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Live Feed and BBAD 7/11


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lipsrsealed2.gif Did I just hear Enzo say that if he wins HOH, everybody's gonna smell his nut musk???? lipsrsealed2.gif Don't think that'll be on TV. LMAO!!!!
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yep...big waste of water, trash bags and time...no chance of this one working....filling each bag with water and just laying end to end...uhm...huh? For a group of supposedly "intelligible" ;) people...not too bright.

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Brendon saying and doing everything he can to get positioned inside Rachel's pants tonight. I don't think he needs to say anything because she wants him. I wonder how many people some of these hg screw around with because if they can meet someone in the house for a few days and want to bed them I'm sure they're a bunch of one-night stands at home. Rant over.

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Once again Annie has Hayden ears up in the HOH room. Yada, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah. I wanted her to stay thinking she would be a time bomb but her constant game talk is annoying. She should be outside socializing with the other girls.

Her defense is that Britney is getting away with everything and Hayden is setting himself up for a fall because the others will align against him. Hayden can't get his words out straight in why he will vote Annie out. He makes no sense and she's making more sense than him now.

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It's funny that its turned into a Annie vs Britney thing...Enzo and Matt were equally on board with Hayden in going after Annie. Britney did stir the pot, but she's not the sole instigator of Annie being put up.

I do have a feeling that Annie has a good chance of staying...she'll work the house, where Rachel will just be working Brendon...literally.

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It's funny that its turned into a Annie vs Britney thing...Enzo and Matt were equally on board with Hayden in going after Annie. Britney did stir the pot, but she's not the sole instigator of Annie being put up.

I do have a feeling that Annie has a good chance of staying...she'll work the house, where Rachel will just be working Brendon...literally.

I hope so because she's the only real chance of getting Britney out fast. If she stays it will be a Britney hate fest and that's okay with me.

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Annie should be through with Hayden. No need to continue talking with him. The damage is done and there is nothing that he can do for her especially since he doesn't have a vote. She definitely needs to put her big girl panties on and work to convince the others why she should stay and Rachel, Brendon's main alliance should leave. Her argument could easily be that obviously she's not aligned with anyone since they all want her out.

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Annie should be through with Hayden. No need to continue talking with him. The damage is done and there is nothing that he can do for her especially since he doesn't have a vote. She definitely needs to put her big girl panties on and work to convince the others why she should stay and Rachel, Brendon's main alliance should leave. Her argument could easily be that obviously she's not aligned with anyone since they all want her out.

You would think she would have learned that from past seasons. The stupid mistakes people continuously make in here. I just cannot believe that as long as this show has been on that someone has not connected with this game play. She deserves to go, if she doesn't see that.

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Annie crying to Brendon that she only walks out with $750. and that won't pay her rent. Well, that's the chance they all took and she needs to get a grip and while she's getting a grip Brendon should grow a pair of balls and stop consoling her and telling her she';s right about everything. Now, Annie says she wants to go home and she won't even get a sympathy vote. Make up your mind Annie do you want to stay or go? She's annoying me now and so is Brendan.

Annie tells Brendon he's choosing a showmance over her. She said she knew everything about him so didn't she know he's a chronic masturbator and damn right he'll choose Rachel over her. Brendon is telling her "You're Annie and everyone loves you." Oh, I officially can't stand Brendon now because he's being such a pansy ass right now.

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Annie crying to Brendon that she only walks out with $750. and that won't pay her rent. Well, that's the chance they all took and she needs to get a grip and while she's getting a grip Brendon should grow a pair of balls and stop consoling her and telling her she';s right about everything. Now, Annie says she wants to go home and she won't even get a sympathy vote. Make up your mind Annie do you want to stay or go? She's annoying me now and so is Brendan.

Brendan does need to grow some "big ones" and quit lying to this girl! I am also annoyed with BOTH... Is it too early for a double elimination?

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Her tears are wasted on Brendon...unless of course she follows the advice to slip between the sheets with him. Sorry Annie...nookie wins out every time!


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Oh boy, I hope they hook up right now because this will cause the biggest stir in BB history. Annie gets there first and she wins unless he uses her and then tosses her. That would be something.

Brendan to Annie: "Don't stop being you." OMG, I want to smack Brendan. I can't wait until he gets booted.

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well now...wasn't that nice of them to wrap up that emotional and tender scene just moments before the show starts..."and scene!"


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Four streams on annie and Brendon. I want to vomit. Forgot the show was on. lol

I know, earplugs out, watching the show, can't handle the feeds anymore right now.

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Watching the show, LMAO, "The Brigade" consists of The Beast The Animal The Brains and the Meow Meow.....forgetaboutit!!! LMAO MEOW MEOW...

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yup...and Annie spending almost 2 hours alone with Brendon is going to convince the house that she's not in an alliance with him...uhm, how?

Works out well for Brendon wanting to keep Rachel though....smart on his part...

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