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whats happened?

Guest Lexia

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That is why God invented proxies. Also, dialup customers rarely have a static i.p. address. Furthermore, some DSL/Cable customers can simply turn off/back on there modem and have a different i.p. as well.

I did not think I should bring up a little thing called Proxy Roulette since Im currently using it to drive Erics total through the roof.

I dont want any ideas getting out to the KaysarLuvvers LOL! ;)

Its true that Dial-up users have dynamic IPs going on but then you have to sign in and out of your ISP between every vote and with Dial up that would sheer timewasting brutality ugh.

Its also true that DSL and Cable can are technically 'Dynamic IP's' too but in the last few years I notice they rarely change them.

I had the same one for 15 months once!

So anyway, I do remember this came up in a previous years AC Award (BB4) and it seems a webmaster was told by a reliable insider source (as much as the Net can be reliable) that they did indeed discount repeat voting.

Even further more - this 'insider' said that it discounted non-USA IPs as well.

(Also entirely possible).

Proxy Roulette .. hey wait, I gotta set that baby to roulette only US based Servers then.. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!


This FREAK is going to cause CRAPPY to come back!!!!!! We better find out how to do what he's doing and use it for KAYSER so we can vote a million times with different IP addresses, like he is for Eric

I don't have to sign out. I have voted twenty times so far (I had to go to bed, I have kids)

All I do is vote, click on the main BB page, click on their pics, vote again and repeat.

Don't let people discourage you. HEY there is a site called vote for the worst EVEN THEY are discouraged that they WON"T be able to get Eric back so even THEY know that Kaysar lovers will have their way.

QUOTED FROM www.votefortheworst.com

August 4, 2005

America gets to vote someone back into the house. I think we all know it's gonna be Kaysar, but still, VFTW encourages you to vote for Eric (also known as Crappy Cappy, Mini Me, one of the biggest losers ever on the show, a pathetic waste of flesh, a despicable human being, etc). So vote for Eric and watch the Janelle-Howie-Rachel-Sarah-James alliance all cry. (Yes, we know no one stands a chance to get back in besides Kaysar, and we know we can't really help this one. We're not delusional as much as some of you would like to believe). So vote for Eric, maybe we can get him second place so at least the houseguests will have a heart attack when it's down to Kaysar and Eric. ;-) And we can hear Ivette scream, "OH MY GOD. CAPPY MAY BE VOTED BACK INTO THE HOUSE! I WORSHIP HIM SO MUCH, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING?"

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What makes everyone so sure CBS won't be corrupt? How boring would it be to bring back Kaysar and strengthen the already most powerful alliance of the week. Eric will come back because his alliance is on their toes, and this will stir up the pot.

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Guest Kaysar?Marry Me!
i hope they let us see the percentages. here is my guess

Kaysar: 95%

Michael: 4%

Eric: 1%

it's gonna be a wipe out buddy.

LOL!! That's cute, your trying to be nice, but I predict

Kaysar: 99%

Michael: 1%

Eric: Who the hell cares%

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What makes everyone so sure CBS won't be corrupt? How boring would it be to bring back Kaysar and strengthen the already most powerful alliance of the week. Eric will come back because his alliance is on their toes, and this will stir up the pot.


Since Howie seems to want to cut their throats this week by getting rid of James and making it just Howie, Jannelle, and Rachel.........they are TOAST if CRAPPY comes back and the game will be BORING.

Howie, Rachel, and Jannelle will leave one after the other and then the sheep will throw themselves under the bus to let their CRAPPY win.

OH yes, that will be soooooo exciting......NOT!!!!!!!

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Guest Kaysar?Marry Me!

If Howie is smart, and it doesn't seem like it, he would get rid of Maggie that way if Eric comes back he doesn't have Maggie. He needs to focus on getting rid of couples. If he does successfully get rid of Maggie and Kaysar comes back then they can focus on getting rid of James. I think that would be smart. What does anyone else think?

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I personally can't stand Crappy, but I believe the American public is not much different than the sheep and there will be enough of those lemmings who are cheering for the "bad team" who will vote for Crappy to overwhelm the split vote that Kaysar and Michael will recieve. This seems like a done deal to me. Crappy will be back! This is probably what CBS wanted anyway.

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Guest somepeople

I want K back...but if it's Eric it's ok... it will be fun to watch him go crazy again when they vote him out ....again.

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Guest Lilly
If people do not watch live feeds or visit this board and only go by what BB airs weekly there may be many Eric sympathizers.

The others who know the whole story will vote for Kaysar!

I know the whole story. I still voted for Eric. I don't want Janelle to get either of her boys back. I want to see her play the game for herself. And Ivette and Cappy's bizarre connection is entertaining to watch, in a train wreck kind of way.

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Guest RealiTVLover

I don't get those few people who like Crappy. Either they are blind to how much of a hypocrite he and his sheep are, or they like hypocrites. Even Julie Chen in his exit interview as good as called him one!

P.S. Can people see my new avatar of Eric as Little Bo Peep or is it too small?

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I am voting for Michael. I want to see what he can do now that he has had a chance to see his mistakes and can then play a whole different game. He is not a stupid man by far.

I like Kaysar but want to see something different. It would just go back to the same game we have been seeing I think. He hasn't been out long enough for to change. IMO

Even if Eric comes back it will be interesting. He will stir things up as well.

I personally hope that if James gets POV then they go after one of the other group. I don't think Sarah will do much of anything. She does seem more of a weak link than anything

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I could definately see CBS rigging it I hope not though. I mean how could they explain away the Love UM or Leave Um Poll they have when Kaysar has a 87 percent approval rating and Eric has a 29 percent. I just dont see how he can get the votes with that big a differance.

The only way is a split vote and I just dont see the support for Mike on any of the boards the way it is for Kaysar.

Maybe I am a little biased being a Kaysar fan but that 58 approval rating difference just seems way to big to ignore.

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