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Britney - Week 1


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I liked all 3 of them Ilovedaniel,lol, Janell the best

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There seems to be a lot of chatter about wanting to get Britney out next, putting her up with Monet. I've heard the Brigade talking about it, Kristen & Hayden, and Brendon & Rachel mentioned it too. Andrew would probably do whatever Hayden wants (maybe...he's a big ?) Not sure at all what Ragan would do if he won HoH...I've a feeling he doesn't want it yet.

Seems nobody wants to make a power move that will force the house to split/take sides...

Brit, Monet or Kathy needs to win HoH for Brit to be safe. :shutup:

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Loved Janelle and Danielle, but I'm not digging Britney so much. I wish she wasn't so caught up in body image. I'm so tired of hearing how fat she is, how fat Rachelle is, blah, blah, blah. Just wait till she pops out some babies. She'll be suicidal.

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I liked Janelle up until her 1000th appearance on BB. She was naive and because of that she could never win. As far as Keesha and Danielle go, well let's say I would rather stick Bamboo shoots under my fingernails then watch or listen to either one of them.

Right now, though Britney is not at the Bamboo shoot level she's at the level equivalent to listening to a faucet drip 24/7 for me. They're all torturous to watch IMO.

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Loved Janelle and Danielle, but I'm not digging Britney so much. I wish she wasn't so caught up in body image. I'm so tired of hearing how fat she is, how fat Rachelle is, blah, blah, blah. Just wait till she pops out some babies. She'll be suicidal.

Ugh, all the girls this season (except maybe Kristin, haven't heard her do it) are all complaining about how "fat" they are. I kinda wanna strangle them every time they say that because 1) dude, no you're not, and 2) who friggin' cares if you are anyway?.

When Brit started in about how much Jordo gained last season, that was it for me. I'm like "you do not get to talk about my Jordan. At least she enjoyed herself and allowed herself to eat yummy food. You silly chicks just eat one cookie and start crying about it. Shut UP already."


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She's not the only one using that word this season.

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