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If Kayser goes I have decided

Guest sara-is-hot

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Guest unleash
I did and have labelled him a woman beater.  I do believe he is a domineering woman beeting kind of man.  He stated in the confessional that he was about to hit her.  That to me says he is a violent person and is a woman beater or has potential to be.  I believe that Kayser is an abusive domineering man.  I can say it and will.

He would have hit her if there were not people around to stop him.  That was clear.

When did he confess to hitting her? what show have you been watching? Did you forget the fact if he wanted to hit her, he could of done it before anyone even came near him...... don't try to state your opinion with false facts..... he was the one who went up to her and apologized for his actions afterwards..... yet she continues to make racists remarks towards him.....

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I did and have labelled him a woman beater.  I do believe he is a domineering woman beeting kind of man.  He stated in the confessional that he was about to hit her.  That to me says he is a violent person and is a woman beater or has potential to be.  I believe that Kayser is an abusive domineering man.  I can say it and will.

He would have hit her if there were not people around to stop him.  That was clear.

That's ridiculous. Some people, even non-violent men can be provoked by a woman into hitting them. If they curse their mothers, talk about their race, religion etc. Ivette's ignorant ass insulted an entire religion when she said that all muslim men hated women. Those are fighting words, man or woman. If he were going to hit her, he would have. He just stood up and looked at her like how dare you say such things.

Thats a crock as well. Nothing any woman can say will make me hit her. She coud insult me, my religion, my kids, or my mom and I would never hit a woman. Not a chance.

Let her tell you that your five kids aren't yours and that while you were deployed to Iraq for a year she slept with 10 of your buddies and a couple of their wives. Oh yeah, that she gave you an incurable STD that will cause your private parts to rot and fall off...<Just kidding>

But there are some instances where a man would hit a woman, I know if a woman repeatedly hits a man she should be fair game. I personally think folks should keep their hands to themselves.

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No one should get physical, but there are instances where women could think they can hit a man because the men won't retalliate. I think in the case of Ivette - she knew that Kaysar wouldn't hit her. She may have felt intimidated - but who wouldn't. When two people are sitting and arguing and one gets up and gets close to you, it can mean that the verbal argument can get physical. I like Kaysar and thinks he has more respect for women in the house than the other men, but when he got up from the chair, it could be taken as a threat.

Go Kaysar. You rock my world!

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Guest dancingfool

nobody is mentioning all the shit eric said about women right when he got in the house? Yet Ivette idolizes him.

And then he set up an alliance made up entirely of women and one gay guy.

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No one should get physical, but there are instances where women could think they can hit a man because the men won't retalliate.  I think in the case of Ivette - she knew that Kaysar wouldn't hit her.  She may have felt intimidated - but who wouldn't.  When two people are sitting and arguing and one gets up and gets close to you, it can mean that the verbal argument can get physical.   I like Kaysar and thinks he has more respect for women in the house than the other men, but when he got up from the chair, it could be taken as a threat.

Go Kaysar.  You rock my world!

Well, I think Kaysar had every right to get up from the chair. Ivette crossed the line. What was he supposed to do, sit there and take her repeated verbal abuse? He got up, so what, she shut up, about time! Shoots, he should have gotten up sooner.

I never thought he was gonna hit her. If Eric can get away with jumping up from his chair and charging after a guy and say he wasn't gonna hit him, then I can stick to my guns with believing Kaysar wasn't gonna knock the beejeebus out of Ivette... :P

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Guest Morph

Unleash, First off he admitted in the confessional that he was about to hit her. I never said he confessed to doing it, i said he confessed to the fact that he was going to.

He was friends with Michael who clearly thought of women as play things and when they pushed him away he went in to kiss their necks again. I did not think this was acceptable behaviour either and I can see why Kayser and Michael are such good friends. Both think of women as objects.

Sara_Is_Hot, My brother would walk away before he intimidated a women in any way at all. He would never try to stare a woman down or crowd her out the way that Kayser did Ivette. Your mother obviously raised a real man. One that is not like Kayser in any way.

Prettygirl, be careful on the kind of guy yuo date as you obviously think it is ok for a man to physically intimidate a women. Kayser said in the confessional he wanted to his her. I guess it makes him feel big to intimidate women. He must be really lacking on other areas so he has to flex his muscles and stare down women.

Someone said that Ivette put down his race in saying the Muslim men hate women. She said that Kayser hated women not that Muslim men hated women.

