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Lurkers Come On Out...Big Brother 12 Is Here!

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I suspect there are many people out there that have been lurking for years.

I know, I did. And I realized I missed out on some of the additional fun with Big Brother.

<b>If you are a lurker or just someone that does not post very often...come on out and don't be shy.

There is lot's to do at Morty's and being part of the board is another part of the 24/7 Big Brother experience.</b>

<b>Sign up for the BB12 Prediction Challenge - Immediately!

It's like Big Brother in 3D - it adds a whole other layer to the game. </b>

Or, just respond to this thread to say hi and introduce yourself.

Let us know how long you have been following the game, what you are looking forward to this Season, anything you've been wanting to say.

Anyone is free to join in - It is what makes Morty's, Morty's.

While we might not always agree...we do have fun and people here are generally pretty nice.

Any Pro Posters, what advice do you have for the Lurkers?

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Hi lurkers,

I too was once a lurker. Mortys was my second nongame internet experience. CBS BB chat was the first and I never went back.

Mortys accepts all opinions (a few forget that sometimes but with reminding they are fine). We love a clean debate. We try to keep it family friendly.

My advice: DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONAL!! It's just a game (show) and not directed at you personally. (and if you feel it is....report it right away, don't let it stew over several days)

Welcome to Mortys, I am Dade. Chat host, article poster, spoiler, calendar updater.

Join us in chat for all things TV. We chat Survivor, Amazing Race, 24, Idol, NCIS, Bones, DWTS, a little bit of everything.

Mortys also is on Twitter and Facebook (Mortys Port)

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Hi lurkers,

I too was once a lurker. Mortys was my second nongame internet experience. CBS BB chat was the first and I never went back.

Mortys accepts all opinions (a few forget that sometimes but with reminding they are fine). We love a clean debate. We try to keep it family friendly.

My advice: DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONAL!! It's just a game (show) and not directed at you personally. (and if you feel it is....report it right away, don't let it stew over several days)

Welcome to Mortys, I am Dade. Chat host, article poster, spoiler, calendar updater.

Join us in chat for all things TV. We chat Survivor, Amazing Race, 24, Idol, NCIS, Bones, DWTS, a little bit of everything.

Mortys also is on Twitter and Facebook (Mortys Port)

lol I admit im one of those lurkers, but I will come out and say hello :)

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My first BB chat was the AOL BB chat rooms and they were wild. I watched BB always but didn't interact on any sites after that until I discovered Morty's - I've been here since 2008 - and though I've peeked at other forums, in my opinion; none compare to this one. It is true that we engage in some spirited debate but I think that it all works itself out in the spirit for which the site is intended. I've met some nice people here and it is fun for me to see how they react to some of the tv shows that we watch in common. I would miss most of them should they go away. It is that kind of place for me.

Survivor and Big Brother are my all time favorite reality shows. Thanks to Morty, I get to share my enthusiasm for each with other people. So, thank you, Morty, and to those persons keeping it going.

I suppose that my advice to any newbie posters is to treat others as you wish to be treated. It is a lesson that I've neglected to remember a time or two, but I intend to be better at it in future.

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Wonderful new thread Cali, thanks for creating it!!!


Welcome lurkers and all the oldie but goodies out there that haven't posted in a while!

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Welcom Dawminatrix and Deigha!!!!

Actually welcome to everyone - come on in.

Anyone know if there will be a prediction challenge this year?

For those that played the BB11 Prediction challenge - the final results were not posted until March 2010.

ImIn did it again- Congrats. Take a look at the link Jedi posted in the Big Brother forum to link to last summer's results.

You may have done better than you even knew - I ran somewhere in 5-25th place all last season but had an overall 2nd when the final results were tabulated.

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Been watching BB since season 9, my friend got me on to it, she tried to convince me to watch Season 8 since her cousin Jameka was in the house, but I just never watched.. she kept telling me about the show and how good it was and what a madman Evel Dick was and when I finally tried to watch the season, it was done..so like a couple of weeks before season 9 started she was like "you're gonna watch this season with me and enjoy it!" Needless to say I became hooked!! I only found out like last year that the previous seasons were on youtube (shoutout to Quirkydude) so I'm all caught up on past seasons, except Season 1. I also like Survivor and the Amazing Race..

Any of you have any ambitions to try out for the show?

I think I may try out for Season 13. :P

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lol i always find vowed to stop lurking pledge funny

typically once a lurker always a lurker :)

Two golden advice from me to break out of lurker-hood

1.Post in other morty's forum beside BB

+helps you get familiar with regulars posters n mods outside of bb circus

+ helps break you out of thinking of morty's as just a bb forum

+other forums here are typically very friendly non drama compared to say bb forums

+ great practice run before the beast that is known as bb forums

+great forums here (American Idol, Dancing with Stars, Survivor, Amazing Race)

2. Make attempts to post early in bb season

+ posting later in season you run into hg being established as clear front runners fan favs

+ everyone is much nicer since season just started and feeling out process of hg has just begun

+ no hg is 90% fan fav so you can say anything you want about them :)

+ new poster/lurkers that i observed that sticks around are those who post early in season n often

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Like Slimcruz I love BB and Survivor. Been a fan since day one. I only post on Morty's because here it's ok to disagree but not ok to attack someone for their opinion. (found that out the hard way)

Can't wait for the new season to start so I can share my thoughts on the new crop of hamsters and even more so, read yours!

Oh, and Wicked... love the decor in your living room although I'll pass on the caramel apples.

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I suspect there are many people out there that have been lurking for years.

I know, I did. And I realized I missed out on some of the additional fun with Big Brother.

If you are a lurker or just someone that does not post very often...come on out and don't be shy.

There is lot's to do at Morty's and being part of the board is another part of the 24/7 Big Brother experience.

Hopefully the Prediction Challenge will begin soon and you should join the fun.

It's like Big Brother in 3D - it adds a whole other layer to the game.

Or, just respond to this thread to say hi and introduce yourself.

Let us know how long you have been following the game, what you are looking forward to this Season, anything you've been wanting to say.

Anyone is free to join in - It is what makes Morty's, Morty's.

While we might not always agree...we do have fun and people here are generally pretty nice.

Any Pro Posters, what advice do you have for the Lurkers?

I've been a lurker for some time. I follow the site pretty religiously during the season. I can't wait for another season, for now though I am wrapped up in Survivor and LOST.

I've been following BB since season 2, but I missed most of season 5 when I was out of the country. I'm new to posting at forums like this, but I plan to join in more in discussions.

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