot
Please know the source you are getting the code from, though, if possible? A smart Eric fan could easily put up a macro ostensibly for Kaysar that is actually for Eric.

My solution? Only date nerds.

Tums .. grrr. Darn you!

Just 'Shhhhh' already alright?

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Heh! Oh, alright then, macros are super, and hackers are known for their ethics and straightforwardness!

*concludes with deceptively blonde noises*

Seriously, though, Kaysar fans, be quasi-Luddites if possible. Use the finger, not the automation, unless you know your coder.

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Yeah, I thought about that as well... that's why I don't know if that link would work or not. I got it from here:


So do what you want with it. It COULD be an Eric lover that is just fooling everyone...

You know, I hate the fact that you can vote so many times like this but if the Crappy supporters are doing it then Kaysar has no chance!

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I don't think we need any autovote sites, cbs is good enough. I just click the circle and submit and it's automatically entered. so what's the diff? NO i am not asking for someone to let me know the difference, i know, i am just saying i am not lazy, i can click a couple of buttons to submit my vote.

Someone asked on another page about emailing cbs and asking them about voting rules, well like myself and others have said, if cbs didn't allow multiple voting then they wouldn't allow it. It's as simple as THAT. I have been voting for Kaysar since Thursday night, I even have friends who aren't sure voting. I even told my Michael loving friends to vote for Kaysar as Mike really has no chance and we don't want to split the vote.

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Guest sclarke616

I personally feel he is the strongest player in this game, the way he is playing i think he is the master of the game, and should win. I have voted alot for him to return.

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Guest ranster627
I have been a lurker until now but had to post at this point!

Vote now!!  We all need Kaysar back!  Any firefighter that claims they are better than policeme are wrong.  Don't get me wrong, all the firefighters that risked and gave their lives on 9-11 are to be comended and always should be!!  But a firefighter that thinks he is better than policeman  is wrong!  They ALL put their lives in danger everyay, and anyone of those people who think they are better then the rest put the rest in jeopardy even more!

Screw Eric, Maggie and the rest of their SHEEP!!!

VOTE FOR KAYSAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And vote often!!!!!

Thank you !!!!

I don't know about being better, but if MY fireman was as immature as Crappy, I'd be worried.    I would love to have Kayser back, he's much more interesting than Crappy and Michael.  :!:
Your exuberant punctuation is an interesting attempt at persuasion, but I think the idea of having the forum sticky, located above, is to streamline this enthusiasm into discrete bubbling pools.

The occupation question is meaningless, imo. It's all about the viewer pleasure, a hedonist's logic. It's so strange to call upon any so-called objective virtues in a world that openly declares its moral relativism.

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Guest teakee

:twisted: :P Could someone please help me, didn't wade through all the good posts about Kaysar here, but keep voting.......I have live feeds and trust me (they have live feeds too and chat) Kaysar's friends then family are being told about his wonderful fans.

We have had people coming into life feeds chats from visiting Morty's and saying that Eric and Kaysar are running neck to neck on votes. WTH? And there is some magic way to check at Morty's. Didn't see anything on Morty's main board yesterday but great directions on where to vote.

I think these ppl or possibly person, could be going from chat room to room, is looking at these board sticky notes for vote michael, eric, and kay; and how many replies on on the threads Like converting to Kaysar 53% and cappy 48 %. This about matches the numbers from last night. Is this the deal? Thank you. And of course, keep voting for Kaysar. :)

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