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No one should get physical, but there are instances where women could think they can hit a man because the men won't retalliate.  I think in the case of Ivette - she knew that Kaysar wouldn't hit her.  She may have felt intimidated - but who wouldn't.  When two people are sitting and arguing and one gets up and gets close to you, it can mean that the verbal argument can get physical.   I like Kaysar and thinks he has more respect for women in the house than the other men, but when he got up from the chair, it could be taken as a threat.

Go Kaysar.  You rock my world!

Well, I think Kaysar had every right to get up from the chair. Ivette crossed the line. What was he supposed to do, sit there and take her repeated verbal abuse? He got up, so what, she shut up, about time! Shoots, he should have gotten up sooner.

I never thought he was gonna hit her. If Eric can get away with jumping up from his chair and charging after a guy and say he wasn't gonna hit him, then I can stick to my guns with believing Kaysar wasn't gonna knock the beejeebus out of Ivette... :P

LOL, I believe that Eric wasn't going to hit Michael. I think he was a scary ass. He was all bluff and show. lmao

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I did and have labelled him a woman beater.  I do believe he is a domineering woman beeting kind of man.  He stated in the confessional that he was about to hit her.  That to me says he is a violent person and is a woman beater or has potential to be.  I believe that Kayser is an abusive domineering man.  I can say it and will.

He would have hit her if there were not people around to stop him.  That was clear.

That's ridiculous. Some people, even non-violent men can be provoked by a woman into hitting them. If they curse their mothers, talk about their race, religion etc. Ivette's ignorant ass insulted an entire religion when she said that all muslim men hated women. Those are fighting words, man or woman. If he were going to hit her, he would have. He just stood up and looked at her like how dare you say such things.

Thats a crock as well. Nothing any woman can say will make me hit her. She coud insult me, my religion, my kids, or my mom and I would never hit a woman. Not a chance.

All kidding aside, the examples I gave were just examples. People are provoked all of the time. You're not a better person because you say you can't be provoked. You never know what situation you may end up in.

What if a woman was coming at you with a knife, trying to stab you, would you hit her then? What if a woman was trying to hurt your children, would you knock her out to get her off of them?

I'm not a man, but if someone said something ugly about my mother, man or woman, we are taking a trip to fist city.

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Prettygirl, be careful on the kind of guy yuo date as you obviously think it is ok for a man to physically intimidate a women.  Kayser said in the confessional he wanted to his her.  I guess it makes him feel big to intimidate women.  He must be really lacking on other areas so he has to flex his muscles and stare down women.

Someone said that Ivette put down his race in saying the Muslim men hate women.  She said that Kayser hated women not that Muslim men hated women.

Dude, I'm married. And my husband is not that stupid ok. But then again, neither am I. If I am gonna talk shyt to any man I better know how to back it or when to shut the heck up. I, my friend, will fight a man if I have to. Although I believe folks should keep their hands to themselves, I am not the turn the other cheek kinda girl. I don't look at things as "oh I'm a girl and you can't do that to me." If you play by those rules, you need to watch your back, because a large majority of the world is dog eat dog.

How did you come to the conclusion that I 'obviously' think it is ok for a man to physically intimidate a woman? You are wrong Miss Cleo, so stop trying to read my mind. He did not get physical with her, he got out of his chair. He didn't push her, he didn't slap her, he didn't grab her, he didn't lay a finger on her, so how did he physically intimidate her? She did not respect his boundaries with her verbal barrages and he responded, oh well...

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Guest sara-is-hot
I did and have labelled him a woman beater.  I do believe he is a domineering woman beeting kind of man.  He stated in the confessional that he was about to hit her.  That to me says he is a violent person and is a woman beater or has potential to be.  I believe that Kayser is an abusive domineering man.  I can say it and will.

He would have hit her if there were not people around to stop him.  That was clear.

That's ridiculous. Some people, even non-violent men can be provoked by a woman into hitting them. If they curse their mothers, talk about their race, religion etc. Ivette's ignorant ass insulted an entire religion when she said that all muslim men hated women. Those are fighting words, man or woman. If he were going to hit her, he would have. He just stood up and looked at her like how dare you say such things.

Thats a crock as well. Nothing any woman can say will make me hit her. She coud insult me, my religion, my kids, or my mom and I would never hit a woman. Not a chance.

All kidding aside, the examples I gave were just examples. People are provoked all of the time. You're not a better person because you say you can't be provoked. You never know what situation you may end up in.

What if a woman was coming at you with a knife, trying to stab you, would you hit her then? What if a woman was trying to hurt your children, would you knock her out to get her off of them?

