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Guest Pecker

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would love to hear:

wake the hg's up tommorrow morning bright and early with overhead loudspeakers BOOMING in last year's houseguest Will's parting comment:


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Couldn't believe the 'bull' he was feeding Julie that it LOOKED like Michael was 'acting like he might' break his trust .... and that meant the same thing to him.

duh ......

So - that was Eric's excuse for breaking the allience made in the beginning and putting up Mike.

Another X on my scorepad for Cappy.... hmmm.... think I need to start a new page.

(if this is on another thread... sorry..... Mod please remove)

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Guest princessmean1

Crappy is just making himself look good, I'm so over him! I hope he goes next week ~ right down the crappy crapper!

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Guest Katarina

I'm so tired of him. I just wish he could be gone. I can't bare another week with him in the house kissing up to Kaysar.

Hmmmm.....let's see.....will he be telling everyone what they can eat??? I hope he loses the food comp and has to be on pb&j....hahaha! Ass!

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Guest metaldale

He was squirming with that question, he gave a lame answer, he might have broken my trust.

HAHA What a joke reason, he was getting really red, I think he was afraid there would be a follow up to it.

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He was squirming with that question, he gave a lame answer, he might have broken my trust.

HAHA What a joke reason, he was getting really red, I think he was afraid there would be a follow up to it.

The only thing metaldale.... is.... that Eric probably walked out of the room thinking... " geeeeezzzz, did I pull off that 'snow job', or WHAT ? "

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Even Julie could tell he was feeding her utter BS. Eric's real problem was that Mike has a better body than he does. He was jealous from the get go, as well felt threatened by the fact that others took notice of what Mike was saying. He couldn't handle the real competition, thus took shots at his character and got him out in a very sneaky, WEAK, way.

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Was it just me or did it seem that Julie was short with Eric? Don't get me wrong! I was glad she was questioning Eric the way she was. Too bad she didn't tell him that there are petitions out on the web to have him thrown off the show I would have loved to have seen his little bald head pop right off his shoulders! I think he'll be in for the shock of his life when he gets booted and sees what everyone thinks about him!

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Yes I think we can all agree Mike made a joke about Eric's grandparents... But I think we can all agree too that ERIC never heard him say anything about anyone in is family...

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Guest jimmydot

yes mike did say something about the grandparents... but tonight when talking to julie all he had to say was that he heard that m had said something about his parents......

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Guest Ms Alucard

Eric's a self-serving, self-important, media whore. ANY firefighter that anoints himself a "hero" is a danger to his fellow firefighters and those he's sworn to help, serve and protect. I've can't think of the last time I was less impressed with a public servant in the media, barring the shenanigans in DC of course....

He's already mis-used his self-appointed status as a "hero" to usurp power and try to control the game.

So true! I swear the story he told about asking his friend to look after his family sounded word for word, almost from a country song I heard recently. :roll:

But low of Michael to even think of what he was discussing- thankfully he knew better than to use it publically, other than to Janelle. It sounds like he was thinking of ways to get under Eric's skin and just went a little too far.

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Guest Shockalot

I know I saw the incident where Michael was snickering away to Janelle about how he almost asked Eric 'How did your Grandparents Die again?'.

Now to me - by telling her what he didnt say IS saying the comment.

He agreed it was supercruel but also agreed it was TOO cruel.

CBS portrayed this as the incident which Rachel overheard and then passed on to Eric.

It seems that Rachel didnt really hear it entirely and looks like a sort of muddled version got through.

She was right though - He was talking about Erics family in a cruel way.

Can I just say something here regarding this 'holocaust' implication - In all fairness Im not aware this is what Mike was refering to?

Im guessing they did die tragically? Fire? (Eric being a Fireman) or in concentration camps?

No matter what that is slimeball stuff.

Whether they died in Hitlers concentration camps because they were Jews or if they were Christian Gentiles who died trying to rescue Jews from Hitler or were Britons (of any religion) who were killed by Hitlers bombings of London.

Even if they were Germans who were killed fighting for a madman (keep in mind 99% of the German soldiers were simple everyday people finding themselves killed for his madman and his insane 1%).

Guys.. that is just sick to make a cruel joke about someones grandparents suffering a fate like that.

That was not the only sick, childishly cruel thing Mike said either. The guy was constantly making petty little dirty comments.

That one was low of the low.

In any other place on earth Eric should have punched him right in the face and I would applaud.

BB Arena is the one and only place where it defeats the purpose of the game to react like that.

Heck.. punch him in the face at the wrap party - good!

But do it in the game and you should be disqualified right on the spot.

Thats my rant and Im sticking to it heh!

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Guest ceelion

So who was the only HG that voted to keep Michael in if the Vote was 9 to 1 to evict him ? Did Kaysar vote to evict his own partner ?

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Guest BigSister

Did anyone else think it was unfair that Crappy was alowed to say his piece about Michael and Michael was (obviously) restrained by BB on what he could say?

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Guest metaldale

Yeah I agree but I think Crappy made himself look like a lying hypocrite who broke the alliance he started. I thought he really fumbled that whole little explaination.

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Guest CHRIS1227

Eric was obviously lying from the beginning with the "all guy alliance" because his main goal is to bring Maggie into the final 2.

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