I'm not a man, but if someone said something ugly about my mother, man or woman, we are taking a trip to fist city.

Self defense of violence clearly is not the same as hitting a woman because of something she said. You are now totally changing what you said originally.

Unless in an act of self defense any man that hits a woman is a total coward in my eyes.

I grew up fighting in golden gloves. I'm far from a pansy. I actually love to fight in the ring but I have never hit a woman and nothing a woman could say would make me hit her.

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No one should get physical, but there are instances where women could think they can hit a man because the men won't retalliate.  I think in the case of Ivette - she knew that Kaysar wouldn't hit her.  She may have felt intimidated - but who wouldn't.  When two people are sitting and arguing and one gets up and gets close to you, it can mean that the verbal argument can get physical.   I like Kaysar and thinks he has more respect for women in the house than the other men, but when he got up from the chair, it could be taken as a threat.

Go Kaysar.  You rock my world!

Well, I think Kaysar had every right to get up from the chair. Ivette crossed the line. What was he supposed to do, sit there and take her repeated verbal abuse? He got up, so what, she shut up, about time! Shoots, he should have gotten up sooner.

I never thought he was gonna hit her. If Eric can get away with jumping up from his chair and charging after a guy and say he wasn't gonna hit him, then I can stick to my guns with believing Kaysar wasn't gonna knock the beejeebus out of Ivette... :P

LOL, I believe that Eric wasn't going to hit Michael. I think he was a scary ass. He was all bluff and show. lmao

You're right. You know all that cutting and splicing of film made Eric look tough, but I don't think he would have chanced it.

Go Kaysar. You rock my world!

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Guest Adam Without His Apple

I didn't like it when he stood up infront of Ivette. I've been in situations where I've been provoked by a woman, it came to a point where I couldn't take it anymore, but it never crossed my mind to try and hurt her. I just walked away and took out my frustrations on my bedroom wall. I'm just not like that. The thing is, we all make mistakes and sometimes act before we think. I think it's unfair to label him as a woman beater because of that one incident.

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Guest unleash
Unleash, First off he admitted in the confessional that he was about to hit her.  I never said he confessed to doing it, i said he confessed to the fact that he was going to. 

He was friends with Michael who clearly thought of women as play things and when they pushed him away he went in to kiss their necks again.  I did not think this was acceptable behaviour either and I can see why Kayser and Michael are such good friends.  Both think of women as objects.

Someone said that Ivette put down his race in saying the Muslim men hate women.  She said that Kayser hated women not that Muslim men hated women.

Damn i must of missed that confessional in the diary room... what episode was this exactly? ....... because i don't wanna believe this based on your opinion, i wanna believe this based on facts......Also i think were judging the man due to one incidient where Howie attacks the woman with verbal words such as boobies this or boobies that lol.

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I too wanna see the DR where Kaysar said he was going to hit her... Saying I really wanted to hit her, but I would never do that and saying I was really going to hit her had Beau not stepped in are two different things... Personally though I never saw either one...

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I never saw this "confession" either. hummmm..

IMO when kaysar stood up face to face with ivette, it looked to me that he was wanting to say some really mean things to her and he was literally bitting his lip to keep himself in check. it did not look like he was going to hit her.

who knows what was going through his head.

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Guest sara-is-hot
I never saw this "confession" either. hummmm.. 

IMO when kaysar stood up face to face with ivette, it looked to me that he was wanting to say some really mean things to her and he was literally bitting his lip to keep himself in check. it did not look like he was going to hit her. 

who knows what was going through his head.

He didnt stand fac to face. He stood while she sat

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Guest Morph

It was the day it happened that he said that in the confessional, Diary Room. He never apologized to her either which is unacceptable in my opinion. You do not intimidate a woman that way, make fists with your hands as you stand over her like that. It was bad in my opinion and the man obviously has no control over his temper. Eric atleast made ammends, and his behaviour was just as juvenile.

Sorry on the error of standing face to face... he got in her space and was trying to intimidate and had lost control of his emotions. Unacceptable.

He needs anger management and him as a representative of Iraqie people I feel he is a poor representative as he has some serious control issues and some serious anger problems.

I do believe Janelle and Kayser will hook up. Janelle stated she is attracted to controlling men and Kayser definitely wants to control and when he does not have control he gets angry and looses control. Was also pretty Juvenile to break up with her boyfriend in the diary room. How lame and cold was that?

I will do a happy dance when the Abuser Kayser leaves the house. I feel his little clan is full of followers. They believe it is ok for them to target an individual as revenge for kayser's friend Michael leaving the house but when the other group does it for the same reasons they are being petty. It does not make sense. From reading posts on this board, people obviously believe everything they hear one group says as being true. Just because people say they are smart does not make them smart.

Michael and Kayser were best friends. Michael sexually harrassing women when they had pushed him away and told him to stop he continued... and Kayser physically abusive. A sexual abuser and a physical abuser. I can see why they are best friends. They approve of one anothers behaviour.

It also makes sense that Janelle would be attracted or drawn to the two of them. She stated that she has always fallen for controlling, abusive men.

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Guest the_gremlin
It was the day it happened that he said that in the confessional, Diary Room.  He never apologized to her either which is unacceptable in my opinion.  You do not intimidate a woman that way, make fists with your hands as you stand over her like that.  It was bad in my opinion and the man obviously has no control over his temper.  Eric atleast made ammends, and his behaviour was just as juvenile.

Made fists with his hands??? Good Lord, he just got out of his chair cause that Evilette bitch insulted him repeatedly! Seriously, you are overreacting. He was clearly mad when he got up, but I think he looked more like he was giving her an angry look, gonna yell something and storm out of the backyard.

It also makes sense that Janelle would be attracted or drawn to the two of them.  She stated that she has always fallen for controlling, abusive men.

Well, that is a low blow. That is just bitching and it's totally uncalled for.

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Guest Morph

Too bad you did not tape the episode so you could clearly see his actions again cause you obviously only saw what you wanted to see. The man is a woman beater in his beater shirts, flexing his muscles and intimidating women.

How is my statement a low blow? She stated clearly that that is the kind of person she is attracted to. I did not say it, Janelle said it herself. How is it a low blow when someone says they have only dated controlling men and has only been attracted to controlling men? Makes sense to me that she would be teaming up with Kayser since he is such a controlling abusive male.

She dealt herself the low blow.

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Guest Morph

really? Then perhaps it just does not seem like enough to me. Any man who would attempt to intimidate a woman then way he did ... an appology is just not enough and was insincere coming from him in my opinion. I did not hear any appology coming out of him and IF he did he was not sincere. The man is abusive and his ego needs to be taken down a lot of pegs as he is the kind of person who likes to loom over people and intimidate, especially women. I think Iyvette was right one when she said that he was a woman hater.

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Michael did not molest anyone in the house. He did raspberries on a couple of necks and kissed their hands. They told him to stop and he did. A couple of women decided to use that as a means of making Eric angry because they wanted to be in Eric's group and didn't want Michael in his group. Their tactics worked, but I feel they were underhanded. He was not a molester. If he had molested someone, CBS would have been bound by law to turn him over to the police. It just didn't happen.

Kaysar did not say that he was going to hit Ivette, or he was about to hit Ivette when people came and made him walk away from her. My memory of it was that he said that he wanted to hit her. I've wanted to hit a few people in my lifetime and I've given them dirty looks, but that doesn't make me a violent person or person beater. Kaysar had seen Michael treated unfairly all week, accused of a crime he didn't commit (and I think CBS should have taken them all into a room and told them point blank that he didn't molest anyone). He saw Eric charge at Michael for supposedly staring at him, and Ivette had been running her big mouth, making sweeping statements about his ethnic/religious group, and about him personally. I didn't like the fact that he stood up and gave her a dirty look, but I understood why he did it.

People who come on a discussion board and say that someone is a woman beater should be careful, or they could be sued for libel.

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Guest Morph

MICHAEL was kissing women on the neck when they had asked him not to, he continued to do it. It was unacceptable behaviour and women expressed their displeasure with his actions.

That is sexual harrassment.

Catniptoy, I do not know if you are male or female but if you are male and you tried to kiss a woman on the neck and she told you not to would you continue to kiss her on the neck and when she pushes you away you continue to try?

If you are a female would you be ok with a guy who keeps trying to kiss you on the neck, a guy you are not interested in and when you push him away and tell him to stop you would be ok with that?

As for me being liable that is poppycock. I see him as I see him. He is not a man I would ever trust or be with as his actions on this show has shown him in a light that is not becoming. He clearly has issues with women. I see him as I see him and he is what he is. He did say he wanted to hit her. His actions showed that he can not control his emotions and has anger problems.

If there were not people around and cameras you can be sure he would have reacted with violence. That man is a ticking time bomb and is not someone I would ever side with. Janelle is teamed with him cause she is attracted to controlling abusive men.

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